Kudos to the Irish for standing up for their sovereignty!
Kudos to the Irish for rejecting the treaty of Lisbon
by jstalin 18 Replies latest social current
I had my first voting experience yesterday for this. It was pretty funny. It was at the small local school which is being re-built. Because it was torn down I didn’t know where exactly to go. I saw two old guys who I’d never seen before. I asked one where the voting was happening, and he told me where it was. Then he said, while pointing at the other fella, “You need to talk to that guy”. I asked “what do you mean”? And he said “You’re one of those Jehovah Witness aren't you. That guys makin a real mess of his life. You should give him some advice.”. He was just playing around with the other guy (trying to sick an annoying witness on him). I assured him that I’m not a JW anymore. It’s funny how everyone seems to know who we are, even though we don’t have a clue who they are (no, I never did much knocking on doors). It’ll be interesting if word of this "voting JW" situation ever gets back to me thru the elders.
As for the treaty - I think it was rejected because it was very sneaky the way it was written. It didn't do much straight away. But it opened the door for the european courts to just seize more power for the central government whenever they felt it was appropriate. This is what I didn't like.
Before the vote the goverment (pushing a YES vote) was fear mongering saying that if Ireland voted NO it would "Throw europe into chaos" and perhaps "Ireland will be kicked out of the EU".
Is the sky falling?
I presume you are against the EU?
Not against the EU, just against multinational organizations subverting national sovereignty with unaccountable bureaucracy.
Not against the EU, just against multinational organizations subverting national sovereignty with unaccountable bureaucracy.
From what I understand, the EU thing is not popular with a lot of people over there, and that it has been rammed down everyone's throats in a rather undemocratic manner.
Not against the EU as it is. A weak but cooperative union is a good thing. The union has been great for the new currency and opening markets. If it sticks to economic issues, that's great.
But giving up democratic control of our country to be ruled over by some unelected Germans who want to build a European army and make laws over every aspect of our lives just doesn't seem right.
Even more kudos to the Irish government for allowing their people a vote on this. Ireland is the only country in Europe to put it to the people. The British government should hang their heads in shame that they went back on their word of allowing the country a vote. At least now they have been embarassed by the fact that it is now going to fail because the Irish are not on board.
But wait and see, Europe will come up with another treaty that has just one or two slight variations and mark my words no country will put it to their electorate.
I had my first voting experience yesterday for this. It was pretty funny. It was at the small local school which is being re-built. Because it was torn down I didn’t know where exactly to go. I saw two old guys who I’d never seen before. I asked one where the voting was happening, and he told me where it was. Then he said, while pointing at the other fella, “You need to talk to that guy”. I asked “what do you mean”? And he said “You’re one of those Jehovah Witness aren't you. That guys makin a real mess of his life. You should give him some advice.”. He was just playing around with the other guy (trying to sick an annoying witness on him). I assured him that I’m not a JW anymore. It’s funny how everyone seems to know who we are, even though we don’t have a clue who they are (no, I never did much knocking on doors). It’ll be interesting if word of this "voting JW" situation ever gets back to me thru the elders.
Come now, you must know that when a person sneezes in Cobh, they count the germs in Belfast. ;)
digderidoo - Our Prime Minister HATED that fact that he had to put this to a referrendum. The only reason it happened here is because our consittution REQUIRES it. Unless they change the consitution - Ireland's citizens will always get to vote on these treaties. It is shamefull that the other 26 countries didn't let the people decide on the nature of their new government. UK was the worst since your PM promised that it would be put to the people, then he went back on his promise. The people should string him up over that one.
Hillary - So true. I don't know how they do it though. I can't keep track of the neighbors on my street let alone the whole townland.