As I was taught at the Kingdom Hall while growing up, If you can't say something bad about someone, don't say anything at all.
State truthful facts about Xians that make them look bad, weird, foolish
by nvrgnbk 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Another attack thread.
Xtians are not welcome here.
Aw, don't get all huffy. Of course Christians are welcome here. Everyone's welcome here. You just don't have the bubble of immunity from criticism that you might be used to. You may have always thought that your irrational beliefs about the nature of the universe had a special status, that unlike other beliefs they should be considered privileged and beyond critical examination, but, here at least, that's not true. Your beliefs in absurdities such as a "god" and "heaven" and an immortal "soul" have to compete in the marketplace of ideas just like any other beliefs. You can choose to ignore the criticism, you can attempt to rationally defend your beliefs or you can sulk about it.
What's it to be?
So by your reasoning, Burn , the lurking JW that stumbles on one of the "Why do you think Witnesses are so stupid?" threads should feel ridiculed
They likely would. I would have turned tail and run when I was fully part of the Org and had seen this. I was helped out mostly by a Yahoo group "Evangelicals and JWs" where that kind thing does not exist.
and conclude that all ex-JW's are ravenous and devoted to 'beating their former brothers and sisters' as they've been led to believe?
It would be an incorrect conclusion, but I can see how someone who is fully immersed in the Org would come to that conclusion.
So by your reasoning, Burn , the lurking JW that stumbles on one of the "Why do you think Witnesses are so stupid?" threads should feel ridiculed
They likely would. I would have turned tail and run when I was fully part of the Org and had seen this. I was helped out mostly by a Yahoo group "Evangelicals and JWs" where that kind thing does not exist.
and conclude that all ex-JW's are ravenous and devoted to 'beating their former brothers and sisters' as they've been led to believe?
It would be an incorrect conclusion, but I can see how someone who is fully immersed in the Org would come to that conclusion.
Thanks for understanding, Burn.
I love you, my human brother.
Dont JWs "beat their former brothers and sisters"? um yeah...they do.
And yet again Burns proves a point I made previously... this is why I do no like many Christians, they speak with a double tongue. Burns writes...
"My beliefs are at the core of who I am. Your thread does not invite a reasonable discussion, but ridicule instead. Even the newbie gets it."
I've tried on several occasions to get Christians, Burns in particular to see that rational discussions about evolution cannot include the quoting of scriptures or the introduction of a god figure into the conversation.... the reason? You can't prove there is a God so making dogmatic statements concerning his existence (saying what God wants for instance) makes the person doing so look foolish.
Burns hem hawed, jumped around and dilly dallied about throwing lines about the Christos into a rational conversation, tried to act like that wasn't what he meant... now we get the above quote... The real answer .
What makes Christian look bad? They defend this foolish belief to the core, even when their cornered they won't come clean... So, why do many of attack Christianity? I can talk to any rational person about anything, but once I've proven a point beyond all shadow of a doubt, and then the person I'm talking to won't concede and then makes up falsehoods to defend their position, That reminds me of JW land. Then they make it worse by always, and I freaking mean always, attacking character. -
I've tried on several occasions to get Christians, Burns in particular to see that rational discussions about evolution cannot include the quoting of scriptures or the introduction of a god figure into the conversation.... the reason? You can't prove there is a God so making dogmatic statements concerning his existence (saying what God wants for instance) makes the person doing so look foolish.
And again, you don't get it with regard to my views on evolution. So you even know what I think?
And yes, I remember your "trying". You did a great job in trying to provoke by dogmatically calling everyone that disagrees with you an idiot!
Here are my two favorites, no three. One makes me very, very sad. The other two are just foolish. You decide.
1. I used to enter donations in to the congregation accounts. Once we received a rubber cheque "in faith" that God would fill up the bank account before it was cashed.
2. I had great sympathy for a sweet old lady bent nearly 90 degrees at the waist, who regularly went up for prayer for healing. Until she confessed to me one day that there is a surgical cure. But she was afraid of surgery. So she was holding out, in faith, that God would straighten her out.
3. A "helpful" mother told me I was sending my children to a satanic High School because their basketball team was called the "Blue Devils".
I guess people of all stripes can do stupid things. I like to think that I'm a decent Christian, most of the time.
Here is a testimonial from an ex-Xian.
Lots of Christians love testimonials.
To be a Christian,
- Don't ask questions that might jeopardize your faith.
- Do not accept logical answers.
- God is the only truth; anyone else is automatically a liar even before opening their mouths.
- Believe without question.
- Anything that deviates from your beliefs is an automatic lie.
- And finally, if someone asks you to prove your faith, do not ever give them a straight answer.
I attended a college "Christian" club. They had a guest speaker. He was talking about how evolution and these other religions were lies and that only Jesus was the truth. I dared to question where he got his facts. I engaged this person with many questions. I was asked to leave and to never return because I was "rude." I thought at college was where you were supposed to scrutinize what you learn?
I was also told that God will never love me unless I believed as they believe.