Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-15-08 WT Study (REMEMBER)

by blondie 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-15-08 WT Study (April 15, 2008, pages 12-16)(YOUNG PEOPLE)Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

    YOUNG PEOPLE, REMEMBER YOUR GRAND CREATOR NOW "Remember; now, 'your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood." -Eccl. 12:1.


    True definitions of words used by the WTS:

    Christian/Christians: only jws

    Jehovah's servants: only jws

    God's people: only jws

    God-fearing older ones: only jws

    Christian youths: only jws

    people in general were godless: all non-jws

    young brothers and sisters: only jws

    young men and Christ's service: only jws


    Q 1. How does Jehovah express his confidence in his young worshippers?

    JEHOVAH views Christian youths as precious and as refreshing as dewdrops. Indeed, he foretold that on the day of his Son's "military force," young men and women would "offer themselves willingly" in Christ's service. (Ps. 110:3) That prophecy was to be fulfilled at a time when people in general were godless, obsessed with self and money, and disobedient. Yet, Jehovah knew that young people who worshipped him would be different. What confidence he has in you young brothers and sisters!

    willingly? Actually with the WTS dictating what they wear, what education they can have, what music they listen to, what movies and tv shows they

    watch....jw "young people" don't have free will or a choice.

    people in general were godless, obsessed with self and money, and disobedient--were not jws

    You can see how jws are programmed to believe that the vast majority of non-jws are hopeless causes for conversion.

    Q 2. Remembering Jehovah involves what?

    2. Imagine the joy that God must feel when he sees young ones remembering him as their Grand Creator. (Eccl. 12:1) Naturally, remembering Jehovah involves more than merely calling him to mind. It means taking action-doing what pleases him, letting his laws and principles guide us in daily life. It also means trusting in Jehovah, knowing that he has our very best interests at heart. (Ps. 37:3; Isa. 48:17, 18) Is that how you feel about your Grand Creator?

    involves more than merely calling him to mind--and more than merely saying "Jehovah"

    *** w06 10/15 p. 6 Taking in Knowledge of God—How? ***

    In reality, knowing and using the name Jehovah is an earmark of true religion.

    "Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart"

    Q 3, 4. How did Jesus demonstrate trust in Jehovah, and why is it important to trust in Jehovah today?

    3. The finest example of one who trusted in God was, of course, Jesus Christ. He lived by the words of Proverbs 3:5, 6: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight." Shortly after his baptism, Jesus was approached by Satan, who tried to tempt him to accept worldly power and glory. (Luke 4:3-13) Jesus was not misled. He knew that true "riches and glory and life" are "the result of humility and the fear of Jehovah." -Prov. 22:4.

    NT example--with a hook, saying that young jws are faced with temptation from Satan to accept worldly power and glory = university/college education.

    4. Today's world is ruled by greed and selfishness. In such an environment, we are wise to follow Jesus' example. Keep in mind, too, that Satan will do anything to lure Jehovah's servants off the cramped road leading to life. He wants to see everyone travel on the broad road that leads off to destruction. Do not be deceived by him! Instead, be resolved to remember your Grand Creator. Trust in him completely, and get a firm hold on "the real life," which is both sure and near.-1 Tim. 6:19.

    Demonizing nonjws again by saying "world is ruled by greed and selfishness."

    Trust in God by not in the WTS doctrines and policies which have flipflopped many times.

    Superior authorities
    Scream when raped
    Organ transplants
    Sodom and Gomorrah resurrected

    Young Ones, Be Wise!

    Q 5. How do you feel about the future of this world?

    5. Young people who remember their Grand Creator are wise beyond their years. (Read Psalm 119:99, 100.) Because they adopt God's viewpoint, they are fully aware of how dim this world's prospects really are. Even in your relatively short lifetime, you young ones have no doubt seen fear and anxiety increase. If you are still in school, you have likely heard about pollution, global warming, deforestation, and similar problems. People are deeply concerned about these trends, but only Jehovah's Witnesses fully understand that they are part of the sign that points to the end of Satan's world. -Rev. 11:18.

    Adopt God's viewpoint = WTS viewpoint

    How dim this world's prospects are = do you think that teenagers in 1969 are 'growing old in this system'?

    *** Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15 *** If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold:'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.

    only Jehovah's Witnesses fully understand that they are part of the sign = like they fully understand that the end was coming in 1914, 1915, 1920,

    1925, 1940's, 1975, (1984), (1994) then cancelled the generation of 1914 doctine.

    Q 6. How have some young ones been deceived?

    6. Sadly, some young servants of God have let their guard down and have allowed themselves to lose sight of how short a time this world has. (2 Pet. 3:3, 4) Others have been lured into gross sin through bad associates and pornography. (Prov. 13:20) How sad it would be to lose God's Favor now that we are so close to the end! Instead, learn from what happened to the Israelites in 1473 B.C.E. when they were camped on the Plains of Moab, at the very threshold of the Promised Land. What took place there?

    Have only young jws lost sight? What about older jws that have been waiting since 1975 (33 years), or 1940's (68 years), or 1925 (83 years, are they even still alive?)?

    Was it the Israelites or was it the Israelite men who failed?

    They Fell Near the Finish Line

    Q 7, 8. (a) What strategy did Satan use on the Plains of Moab? (b) What strategy is Satan using today?

    7. Back then, Satan clearly wanted to prevent the Israelites from gaining their promised inheritance. After failing to have them cursed by the prophet Balaam, Satan used a more subtle strategy; he tried to disqualify them from being blessed by Jehovah. The seductive women of Moab were used to entice them, and this time the Devil had a measure of success. The people started to have immoral relations with the daughters of Moab and to bow down to the Baal of Peor! Although their precious inheritance, the Promised Land, was very close, some 24,000 Israelites lost their lives. What a tragedy that was!-Num. 25:1-3, 9.

    The people = wasn't it only men who had immoral relations? Why condemn the women? 24,000 Israelites = 24,000 Israelite men. So why did

    they die but years later King David was allowed to live although he committed adultery and murder?

    8. Today, we are rapidly nearing a much better promised land-the new system of things. True to form, Satan is again using sexual immorality to corrupt God's people. Moral standards in the world have fallen so low that fornication is considered normal and homosexuality is viewed simply as a matter of personal choice. Said one Christian sister, "It is only at home and at the Kingdom Hall that my children learn that homosexuality and sex outside of marriage are bad in God's eyes."

    rapidly nearing--1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975............92 to 33 years, how rapid is that?

    Why is pedophilia not mentioned....isn't that sexual immorality on the part of the pedophile?

    So only jws teach that homosexuality and sex outside marriage is bad in God's eyes? I don't think this woman has been watching the news.

    Q 9. What might occur during "the bloom of youth," and how can young ones deal with this?

    9. Young people who remember their Grand Creator know that sexual intimacy is a sacred gift that has to do with life and procreation. Hence, they recognize that sexual relations should be enjoyed in the way that God directed-within the marriage arrangement. (Heb. 13:4) However, during "the bloom of youth" -the period when sexual feelings become strong and can distort one's judgment-it can be a struggle to remain chaste. (1 Cor. 7:36) What can you do when improper thoughts enter your mind? Pray earnestly to Jehovah for help to focus on wholesome things. Jehovah always listens to those who sincerely turn to him. (Read Luke 11:9-13.) Upbuilding conversation can also heIp to refocus the mind.

    Is the WTS implying that sex can only be engaged in if children are the intended result?

    Was Judah married to Tamar? Was David married to Bathsheba?

    Is the WTS suggesting that the vast majority of jws disfellowshipped for sexual immorality are young? Actually, the vast majority of jws are df'd for adultery. Why doesn't marriage keep these older jws safe from adultery?

    Choose Your Goals Wisely!

    Q 10. What negative state of mind do we want to avoid, and what questions can we ask ourselves?

    10. One reason that many young people in the world are unrestrained and live for fleshly pleasures is that they have no "vision" -no divine guidance or sure hope for the future. (Prov. 29:18) They are like the godless Israelites of Isaiah's day who lived for "exultation and rejoicing, ... the eating of flesh and the drinking of wine." (Isa. 22:13) Instead of envying such people, why not reflect on the precious hope that Jehovah has set before his loyal ones? If you are a young servant of God, do you eagerly look forward to the new world? Do you make every effort to "live with soundness of mind ... while [you] wait for the happy hope" that Jehovah has placed before you"! (Titus 2:12,13) Your answer will influence the goals and priorities that you set for yourself.

    demonizing non-jws again--many...unrestrained and live for fleshly pleasures

    CARROT--precious hope (everlasting life on a paradise earth) world

    Q 11. Why should young Christians who are still in school work hard?

    11. The world wants young people to focus their energies on secular goals. Naturally, those of you who are still in school should work hard to get a good basic education. After all, your aim is not simply to find suitable employment but also to be an asset to the congregation and a productive Kingdom proclaimer. To that end, you need to be able to communicate well, to think logically, and to reason calmly and respectfully with others. Still, young ones who study the Bible and strive to apply its principles in their lives get the best education available and lay a fine foundation for a successful and everlasting future.-Read Psalm 1:1-3. *

    * In regard to higher education and employment, see The Watchtower, October 1, 2005, pages 26-31.

    Is the WTS saying that there are no younger people among Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists that have spiritual goals? Don't jws watch the news?

    Can a jw be an asset to the congregation if they are unemployed? Who is going to support them, mommy and daddy, the government, certainly not the WTS?

    Q 12. What example would Christian families do well to imitate?

    12. In Israel, the education of children by their parents was a high priority. That education covered virtually every facet of life, especially spiritual matters. (Deu!. 6:6, 7) Hence, young Israelites who listened to their parents and other God-fearing older ones gained not only knowledge but also wisdom, insight, understanding, and thinking ability-rare traits that divine education can provide. (Prov.1:2-4; 2:1-5,11-15) Christian families today should pay similar attention to education.

    OT example--Israel

    Demonizing non-jws by saying that they can't possibly have 'wisdom, insight, understanding, and thinking ability'

    How many jw parents have family studies? In a survey of the bible study slips, a PO found that out of 20 possible family studies, only 4 were "reported" trying to imply that more were be conducted but not reported. I knew of 3 families that reported 4 hours but never had a study with their children. Daddy had to be sure to make the national average, and these 4 hours meant he had 4 hours less to put in door to door.

    Listen to Those Who Love You

    Q 13. What kind of advice do some young people receive, and why should they be cautious?

    13. Young ones receive advice from all kinds of people-including school guidance counselors, who usually think purely in terms of success in the secular world. Please weigh all such advice prayerfully in the light of God's Word and the spiritual food provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. From your study of the Bible, you know that the young and inexperienced are a prime target of Satan. For example, in the Garden of Eden, inexperienced Eve listened to Satan, a stranger who had shown not a hint of love for her. How different the outcome would have been had she listened to Jehovah, the one who had proved his love for her in many ways! -Gen. 3:1·6.

    OT example--Eve

    Demonizing guidance counselors is not a new tactic.

    Watchtower 1969 March 15 p.171 What Influences Decisions in Your Life?

    The influence and spirit of this world is to get ahead, to make a name for oneself. Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them "brainwash" you with the Devil's propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any "future" this world offers is no future! Wisely, then, let God's Word influence you in selecting a course that will result in your protection and blessing. Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal. This is a life that offers an everlasting future!

    Can the bible be understood without the help of the FDS?

    *** w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible—A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave

    Q 14. Why should we listen both to Jehovah and to believing parents?

    14. Your Grand Creator loves you too, and he does so in a way that is absolutely pure. He wants you to be happy forever, not just now! Hence, with the tenderness of a caring parent, he says to you and to all who worship him: "This is the way. Walk in it." (Isa. 30:21) If you have believing parents who truly love Jehovah, you have an additional blessing. Respectfully listen to their counsel when setting priorities and goals. (Prov. 1:8, 9) After all, they want you to gain life, something far more valuable than wealth or prestige in this world.-Matt. 16:26.

    Nonbelieving parents must not be a blessing; I wonder what fathers or mothers are are not jws would say if they knew they were being labeled unbelievers?

    Non-jw parents don't want their children to live?

    Q 15, 16. (a) What confidence can we have in Jehovah? (b) What important lesson do we learn from the experience of Baruch?

    15. Those who remember their Grand Creator keep their life simple, confident that Jehovah will "by no means" leave them "nor by any means" forsake them. (Read Hebrews 13:5.) Because this wholesome attitude runs contrary to the thinking of the world, we must be careful not to let the world's spirit influence us. (Eph. 2:2) In this regard, consider the example of Jeremiah's secretary, Baruch, who lived during Jerusalem's difficult last days leading up to the city's destruction in 607 B.C..E.

    Life simple--so are jws in the US, Canada, UK, Australia and Europe living frugal lives, no cars, no TVs, only 2 sets of clothes, walking to the KH or using bicycles, etc. How "simple" do they live?

    Demonizing non-jws--this wholesome attitude runs contrary to the thinking of the world

    OT example--Baruch

    16. It may be that Baruch wanted to make a better life for himself materially. Jehovah noted this and kindly warned Baruch not to keep seeking "great things" for himself. Baruch proved to be humble and wise, for he listened to Jehovah and survived the destruction of Jerusalem. (Jer. 45:2-5) On the other hand, Baruch's contemporaries who did acquire "great things" materially, putting Jehovah in the background, soon lost all at the hands of the Chaldeans (Babylonians). Many also lost their lives. (2 Chron. 36:15-18) Baruch's experience helps us to see that a good relationship with God is much more important than wealth and prominence in this world.

    "may be" means "the Bible doesn't say but we will add to it"

    How did God warn Baruch...did he talk directly to him....use holy spirit to talk to him????

    Does this imply that jws don't lose their possessions or lives in "this world"?

    Look to the Best Examples

    Q 17. Why are Jesus, Paul, and Timothy fine role models for Jehovah's servants today?

    17 To help us along the path to life, God's Word provides us with many fine role models. Jesus, for example, was the most gifted human who ever lived, yet he focused on that which would help people forever-"the good news of the kingdom." (Luke 4:43) In order to give Jehovah his best, the apostle Paul abandoned a promising career and used his time and energy to preach the good news. Timothy, "a genuine child in the faith," imitated Paul's fine example. (1 Tim. 1:2) Did Jesus, Paul, and Timothy regret their course in life? By no means! In fact, Paul said that he regarded what the world has to offer as "a lot of refuse" compared with the privilege of serving God.-Phil. 3: 8-11.

    Finally, NT examples.

    Timothy--a recent drama depicted Timothy as rejecting secular education his non-Christian Greek father wanted him to pursue. Look though you may, you will not find that in the Bible.

    So how many jws have minimal education, jobs, and possessions and are regular pioneering, moved to countries with few jws, etc.? Not many in comparison to the majority.

    Q 18. What big changes did one young brother make, and why does he have no regrets?

    18. "Many Christian youths today imitate the faith of Jesus, Paul, and Timothy. For example, one young brother who used to have a well-paying job wrote: "Because I live by Bible principles, I soon received promotions. Despite the financial benefits, I felt that I was striving after wind. When I approached the company's executive committee and expressed my desire to pursue the full-time ministry, they hastily offered me generous financial options, hoping I would stay. But my mind was made up. Many people could not understand why I left a lucrative career to pursue the full-time service. My answer is that I truly want to live up to my dedication to God. Because my life is now centered on spiritual things, I have a measure of happiness and contentment that no amount of money or prestige could give me."

    I knew several elders that did not imitate this example. One is a millionaire, 2 have jobs that make their miss meetings on a weekly basis, one buys a new car every year for cash and has purchased new cars for each of his 4 children. Why does making a decent living translate to wanting prestige. Yes, choose a minimal job and you can have all the prestige you want as an elder at the KH.

    Q 19. What wise choice are young ones encouraged to make!

    19. Worldwide, thousands of young people have made similar wise choices. So, young ones, when pondering your future, keep Jehovah's day close in mind. (2 Pet. 3:11, 12) Do not become envious of those who are making the most of this world. Rather, listen to those who truly love you. Storing up "treasures in heaven" is the most secure investment you can make and the only one with everlasting benefits. (Matt. 6:19, 20; Read 1 John 2:15-17.) Yes, remember your Grand Creator. As you do, Jehovah will bless you.

    Where are this young jws years later when the promised end doesn't come "soon" as promised.

    CARROT--everlasting benefits.

    Can You Recall?

    How do we demonstrate trust in God?

    What is the very best education?

    What lessons can we learn from Baruch?

    Who serve as fine role models, and why?


    This focus on young jws is not new. This was being touted when I was a teenager in the 1960's. I didn't go to college because of family obligations but I did get additional education. My contemporaries at the KH are struggling financially today, the end did not come in 1975, or 1985 or 1995 or 2005. We are in our fifties now facing our retirement years. If you are out now, do not think it is too late to get a better education.

    Love, Blondie

  • yknot

    Excellent as always Blondie!

    Interestingly almost all the mothers at my former KH will not be bringing their kids to the KH to hear this "kid directed" study due to the sexual aspect of the article.

    Unfortunately there will be thousands of pedophiles sitting the KHs enjoying this article in the most disgusting way!

    The education thing is really starting to give me conniption fits! I mean really! When I emailled a a friend in PA and asked about the CO conference call he said.....what call? I asked again today and found out that their BOE was excluded from the call. Why? Because their KH has some of the wealthiest members in PA. Yes all their children not only go to College but attend prep school before college. So now I put in some calls out to the west coast to see what they are far no response but I am willing to bet the same or it will be said the CO tilted his head and winked"a good basic education"

    So why doesn't the WTS spend it's money on building schools for JW children? Isn't Satan controlling many public school? Hasn't the author of this article seen the many cries about the 'dumbing down' within the public school system?

    PreG , Gileadgarden, Gileamentary,

    Middle/Jr. Gilead (known as Milead/Jilead),


    Then of course they could apply for Post Gilead training in the actual Gilead, MTS or Bethel programs....their whole education can be directed theocratically.......forget field trips it will be field service everyday from 10 -12pm !!!!

    Thanks Blondie!

  • boyzone

    This subtle, and not so subtle slamming of higher ed is so depressing to read. I think of one young brother who is 16, just finished his GCSE's at high school and is ready to choose a career path. He got baptized at the last assembly, he is an only child with a superfine witness mum and a PO windowcleaning dad.

    It makes me so sad to think that he'll be at the hall tomorrow listening to this WT and knowing that his choices have just narrowed to virtually pioneering and windowcleaning like daddy wants him to. But with parents like his, his choices were always going to be limited.

    So sad, such a waste.

  • nameless_one

    Thank you for this, even though I can practically feel my blood boiling LOL.

    I particularly love this gem, from freakin 1969! "Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them "brainwash" you with the Devil's propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any "future" this world offers is no future!"

    And here we are now, 40 years later, SSDD - same s**t different decade. Oh the irony of the WTS warning against brainwashing and wasted futures. It's sickening that this is being shoved onto yet another generation of young people with new vigor, but hopefully it won't fly like it has in the past. Knowledge is power, and is much more easily accessible now than then.

    I am also a bit surprised that the 607 date is still being spelled out so blatantly in print? ("...Jerusalem's difficult last days leading up to the city's destruction in 607 B.C.E.") I'd just assumed they'd be gradually downplaying such concrete statements.

    Thanks for doing this; it's sometimes hard to read and stomach, but your work and insight is so valuable and greatly appreciated.

  • OnTheWayOut


    Para. 2: Naturally, remembering Jehovah .....means taking action-doing what pleases him,
    letting his laws and principles guide us in daily life. It also means trusting in Jehovah, knowing
    that he has our very best interests at heart.

    Remembering Jehovah means letting US tell you what His laws actually are. Letting
    US tell you how to trust in Him, assuming WE have your best interests at heart-
    you know; we encourage your baptism at an early age before you examine our religion
    from an outsider's perspective, we encourage no college for you because it is a waste
    of time and energy that could be spent in field circus. There are plenty of proofs that
    Jehovah's organization has your best interests at heart.

    3. .....Satan, who tried to tempt him to accept worldly power and glory. (Luke 4:3-13) Jesus was not misled. He knew that true "riches and glory and life" are "the result of humility and the fear of Jehovah." -Prov. 22:4.

    NT example--with a hook, saying that young jws are faced with temptation from Satan to accept worldly power and glory = university/college education.

    4. ....Satan will do anything to lure Jehovah's servants off the cramped road leading to life. He wants to see everyone travel on the broad road that leads off to destruction. Do not be deceived by him! Instead, be resolved to remember your Grand Creator. Trust in him completely, and get a firm hold on "the real life," which is both sure and near.-1 Tim. 6:19.

    Those two paragraphs are totally disgusting. Just substitute "US" for "Jehovah" (or "him").
    Can they lay the guilt trip on any smoother?

    5. Young people who remember their Grand Creator are wise beyond their years. (Read Psalm 119:99, 100.) Because they adopt God's viewpoint, they are fully aware of how dim this world's prospects really are.

    "Wise beyond their years" so they can get out of high school and right to the field.
    There's no hope in anything out there. Why even try to do more than work at
    Jiffy Lube? (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

    Nice use of the 1969 Awake artice, Blondie.

    11. .....Naturally, those of you who are still in school should work hard to get a good basic education. After all, your aim is not simply to find suitable employment but also to be an asset to the congregation and a productive Kingdom proclaimer. To that end, you need to be able to communicate well, to think logically, and to reason calmly and respectfully with others. Still, young ones who study the Bible and strive to apply its principles in their lives get the best education available and lay a fine foundation for a successful and everlasting future.-Read Psalm 1:1-3. *

    Is this the WTS talking out of both ends? (Mouth and ass)

    Suitable employment that can help throughout your life can come easier to those that get a
    4-year college degree (or the shorter associates degree). College can help you to "communicate
    well, to think logically, and to reason calmly and respectfully with others." Of course, it is
    condemned by WTS. They don't really want that.

    "Communicate well"- spend time talking to non-JW's in field circus
    "Think logically"- agree with the WT
    "Reason respectfully with others"- support WTS views when speaking with others

    Clear enough?

    If you are out now, do not think it is too late to get a better education.

    Thanks for the inspiring concluding remarks, Blondie.

    While I did not pursue college, I am glad that I ignored other JW's and
    pursued a career in my adulthood that would allow me to retire decently in this
    system of things. I am glad my wife broke out of her JW mindset enough to
    get her degree. Young ones need to skip this week's lesson. It will have
    minimal effect on most of them, but it will cause some parents to turn up
    the volume of their guilt trips.

  • Pistoff

    Where to begin? "That prophecy was to be fulfilled at a time when people in general were godless, obsessed with self and money, and disobedient. Yet, Jehovah knew that young people who worshipped him would be different. What confidence he has in you young brothers and sisters!" Proof of this? How do they prove that this applies to today? "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold:'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers." It is helpful to reread this often to see how the WT ruined the careers of so many witnesses! "Moral standards in the world have fallen so low that fornication is considered normal and homosexuality is viewed simply as a matter of personal choice." Most gay people say it is NOT a matter of choice, but birth. "Said one Christian sister, "It is only at home and at the Kingdom Hall that my children learn that homosexuality and sex outside of marriage are bad in God's eyes." The sister thinks this because she is told this constantly by the WT, and so they quote it as proof that it is true!! Too funny. "Many Christian youths today imitate the faith of Jesus, Paul, and Timothy. For example, one young brother who used to have a well-paying job wrote: "Because I live by Bible principles, I soon received promotions. Despite the financial benefits, I felt that I was striving after wind. This brother does not even know how he advanced in his job, work skills, work ethics and maybe the ability to play office politics. Now it looks like he is sucking up to the CO, maybe. Great job, blondie, as always. P

  • Mary
    Naturally, remembering Jehovah involves more than merely calling him to mind. It means taking action-doing what pleases him, letting his laws and principles guide us in daily life.

    Actually, it has nothing to do with pleasing Jehovah------it has everything to do with pleasing the Governing Body and letting their laws and (warped) principles guide you down the path to poverty.

    Because they adopt God's viewpoint, they are fully aware of how dim this world's prospects really are. Even in your relatively short lifetime, you young ones have no doubt seen fear and anxiety increase. If you are still in school, you have likely heard about pollution, global warming, deforestation, and similar problems. People are deeply concerned about these trends, but only Jehovah's Witnesses fully understand that they are part of the sign that points to the end of Satan's world. -Rev. 11:18.

    Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are the only people on planet earth who have a bible and are literate.

    Sadly, some young servants of God have let their guard down and have allowed themselves to lose sight of how short a time this world has. (2 Pet. 3:3, 4)

    Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15
    "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold:'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers."

    Let's see-----if you were say 18 or 20 years old in 1969 when this crap article was written, you would now be either 58 or 60 years of age-----getting close to retirement age. Hmmmmm......I guess "a few years" with the Governing Body is like a thousand elsewhere, eh?

    Others have been lured into gross sin through bad associates and pornography. (Prov. 13:20) How sad it would be to lose God's favor now that we are so close to the end! Instead, learn from what happened to the Israelites in 1473 B.C.E. when they were camped on the Plains of Moab, at the very threshold of the Promised Land. What took place there?

    Ironically, I doubt the Writing Dept. is very deeply concerned about Witness youths looking at porn. Men (mostly) have been looking at naked women for thousands of years----it's nothing new. (remember King David looking at Bathsheba?) And I sincerely doubt that anyone has left the Borganization due to looking at dirty pictures. I have a feeling that the intent of this paragraph is for them to try and subconsciously link "pornography" and "higher education" as being the same sort of sin. Otherwise, why would they mention both of these 'sins' within a couple of paragraphs of each other?

    Today, we are rapidly nearing a much better promised land-the new system of things....

    March 1, 1950 Watchtower par. 1 A Call to Praise---The rapidly approaching battle of Armageddon makes the matter of praising God increasingly urgent for survival

    July 15, 1953 Watchtower p. 429 par. 3 Launching the Kingdom Government--- His [Satan's] centuries-old efforts to control the people of the earth by means of false worship, oppressive government and regimentation are now rapidly approaching their end.

    April 1, 1954 Watchtower p. 224 Announcements----- But the end of such things is near, for Jehovah God, the Great Shepherd, is directing a marvelous pastoral work world-wide to gather honest-hearted men to his fold before the rapidly approaching storm of Armageddon strikes.

    December 1, 1954 Watchtower p. 722 par. 8 The Fight for Freedom to Preach World-wide----Persecution is a sure sign that our complete deliverance from the present evil system of things is rapidly approaching.

    April 15, 1955 Watchtower p. 256 Announcements-----With Armageddon rapidly approaching, it is important that Jehovah’s witnesses tell people about Jehovah’s loving provisions for deliverance

    November 15 1956 Watchtower p. 679 Jehovah’s Judgment Days-----Because of all this they (the UN) will perish at the rapidly approaching battle of Armageddon

    May 1, 1958 Watchtower p. 288 Announcements----Do you know that this world is already in its "time of the end" and that it is rapidly approaching the climax?

    Need I go on? These statements about The End 'rapidly approaching', is the same stuff they were churning out over 60 years ago and we're all more than aware that they've been saying this for over 100 years.

    Young people who remember their Grand Creator know that sexual intimacy is a sacred gift that has to do with life and procreation. Hence, they recognize that sexual relations should be enjoyed in the way that God directed-within the marriage arrangement. (Heb. 13:4) However, during "the bloom of youth" -the period when sexual feelings become strong and can distort one's judgment-it can be a struggle to remain chaste.

    While there is certainly nothing wrong with encouraging youth to be "chaste", the WTS goes far beyond that and forbids even masturbation. In other words, an 18 year old boy who (naturally) is going to be sexually aroused on a daily basis, has absolutely no outlet whatsoever except to take cold showers, read the Craptower articles and pray. Since sexual feelings are one of the strongest emotions a person can experience (right behind breathing and eating), this would almost be paramount to taking mountains of delicious foods over to Ethiopia where they are starving, and tell them that they cannot enjoy it because that would amount to "gluttony". Instead, they can read the Watchtower and pray to God to stop the rumblings in the stomachs.

    your aim is not simply to find suitable employment but also to be an asset to the congregation and a productive Kingdom proclaimer. To that end, you need to be able to communicate well, to think logically, and to reason calmly and respectfully with others.

    Just make sure you don't think too logically. Otherwise, you may just find yourself sitting in front of a Judicial Committee.

    In Israel, the education of children by their parents was a high priority. That education covered virtually every facet of life, especially spiritual matters. (Deu!. 6:6, 7) Hence, young Israelites who listened to their parents and other God-fearing older ones gained not only knowledge but also wisdom, insight, understanding, and thinking ability-rare traits that divine education can provide. (Prov.1:2-4; 2:1-5,11-15) Christian families today should pay similar attention to education.

    Now that is truly laughable. It is a well known fact that Jews----which are of course decendents of the Israelites mentioned above------ greatly value higher education, whereas Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to recoil in horror at the mere mention of "university". Not only is the general view totally different, but 47% of Jewish youth go on to college and university whereas only 4% of Jehovah's Witnesses do. Jews most definitely teach their children about spiritual matters and they are well versed in the Hebrew bible. However, they have absolutely no adversion whatsoever to sending their children to university to study religion, engineering, law, medicine, science, business or any other subject. To compare the two groups is ridiculous and completely without basis. What a bunch of wankers!!

    Young ones receive advice from all kinds of people-including school guidance counselors, who usually think purely in terms of success in the secular world. Please weigh all such advice prayerfully in the light of God's Word and the spiritual food provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. From your study of the Bible, you know that the young and inexperienced are a prime target of Satan. For example, in the Garden of Eden, inexperienced Eve listened to Satan, a stranger who had shown not a hint of love for her. How different the outcome would have been had she listened to Jehovah, the one who had proved his love for her in many ways! we get to the heart of the matter: Another not-so-subtle suggestion that is basically comparing a Guidance Counsellor with Satan the Debbil and 'higher education' with the forbidden fruit. Naturally the youth in question is being cast into the role of Eve with the subtle question: Are you going to let yourself be seduced and possibly forfeit your eternal life?

    Those who remember their Grand Creator keep their life simple, confident that Jehovah will "by no means" leave them "nor by any means" forsake them. (Read Hebrews 13:5.) Because this wholesome attitude runs contrary to the thinking of the world, we must be careful not to let the world's spirit influence us.

    Hmmm.....gee, I know several elderly brothers now who have absolutely nothing to show for all their years of work because they were told not to save, or buy a house or get an education, pay into RRSP's or do anything whatsoever. Did Jehovah demand this of them or was it the Governing Body?

    one young brother who used to have a well-paying job wrote: "Because I live by Bible principles, I soon received promotions. Despite the financial benefits, I felt that I was striving after wind. When I approached the company's executive committee and expressed my desire to pursue the full-time ministry, they hastily offered me generous financial options, hoping I would stay. But my mind was made up. Many people could not understand why I left a lucrative career to pursue the full-time service. My answer is that I truly want to live up to my dedication to God. Because my life is now centered on spiritual things, I have a measure of happiness and contentment that no amount of money or prestige could give me."

    I know a brother who had a fantastic job making approximately $120,000/year with full benefits at a company where it was extremely difficult to get into. He was forced by the Circuit Serpant to either quit (it involved shift work) or step down as an elder. He chose the former and he regrets it to this day. Six months after he quit, both his kids needed braces for their teeth. His former company would have paid 100% of it. His new employer paid 0%. The braces were over $10,000 so his wife had to go to work to pay for it. Gee, I wonder why I haven't seen this experience in any of the magazines.........

    young ones, when pondering your future, keep Jehovah's day close in mind. (2 Pet. 3:11, 12) Do not become envious of those who are making the most of this world. Rather, listen to those who truly love you. Storing up "treasures in heaven" is the most secure investment you can make and the only one with everlasting benefits.

    Yes. Let's interview all these 18 years olds in 40 years to see how happy they are that they never got an education or did anything with their lives beyond knock on doors. Like many of those who were youths in 1969 when they were guaranteed that they would never have to worry about "growing old" in this System, I have a feeling that there's going to be alot of bitterness there.

  • WTWizard

    I notice they make a big whopping deal about fornication. They are worried that people might test-drive a potential mate so they can make a final decision before closing the deal. And yet, as was mentioned, more people are disfellowshipped for adultery than simple fornication. This has to be because the religion makes people so stagnant (and a tyrant husband can do the same thing) that adultery is necessary to bust out of the stagnation rut to make it a little more bearable.

    And yet they don't say a damn word about the pedophiles they are harboring. Often, these pedophiles will use a hounding call as the blind to do their dirty work, and then silence the victims under threat of getting disfellowshipped. And the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund is there for them.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    excellent as always.... a couple of observations:

    Christian/Christians: only jws

    you beat me to that one.... what about the "Christian" sister and her comment about her kids only being taught morals at home... I bet Writing Dept didnt go out into the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood and interview any other non-JW Christians to get their comments...LOL

    Para 11:

    To that end, you need to be able to communicate well, to think logically, and to reason calmly and respectfully with others.

    think logically = THINK AS THE GB TELLS YOU TO

    I was still an elder when I started back to college...thankfully I had a more reasonable CO at the time to offset the hounder on our BOE that was trying to get me outta there (which he ultimately succeeded in...because I allowed it).... and it was my first course in college (Contemporary Ethics) that started me down a real path to thinking logically...

    I am soooo glad I am in college...I think I will always take at least 1 class a semester.... just because I love learning (and the eye candy is nice too) at real colleges, not Awake! University....

    Snakes ()

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Blondie and All !

    Para. 2 - It also means trusting in Jehovah, knowing that he has our very best interests at heart.

    Oh puleeze, this whole thing is so full of... this sentence alone should be:

    It also means trusting in the WTBTS Inc., knowing that is has its very own best interests at heart.

    Para. 3 - Shortly after his baptism, Jesus was approached by Satan...

    Let's clarify this with a little insertion, shall we:

    Shortly after his baptism AT THE AGE OF THIRTY [30] YEARS WITH NO RECORD OF ANY SERVICE TO HOJOVAH BEFORE THAT, Jesus was approached by Satan...

    Ugh, I gotta skip some of this...

    Q 12. What example would Christian families do well to imitate?

    12. In Israel, the education of children by their parents was a high priority. That education covered virtually every facet of life, especially spiritual matters. (Deu!. 6:6, 7) Hence, young Israelites who listened to their parents and other God-fearing older ones gained not only knowledge but also wisdom, insight, understanding, and thinking ability-rare traits that divine education can provide. (Prov.1:2-4; 2:1-5,11-15) Christian families today should pay similar attention to education.

    Okay, Writing Dept is really falling down on the job with this paragraph. Haven't they been reading the Bible? Duh. The Israelites constantly turned away from and forgot Hojovah. "Spiritual matters" were poorly maintained right in the temple with the freakin' priesthood. Remember Eli who had sons that were bad... you got a freakin' song about it. And young Israelites who listened to their parents would have followed Baal most of the time. Read Judges, Kings, Chronicles... they rarely followed Hojovah from king to slave. The Law was just a bunch of rules, rules, and more rules. Some had value, but historically it didn't promote the kind of thinking ability that lead to a great civilization and growing nation. Young Israelites were cursed to be no better than their parents secularly or materially. How did they fare spiritually? The Messiah was rejected and Jesus ended the whole Mosaic system. Similarly, "Divine education" in the Botchtower is simply religious indoctrination that discourages progress. ATTENTION WRITING: YOUR O.T. EXAMPLES SUCK BIG TIME! EDUCATE YOURSELVES!

    Para. 13 - For example, in the Garden of Eden, inexperienced Eve listened to Satan, a stranger who had shown not a hint of love for her.

    Oh for Christ's sake! Eve listened to a talking snake!!! A miraculous talking snake! Why wouldn't she listen?? Why would Moses have listened to a talking burning bush?? Did the burning bush show love for Moses? They listened because it was a miracle! Would I listen to a talking snake or a burning bush? Sure! It's a miracle!

    Anyway, the example of the talking snake can just as easily apply to the serpent-like WTBTS, Inc. They make promises about a better life by eating their 'spiritual fruit'. And they are getting "stranger" all the time. And they're not showing a hint of love for the sheeples. As noted, the Botchtower has proven to be liars time and time again with their false predictions of the end... so near at hand for the last 120 years.

    Para. 14 - He wants you to be happy forever, not just now! Hence, with the tenderness of a caring parent, he says to you and to all who worship him: "This is the way. Walk in it."

    That needs to be changed to something like...

    He wants you to be happy sometime in the very near future, just not right now! Hence, with the forcefulness of a domineering parent, he says to you and to all who worship him: "This is the way. Walk in it [or I'll destroy you all at Armageddon along with 6 billion other people, muahahaha!]"

    Q 18. What big changes did one young brother make, and why does he have no regrets?

    18. "Many Christian youths today imitate the faith of Jesus, Paul, and Timothy. For example, one young brother who used to have a well-paying job wrote: "Because I live by Bible principles, I soon received promotions. Despite the financial benefits, I felt that I was striving after wind. When I approached the company's executive committee and expressed my desire to pursue the full-time ministry, they hastily offered me generous financial options, hoping I would stay. But my mind was made up. Many people could not understand why I left a lucrative career to pursue the full-time service. My answer is that I truly want to live up to my dedication to God. Because my life is now centered on spiritual things, I have a measure of happiness and contentment that no amount of money or prestige could give me."

    Okay, that needs to be changed as well. Let's try this:

    Q 18. What big changes did Billy the Ex-Bethelite make, and why does he have no regrets?

    18. Many Christian youths today used to imitate the faith of Jesus, Paul, and Timothy. For example, Billy, who used to work at Bethel wrote: "Because I blindly followed Botchtower principles, I soon received privileges. Despite the supposed spiritual benefits, I felt that I was striving after wind. When I realized that Bethel was a dead end I made up my mind to split. Many "true Christians(tm)" could not understand why I left a dead end Bethel career to return to the dead end congregation. My answer was that I truly want to live up to my dedication to God but Bethel wasn't the place to do that. Soon after, the scales began falling from my eyes to realize the "spritual paradise(tm)" was just a cruel hoax. I mentally disassociated myself from the bOrg, and have been adjusting my thinking, my life, and my financial situation to be free of the mind-control cult forever. Because my life is now centered on non-JW pursuits, I have a measure of happiness and contentment that no amount of full-time service or congregation privileges could ever give me." [cue applause]

    Blondie, thanks for the concluding comments! I would have made an awesome engineer or architect or doctor or lawyer. I'll still be okay by retirement. Dammit I'm gonna tell every kid to ignore this lesson.

    B the X

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