Yes Mary you should go on!! I would like to see a collection of wt quotes with all the 'rapidly approaching' quotes. I suppose that could take up a book in itself?
OK, here's the collection from their CD but it is by no means complete. The WT's only go back as far as 1950 and the Awake! only goes back to 1970. We all know that there are most likely dozens more quotes right back to the 1870s:
What day is drawing near? Not the general "day of Jehovah," for it is here, having begun in 1914. Rather, it is the special day of Jehovah for his vindication: "Wait ye for me, saith Jehovah, until the day that I rise up to the prey; for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger; for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy." That day is rapidly approaching .—Zeph. 3:8, AS.
w 611/15 p.47 par.2 The Purpose of Our Ministry
Today the time is rapidly approaching when Jehovah purposes that this wicked world see its complete consummation
w 61 2/1p. 78 par.6 Keep on the Watch as Sons of Light This is the good news regarding Jesus’ enthronement in the heavens in 1914 and the
rapidly approaching end of the space-age troubles as the new heavens and new earth of God’s making take over
w 61 11/1 p.67 1Questions From Readers
So, whereas we know that we are
rapidly approaching the battle of Armageddon, we do not know when it will begin, neither when it will end, and hence how long it will be
w 62 2/15 p.120 Why the Name "Jehovah’s Witnesses"? And fourthly, the time is rapidly approaching when Jehovah will once and for all time vindicate himself as the Universal Sovereign by destroying all his foes and delivering his people. Because of these facts witnesses are needed to sound an urgent warning; so that lovers of righteousness can flee to safety and so that the wicked will know why they are being destroyed when Armageddon comes upon them.—Rev. 16:14, 16.
w62 7/1p.390 Facing Up to Our Urgent Timesjust as human governments today send out urgent storm warnings, so the government of God, his kingdom, by means of its earthly representatives, the Christian witnesses of Jehovah, is sending out urgent warnings regarding the great storm of Armageddon that is
rapidly approaching w62 12/1 p.728 The Fiery-colored Dragon At the
rapidly approaching battle of Armageddon he will be abyssed for a thousand years
w62 12/15 p.745 par.6 Strong Reasonf or Faith in God’s New World It is not to the angels that God has subjected the inhabited earth to come, which we today are so rapidly approaching
w63 1/15 p.55 Christendom’s Idolatry Foreshadowed At the rapidly approaching battle of Armageddon he will destroy both it and all those who have idolized it.
w64 3/15 p.171 The Memorial of Christ’s Death and What It Means toYouThey appreciate that "man must not live by bread alone," and that in view of the rapidly approaching day of Jehovah it is more urgent than ever that they do not forsake the gathering of themselves together.
w65 9/1 p.518 God’s Kingdom and Christ’s Transfiguration Because that prophecy said that such a work would be done preceding "the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah," which day is rapidly approaching and which includes "the war of the great day of God the Almighty," Armageddon
w73 9/1 p.532 par.7 Equipped to Speak Delightful Words of Truth But the conclusion of this work is rapidly approaching and more workers are needed. Will you have a share?
w75 7/15p. 444 par.22 We Appreciate the Young Ones Who Are Walking in Jehovah’s WayThese words were given to Israel before entering the Promised Land and therefore have special significance now as we approach the end of this system of things and see the new order of righteousness rapidly approaching w76 10/1pp. 593-594 par.10 Appreciating the Treasure of Sacred ServiceTo an unnumbered great crowd of persons from all nations and peoples, he promises to grant survival through a rapidly approaching great tribulation,
w79 11/1 p.17 par.3 Christian Neutrality as God’s War ApproachesSo, then, since the "war of the great day of God the Almighty" at Har–Magedon is now rapidly approaching, let us examine God’
s use of Jeremiah at that ancient time w81 11/15 p.20 par.12 ‘Stay Awake and KeepYour Senses’Now is when they need to prepare themselves to withstand the pressures that will come against God’s people during the
rapidly approaching "great tribulation."
w83 3/1 p.8 IsThere a Way out of Unhappiness? The difficult time all faithful Christians are now having is soon to end, for we are
rapidly approaching a new, happy era
w83 10/15 p.18 par.8 ‘Do Not Use the World to the Full’ Even as righteously disposed humans survived the Deluge, however, so Jesus showed that some will survive the
rapidly approaching "great tribulation."
w84 5/1 p.10 Why Hesitate? Listen and Obey!For earnest Bible students the events since 1914 indicate that we are
rapidly approaching that time for execution of judgment
w84 7/15 p.17 par.7 Build Your Future With Jehovah’s Organization Shortly after the destruction of false religion, Jesus Christ will use his heavenly army to destroy the rest of this wicked system of things. It will perish in the
rapidly approaching "war of the great day of God the Almighty" at Har–Magedon.
w84 11/15 p.22 par.4 "The Time Left Is Reduced" Yet, how comforting to know that during that
rapidly approaching day of reckoning, ‘Jehovah will guard all those loving him, but all the wicked ones he will annihilate’!
w86 10/15 p.7 AChange of Rulership—Soon! Having started in 1914, "the time of the end" is now well advanced. Jesus said that the generation that saw the beginning of that time would also see its end. (Matthew 24:32-34) We are, therefore,
rapidly approaching that glorious time when Christ Jesus will fully take over rulership of earth’s affairs and unite all obedient mankind under his one government.
w87 11/15p. 14par.18 Unmarried but Complete for God’s Service This service is especially important now since the Kingdom was established in heaven in 1914 and "this good news of the kingdom" must be preached earth wide for a witness before the
rapidly approaching end of this doomed system of things.
w88 12/15 p.23 par.16 "Fear God and Give Him Glory" As we view that
rapidly approaching triumph through the visions of Revelation, surely we have every reason to FEAR GOD AND GIVE HIM GLORY!
w90 9/15 p.28 The Meaning of the Proverb Those who are upright will soon see the wicked perish from the earth in the
rapidly approaching "day of Jehovah’s anger."
w91 3/15 p.31 Pay Attention to God’s Prophetic Word! And we must steadfastly adhere to God’s word if we are to survive the
rapidly approaching day of Jehovah.
w91 9/15 p.22 How Christ’s Transfiguration Affects You That
rapidly approaching event includes "the war of the great day of God the Almighty" at Har–Magedon, or Armageddon
w92 5/1p.10 par.6 Keep Close in Mind the Day of Jehovah They simply deplore the corruption that all can plainly see, and they warn of Jehovah’s
rapidly approaching day for executing his decision.
w92 12/15 p.4 What Really Is the Gospel? The time when the Kingdom will act against God’s enemies is
rapidly approaching w93 3/1p.4 Will You Heed God’s Warning? Two world wars, hundreds of smaller armed conflicts, famines, great earthquakes, pestilences, wave after wave of crime and violence, and a worldwide preaching campaign all together constitute a dramatic warning that human society is
rapidly approaching a cataclysmic crisis
w9511/15 p.15 par.1 Stay in the"City of Refuge"and Live! Yes, Jesus will serve as God’s Executioner during the
rapidly approaching "great tribulation."
w97 9/15p.17 par.7 Who Will Survive"the Day of Jehovah"? And their devotion to God and his service will be rewarded in their being spared from the eternal destruction about to befall proud, unrepentant sinners in the
rapidly approaching "day of Jehovah
w00 2/1 p.8 par.2 How Much Longer for the Wicked? The last of them will draw his final breath in the
rapidly approaching "war of the great day of God the Almighty."
w01 2/15 p.22 par.20 Seek Jehovah Before the Day of His Anger ‘In what ways are we being blessed as Jehovah’s present-day servants, and what future blessings does Zephaniah’s prophecy set before those who will be concealed in the
rapidly approaching day of Jehovah’s anger?’
w01 5/15 p.12 par.15 Praise Jehovah for His Great Deeds! To shine forth in giving a final witness before Jehovah brings an end to Satan’s wicked system of things in the
rapidly approaching "great tribulation.
g73 3/8 p.26 A Vital Help in Time of Need But at the
rapidly approaching time of the execution of God’s judgments against unrighteous persons, those killed by God will lose out everlastingly
g73 4/22 p.17 Protect Yourself from Crime Know, too, that the final, sure answer to the crime problem is
rapidly approaching! g77 4/8 p.23 When Disaster Strikes! The Bible warns of a
rapidly approaching "great tribulation" of gigantic proportions. Those who now learn about that imminent calamity through Bible study can take steps to avoid the destruction it will bring
g 2006 p.9 Youthful VigorForever! Current world events evaluated alongside Bible prophecy indicate that we are
rapidly approaching the end of old age as we know it
km 8/75 p.7 par.6 Can You Share More Fully? Rather, we are grateful for this undeserved kindness, and, if possible, in the little time remaining we want to increase our share in field service, looking confidently to Jehovah and the
rapidly approaching fulfillment of all the things we now preach
km 4/93 p.3 par.2 "To the House of Jehovah Let Us Go" We live in critical times, with the end of this system
rapidly approaching . An indifferent or reluctant attitude can result in perilous delay
km7/95 p.1 par.6" Keep on the Watch" If there ever was a need for a sense of urgency, it is now. The time is
rapidly approaching for Jesus Christ to execute judgment against this wicked system.
km2/00 p.1 par.4 "Preach the Word...Urgently" With the end of this system of things
rapidly approaching , there is "plenty to do in the work of the Lord."
‘Know Jehovah’ p.413 The Mysterious Book of Revelation Explained the Bible book of Revelation tells of mysteries that deal with events of real life in our own day. It reveals that we are
rapidly approaching the thrilling climax of God’s purpose for our time, affecting every person on earth.
Proclaimers chap.33 p.716 Continuing to Keep on the Watch The time is
rapidly approaching when Christ’s presence in Kingdom power will be made clearly manifest to all humankind
Knowledge chap.4 p.42 par.19Jesus Christ—The Key to the Knowledge of God He wants to preserve them through the
rapidly approaching "war of the great day of God the Almighty," often called Armageddon, so that they can live forever as earthly subjects of God’s heavenly Kingdom
Knowledge chap.19 p.182 par.6 When the Knowledge of God Fills the Earth The world is
rapidly approaching what the Bible calls Har–Magedon, or Armageddon
fy chap.4 p.41 par.6 How Can You Manage a Household? . In the
rapidly approaching new world, Jehovah will eliminate poverty along with all other evils that cause misery to mankind
fy chap. 10pp.126-127 par.23 When a Family Member Is Sick The prophet Isaiah pointed forward to the time when "no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’" (Isaiah 33:24) That promise will be fulfilled in the
rapidly approaching new world
Is There a God Who Cares?p.22 par.29 This means that some of the people who were alive when World War I began in 1914 would still be alive to witness the end of this present system of things. That World War I generation is getting very old now, and this is strong evidence that the end of wickedness is
rapidly approaching .
Kurukshetra p.28 par.44These are the blessings in store for those who survive the
rapidly approaching war of Armageddon.