Christendom will NEVER hit the mark!

by Yadirf 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply Yadirf.

    You basically gave the same answer my father did when I asked him the question.

    You and he think alike on many things.

    I still find it hard to believe that less than 75 people a year qualified to rule with Christ over 1900 years and then BAMM! all of a sudden 60 to 70,000 people qualify within 60 years or so.

    Of course, you could make the argument back that many of those were partaking incorrectly during the 1890's to 1940's.

    Also, The Watchtower has always taught that the 144,000 were the first fruits. I believe they have always taught that the first 144,000 christians were annointed. I have never heard a witness state that the annointed has certain special qualifications that had to be met to become rulers with Christ. What scriptural reference shows the difference in qualifications between annointed Christians and "other sheep" Christians?

    Actually this is a minor point in my loss of faith, but it was one of the chips that eventually made the structure crumble.

    The main one that I have articulated here before has to do with the inequality of god's justice towards individuals. With something as precious as everlasting life at stake the rules of the game have to be fair. In my opinion, they are not logical, nor are the rules applied equally toward all and therefore they are not fair.

    There are millions of examples but I will use just one. Get over your rabid hatred of homosexuality for a moment and think of me as a sincere person wandering aimlessly searching for truth.

    I am raised a witness by an abusive father.
    I am active in my congregation from the age of 7, regular in the field ministry and quite adept at speaking at the door and at the hall.
    I am a good boy, obedient to my parents, a model student, never rebellious and the apple of the eye of all the parents at the hall, often held up as an example of what a true young Christian should be.
    Polite to my elders, active at meetings and in service, able to out
    place everyone in magazines and "Truth" books.

    At 13 I am the spiritual head of my family. My father never comes home before 2am and is never sober when he does. My mother and I stand by the curb in front of our house and catch rides to the meetings with other witnesses who pass our house on the way to the hall. I often am used as a substitute on the Theocratic school because I have excellent extemporaneous speaking skills. Several of the other young brothers hate me because the elders like me. One tries to break my arm at a circuit assembly. I do not fight back. I am a Christian youth.

    I forfeit opportunities for honors programs and extracurricular activities at school. I only associate with my friends from the hall.
    I am ridiculed at school every day because I am a Jehovah's Witness (everyone knows I am a witness because I do my 9th grade Social Science project on "What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?".

    Every summer I spend in service with my witness friends. I start a bible study with one of my school mates whose parents are opposed so we study together in the playground of the junior high school.

    In 9th grade I fall in love with a young girl at school who is not a witness. I can't date her. I can't give her presents. She thinks I am a fool and so do all of my classmates who know, because I am the weird kid in school, dopey looking, and a Witness. I become the object of ridicule again in 9th grade when I have to turn down a part in the school play because the teacher wants me to play the Friar in Romeo and Juliet. I cannot because he represents false religion. The teacher ridicules me in front of the whole class.

    I could go on and on and on but I think you get the point.

    Then 1/2 way through my 9th grade year when I am 14, I have my first wet dream. In it I am having sex with a boy from school named Tom. I wake up screaming NO NO NO NO. Jehovah please don't let me be queer. I beg him in prayer to make it not so. I have no one to talk to. I am ashamed. I am frightened. I am sick to my heart's core.

    I work harder and harder as a witness to make it go away. I am baptized when I am 15 and hope that will make it go away. I am used at the hall as Watchtower reader, book study reader, asst book study conductor, leading the group into field service many days, and yet I am still cursed. I pray every day for Jehovah to make it go away.

    I go to all the meetings, I go to Bethel, I date sisters, I PRAY and PRAY and PRAY.

    Again, I can go on and on and on.

    I wake up many days now feeling utterly worthless, so worthless its hard for me to do my job or interact with other people. Once, in my 20s, I isolated myself for 2 years because I hurt inside so much, only going to work and coming home to my apartment, afraid to live as a homosexual, ashamed to go to the hall.

    Is there a God who cares?

    If I had been born 100 years ago, I could have lived and died as a homosexual and been resurrected into the new system.

    If I lived in outer Mongolia right now and was homosexual I would be judged differently at Armageddon because I had not been taught the "truth".

    My case is mine. I am sure millions of others could state their cases better than I could state them.

    I see no justice. I believe justice is a myth. I believe God is a myth.

    The structure of faith has fallen. It rests on the need to believe in justice. Until my faith in justice is restored, I will not believe in God and I will continue as a hedonist, happy some days, unhappy most others, since I yet know that there is a truth I haven't discovered yet.

    All the doctrinal, chronological, UN, etc. etc. etc. stuff is basically background to me. It is irrelevant. The core issue is justice. It has always been the issue.



  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Gang,
    I would like to thank Julie and Mindchild, two fine people who have many differeing views than I.
    In the final analysis, what anyone 'thinks', no matter how much rationalizing goes on or even how disgusting some Biblical beliefs appear to be to some; none of that matters in the least.
    If one takes the Bible as the basis for belief, then 'Sola Scriptura' is the only way to go. The Bible interprets itself and it is clearly opposite on any doctrine that JW scatterbrain theology puts in contention.
    It's not anyone personally, for that matter. I fault no one who is sincere but some appear to be following the tactics of YouKnow. No amount of jw context twisting will explain away the well founded beliefs of orthodox Christianity.
    Look at the evidence and results of the history of each. Education, questioning and investigation confirms the claims of protestantism and refute the ideas of Russellite sects as laughable and amateurish.
    Christendom is undergoing a second 'great awakening' that may be even bigger than the one in the 1830's, when opposition to slavery began in earnest, bars and jails were so emptied that many closed across the US and Europe.
    I believe that the rationalism encouraged by the Russellites leads most directly to atheism. Indeed, so many are so wounded and hurt that they can never forgive God, nor turn to any faith because of the Watchtower slander on all others.
    Ironic isn't it, that this was the devil's move in reaction to a guinine revival from God? Predictable though, Satan has always cloaked himself as an 'angel of light' for the best lie is one with a little truth in it.
    I pray that I am being civil, yet honest and I do not want to offend those who disagree in sincerity.

  • Yadirf


    I waited around for a while to see if you would reply. I guessed you were perhaps visiting other threads, so I went browsing again myself. Then I forgot which thread we were discussing this in and had to hunt it down.

    I still find it hard to believe that less than 75 people a year qualified to rule with Christ over 1900 years and then BAMM! all of a sudden 60 to 70,000 people qualify within 60 years or so.
    Of course, you could make the argument back that many of those were partaking incorrectly during the 1890's to 1940's.
    I wouldn’t find it difficult in the least to accept that after the death of the apostles hardly very many Christians at all truly met the requirements for being a king and priest with Jesus down though the centuries to today. When we consider that to be of that class one must truly become “holy” (remember these ones are in no danger of the 2nd death, which says a lot), and actually appreciate what all that entails, then it’s no wonder that persons of that caliber only happen by once in a blue moon. My personal understanding is that such choosing will still be going on even after the tribulation of Matthew 24:21 (which isn’t Armageddon BTW) breaks out. So it’s reasonable, I think, that because of these ones being such a rare breed, if you will, that a great number have thought that they were of that class but really weren’t. Another problem I have with the Society’s way of thinking regarding who is to make up the 144,000 is that I fail to see how the female gender could be considered for becoming kings and priests when at the present time they aren’t, although properly so I think, allowed to preside over a congregation etc. So, there’s quite a few adjustments that I feel is in order. Hence, my “signature” again.

    Of course, as you’ve always heard, the way of the truth (original Christianity) for the most part fell by the wayside after the apostles left the scene in death. But the Scriptures repeatedly show that sometime during the rule of the 7th King that there would be a resurgence of “holy ones” … no doubt because of the restoration of true worship. Also, such “holy ones” would be the focus of attention by the 8th King (not the present day United Nations, but a true World Government). That’s of course when “Michael” will have to step in to deliver his people. (Daniel 12:1) It will be a repeat performance of the Esther account, but not in every detail of course. The parallels are amazing to consider.

    Also, The Watchtower has always taught that the 144,000 were the first fruits. I believe they have always taught that the first 144,000 christians were annointed.
    And I think that your memory serves you well. I don’t deny that. For that reason it is obvious to me that the WTS has an adjustment to make along these lines as well. Hence, my “signature” once again becomes relevant.
    I have never heard a witness state that the annointed has certain special qualifications that had to be met to become rulers with Christ. What scriptural reference shows the difference in qualifications between annointed Christians and "other sheep" Christians?
    I jumped a little ahead of everything, Joelbear, and have already touched on part of what you’re saying here, directly above. You see, the 144,000 will have attained holiness while under the present system, and for that reason they don’t have the needs under Christ’s kingdom the same as the “other sheep” do. That’s why the “bride” class already have “life” (meaning eternal life) and the other sheep have yet to qualify for such “life”, which they will do during the millennium. By the time the 1000-year reign of Jesus is out the other sheep will have been raised to the same stature of holiness that their rulers had already acquired while still alive under man’s system. Too, doesn’t it only stand to reason that one who is destined to serve as a priest and king would need to meet more stringent standards than those to be ruled over? Actually, that’s even the way it works in today’s world. As a rule the Governor is the more qualified, otherwise he likely wouldn’t have ran for the office a won. So to gain the recognition of a “holy one” surely that must take some doing, wouldn’t you say? According to Revelation 20:4-6 the 144,000 are beyond the threat of the second death, meaning that they were qualified to live forever because of their holiness. The same text doesn’t show that to be the case for the others, the other sheep. The other sheep, it implies, will qualify for life when they succeed in having passed the test at the end of the 1000 years. On the other hand, the 144,000 won’t even have to take the test because they will have already proven themselves during this lifetime.

    I’m sorry, Joel, but I must break this off for right now … it’s gotten to be after 11 PM here. And I would really like to take a quick glance at the new threads that might have been posted before I turn in. Hopefully, I can return to this thread and reply to more of what you’ve brought out. I’ll really try to, although I don’t really enjoy it as much when I get tied down to one thread because I miss out on so much of what is going on elsewhere. But, like I said, I’ll try to discipline myself to return to this thread. Actually, I still need to read the remainder of your post here also.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • joelbear

    Interesting points Yadirf. They make sense logically, but where does the Bible indicate this difference specifically between the little flock and the other sheep. Also, I assume by holyness, you are saying that these 144,000 actually become perfect before they die?

    This whole line of thinking regarding the 144,000 represents a fairly wide swing from Watchtower theology. Could the "truth" miss the mark that far and still be the "truth".

    Another matter on justice is this:

    God creates thousands, millions, perhaps billions of angels. Some of them disobey him and are punished. The faithful angels are not punished or subjected to tests because unfaithful angels fall away.

    God creates one human pair who disobey him. Billions of human beings are punished and have to be tested because of the unfaithfulness of 2 humans.

    This is one of the concepts that is at the heart of my doubts. It is totally illogical and injust.

    Why didn't god just fill the earth with perfect human beings and punish those who chose knowingly not to serve him. He would still have his test, he would still have his right to universal sovereignty. For that matter, why doesn't the obedience of perfect angels proof this right without humanity having to suffer.

    Every way you look at it, it only works logically when it is backed into. Man suffers, therefore there has to be an explanation for the suffering, so you create a myth to provide the explanation.


  • mindfield

    Hey, Friday... the term "moron" is not appropriate in this particular situation. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, moron is "a mentally retarded person who has a potential mental age of between 8 and 12 years and is capable of doing routine work under supervision". Sadly, this is not my case, Friday. Hey, I just did the dishes minutes ago, and no one was around! Weee! I'm not a moron, I'm not a moron!

    So what would be the appropriate term then? Well, you could shell out another exaggerated commonly used word such as "stupid" and "brickhead" and the like. Or maybe you could just see that the term "asshole" was perfectly well used, and had a touch of irony as well. Time and time again you came back to joelbear's "wanton need to have a male sex organ up his buttocks." To say the least... I think the term asshole properly coins that accusation, don't you?

    Now for the sentence-by-sentence, word-by-word ripping apart... I hope I didn't write a typo or something, 'cause I'll have a huge problem, won't I?[8>]

  • Yadirf


    I think this is so funny because you are firing questions at me faster than I can reply, and do a little reading on the side as well. Ha! I haven’t even had time to reply to the latter part of your previous post, and here I am hit with more questions. Ha, ha! But don’t take that wrong, because I think you’re questions are logical and interesting. And I’m beginning to appreciate your scholastic abilities a bit more, and see how you did apply yourself in your school years. But you are mistaken, Joelbear, if you think that I assume to know it all. Because I’m not so foolish as to claim that.

    where does the Bible indicate this difference specifically between the little flock and the other sheep.
    You mean directly? Or by inference? The difference lies in the idea of “holiness”, Joelbear. Those of the “little flock”, the 144K, have achieved a purity of heart and dedication for doing Jehovah’s will which, for the time being, the other sheep have much work to do on. I suppose it might be compared to the difference between pure water and tainted water. Because there is no question about whether those who truly are of the “little flock” class have perfected holiness, there will be no necessity to subject them to the same trial (at the end of the millennium) as those face whom will either have lived through Armageddon or been resurrected (who will, by that time, have been the beneficiaries of Jesus priestly care). That’s because they have ALREADY withstood such tests in THIS lifetime. They had dedicated their lives to Jehovah, and lived up to that dedication even in the face of fiery trials … trials, that if necessary, these ones would remain faithful even if it meant that their blood would be spilled at the hands of those who oppose. (See Revelation 6:10 and 20:4) Actually, I don’t know why I’m making scriptural references for YOU … because I’m sure you’ve read the Bible and are familiar with it.

    Also, I assume by holyness, you are saying that these 144,000 actually become perfect before they die?
    Hopefully I made that clear enough above. You speak of becoming “perfect”. I think that’s because of the lingo you picked up during your tenure as a Witness. Not to say that it’s so terribly bad, but it doesn’t seem to get to the bottom of things. I see the term “holiness”, Joelbear, as meaning that its possessor can’t be corrupted under any circumstances. You’ll have to admit, that if everybody alive was “holy” then what a wonderful world that would make. And such a thing is in fact Jehovah’s ultimate goal. With all said and done, everyone who enjoys the breath of life will have perfected holiness. That’s when Jesus hands the kingdom back to his father. Then both, the angelic heaven and mankind, will live everlastingly under the kingship of God himself … thus, everything having been restored to what it was in the beginning. So, when Jesus taught us to pray “Let your kingdom come” he meant just that. God’s Kingdom is what we are anxiously awaiting. Jesus reign is simply a necessary prelude to getting there.

    I hope that you’ll visit my personal web site after I’ve finished uploading some written material which is to go along with some images that I’ve created and already posted there, Joelbear. I’m specifically talking about this page:- With the aid of the images you’ll see there, try to grasp the idea that you’re sitting way out in empty space peering back at God’s huge, huge universe … the entire cosmos … and all that live therein, angels and man alike, willingly submitting to God’s will. Because everything has been put back in order, a "new heavens and a new earth" as it were. Christ’s millennial reign is long past. Can you see God’s "Kingdom" there, Joelbear? Can you “see” God on his throne with all creation in willing subjection to his righteous will … hence, God’s Kingdom? If you can “see” that, you’re really not looking at anything unique, because that’s the way it was in the beginning, before Satan corrupted it all, before Satan caused the fall of both man and angel. So what I’m saying, is that God’s Kingdom prevailed once before … until Satan entered the picture. Therefore, the "kingdom” that we await, in answer to that which Jesus taught us to pray for, is nothing more than the rule of God, which, before the fall of Man and Angel, all that lived at one time in the distant past subjected themselves to. So you see that there's a distinction to be made between Christ's 1000-year reign and that of God's Kingdom. One might say that Jesus' reign restores God's Kingdom.

    This whole line of thinking regarding the 144,000 represents a fairly wide swing from Watchtower theology. Could the "truth" miss the mark that far and still be the "truth".
    Yes! Because the “truth” has more to do with holiness than perfection of doctrine. That’s something that I’m doubtful the WTS has made clear enough throughout the years. Usually, we tend to think of truth merely in terms of perfect doctrinal understanding. I’m afraid that’s not all there is to it though.

    Another matter on justice is this:
    God creates thousands, millions, perhaps billions of angels. Some of them disobey him and are punished. The faithful angels are not punished or subjected to tests because unfaithful angels fall away.
    God creates one human pair who disobey him. Billions of human beings are punished and have to be tested because of the unfaithfulness of 2 humans.
    This is one of the concepts that is at the heart of my doubts. It is totally illogical and injust.
    The answer lies partially in the fact that the angels didn’t originate from a common ancestor angelic being. In other words the angels had no angelic father, they were each created separately. So, THEY didn’t have to rely upon a “father” to instruct them in the ways of righteousness ... like WE do. Instead, they had all been taught by their Creator, Jehovah (through Michael/Jesus of course). When some sinned they had nothing to blame it on but themselves, given the fact that they were fully mature beings and had been perfectly taught. In the case of mankind though, we each had a progenitor. Unlike the angels, each of us depend upon our human father for proper upbringing. If our father doesn’t know what’s perfectly best for us, or is negligent in providing it, then we suffer. When Adam demonstrated a lack of appreciation for God’s directives (thereby having “sinned”) he was thereafter not in a position to give his children all that they needed in the way of instruction. Notwithstanding the fact that he had his hands occupied with the chores of putting bread on the table, he found it impossible to cultivate an appreciation for God into his children’s hearts because of his having shown that he didn’t have it himself. You can’t give to others something you don’t possess yourself. Hence, although Abel’s righteous inclinations demonstrate that Adam surely must have put forth at least some effort in giving his children proper instruction, even so, Adam had become severely handicapped in his ability to do a good job, especially given his new circumstances which required so much time and strength in providing for the material needs of all … himself, wife, and all the many, many children that came along. (They didn't have condoms in those days. )

    Why didn't god just fill the earth with perfect human beings and punish those who chose knowingly not to serve him.... Man suffers, therefore there has to be an explanation for the suffering, so you create a myth to provide the explanation.
    I think that what I’ve already said addresses this to a great degree. But no, God created angels to be spirit creatures, even as he created man to be fleshly creatures. They are two separate species, if you will. The one (the angels) he created each individually. The other (man) were each designed to come into existence as the progeny of a father. And as I’ve already said, but will repeat for emphasis, the one (the angels) were independent of one another insofar as needed instruction; but the other (man) had to rely upon the one that caused their birth, namely each one’s father.

    No "myth" to it, Joelbear. It's all true.

    I hope this is understandable, Joelbear. Perhaps I will get back to the rest of your post from yesterday later this evening.

    I came back to touch up a little for the sake of clarity, and correct some misspellings etc.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Yadirf


    Neat way you have there of getting out around having to admit having told a lie.

    Outside of that, I think you have a delightful sense of humor. Best you drop the one and keep the latter.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • joelbear

    Yadirf says:

    THEY didn’t have to rely upon a “father” to instruct them in the ways of righteousness, like WE do. Instead, they had all been taught by their Creator, Jehovah

    Joelbear says:

    I understand this. This is my point, that angels and humans are treated differently in god's justice system, thus negating the possibility of justice, since justice cannot be applied unequally.

    I'm not trying to be argumentative, but you have basically just restated my argument for me. Angels are treated differently from humans, thus there is no justice. Humans are treated differently based on the time of their birth, the location of their birth and the circumstances of their life, thus there is no justice. If there is no justice, there is no god, there is simply nature, which is not just but instead completely random as it metes out occurrences.

    Im queer because of a quirk of fate. One of nature's little tricks.
    So what, the guy next door is retarded and the kid down the street is dying of leukemia, etc. etc. etc. We all have a set of problems, all differing in intensity, thus impossible to be judged equitably.


  • Yadirf


    Man, I know that you don’t wanna particularly hear about my personal problems, but I just had one of the most difficult bowel movements of all my lifes experiences of going to the potty. How about that for something to post for the world to see, Joelbear. Wow! Bow wow!! Bow wow, wow!!! I’m gonna have to take myself a good dose of “Smooth Move” tonight before retiring. (Pick up your Smooth Move at WalMart folks. ) I consume fiber every day, but have had little exercise lately. Well, off of my “behind” and back to the drawing board as they say.

    Two posts back you said:

    This is one of the concepts that is at the heart of my doubts. It is totally illogical and injust.
    No, it’s not illogical, because I demonstrated the logic of it all in my last post.

    Nor has there been any injustice on God’s part.

    Did God commit an injustice by requiring a father to be responsible for his own children?
    Shall God be faulted because he created us in such a way as to have to depend upon our human father for proper upbringing.
    Should I neglect to care properly for my own child must God be blamed?
    Indeed, shall blame be placed upon God because he didn’t create man like he did the angels … having no father?

    1)This is my point, that angels and humans are treated differently in god's justice system, thus negating the possibility of justice, since justice cannot be applied unequally.

    2)Angels are treated differently from humans, thus there is no justice.

    3)Humans are treated differently based on the time of their birth, the location of their birth and the circumstances of their life, thus there is no justice.

    Your own examples from three posts back:
    a)If I had been born 100 years ago, I could have lived and died as a homosexual and been resurrected into the new system [but because of the period in which I live, I’ve had the benefit of knowing that God condemns such a practice and so if I die as a homosexual I won’t be resurrected. This is, of course, in spite of the fact that I solemnly, and most vehemently SWEAR that I’m queer because of a quirk of fate. One of nature's little tricks].

    b)If I lived in outer Mongolia right now and was homosexual I would be judged differently at Armageddon because I had not been taught the "truth".

    1) Why? Because the angels didn’t have to rely upon a “father” to instruct them in the ways of righteousness, like WE do? Why is that unjust? What is so unjust about a man being required to oversee the needs of the children which he himself asked for?

    2) I see no injustice with God on this point. He requires the same thing of angels as he does of man … simply own up to the responsibilities they each naturally have.

    3) First it was the angels that were treated differently, and now you say that it’s human’s that are.
    3a That may not be as clear-cut as what you would have it. Basically, all that you said including the part I put in brackets is true, except for some extenuating circumstances. For example: Are there things that Joelbear might yet learn that could motivate him to come to terms with himself? If so, then God would know that and take it into consideration come resurrection time. Actually though, Joelbear, if you live into the time the true 8th King (a coming World Government) your greatest concern will be whether or not you will wind up paying allegiance to that “king”. Because if you DO, that’s what will get you removed at Armageddon.

    3b Consult my reasoning under 3a, above.

    Im queer because of a quirk of fate. One of nature's little tricks.
    So what, the guy next door is retarded and the kid down the street is dying of leukemia, etc. etc. etc. We all have a set of problems, all differing in intensity, thus impossible to be judged equitably.
    No, there’s a great difference between YOU and the examples that you prefer to compare yourself with here. Yes the guy that’s “retarded” and the kid that’s got “leukemia” are indeed afflicted with things that are beyond their control … but they’ve broken no Biblical LAW simply by having those afflictions. Yet there is a law, which you admit the Bible very clearly teaches, which condemns your practice of homosexuality. The clincher here is the fact that you know of the law, and in spite of that continue to go against it … insisting that you can’t help it. Like I said up above, Joelbear, I hope that you are able to come to a greater appreciation of faith-strengthening knowledge of the Bible so that your faith will be stronger, so that you will have the strength to fight and overcome what you know the Bible says is wrong. Except for the fact that your practice has to do with sex, and therefore perhaps more difficult to overcome, I think that, comparatively speaking, it would be ridiculous for me to swear, that as a person addicted to thievery (if I were indeed a thief), I was “born” such a way and it’s absolutely not my fault that I keep doing it, in spite of the fact that I know very definitely that God says that it’s wrong. I wouldn’t blame anyone for raising their eyebrows at hearing me attempt to defend myself.

    I really wondered why you didn’t have any more to say about the parts regarding the “little flock” and “holiness”.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • joelbear

    Because your point regarding holiness and the annointed made sense. I cannot logically argue with it, it does make sense.

    However, your point about angels responsibility and human responsibility doesn't make sense. You declare it logical because it is logical. You do not explain the logic. There is still a difference in the level of responsibility required by different entities in order to gain everlasting life. One has the benefit of direct communication with god, the other does not. One has the benefit of being surrounded by millions or billions of creatures of like mind, the other has to go toe to toe one on one with a creature much older and powerful that he is and then this is the only shot for billions of his descendants. It simply doesn't make sense.

    In another thread you state almost everyone destroyed at Armageddon will be resurrected and judged at the end of the 1000 years before god utilizes the "second death". While this does set up a more fair justice system, in fact, it is necessary to even come close to being fair: everyone taught under equal circumstances by people with equal teaching ability, it seems ludicrous to destroy everyone simply to bring them back and teach them in a new setting. If this were true then the timing of Armageddon is irrelevant. There is no "keeping the ark door open" scenario.

    You say, almost everyone will be resurrected. I would assume those who would not be resurrected would be those who heard "the truth" and rejected it, thus once again, making it a curse to have ever heard it since you carry a greater personal responsibility if you have than if you haven't.

    I would still be better off being a homosexual in the mountains of China than in the US because I will eventually be judged differently.

    Still lacks logic.


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