i was wondering if there is anyone on this board, that asides from leaving the witness mind reform program, has also brushed off all religions as a whole? and began looking inwards for answers instead? this is where i am and have been for many years as far as what i believe . . . 1. anything jesus may have said or done, has been taken out of context his message was misinterpreted by the power hungry clergy that pushed for the spread of christianity 2. he was about as holy as the krishna is to the hindus or muhammed to the muslims or even moses or elijah to the jews 3. i believe all world religions have their place for teaching morals and values to the ones that it reaches, yet i do not subscribe to any of them, 4. i believe religions are glorified mythologies, they all hold elements of wisdom that allow an enlightenment of sorts, but essentially they are all the same simply differing by culture 5. as to the unholy babble, scrolls found in caves and stitched together with bindings after numerous men hand wrote them and filled in the missing pieces of parchment at times, picking and choosing from countless scrolls as to what was making the final 66 and what was going to be considered not worthy
looking inside
by myownsaviorthankyoumuch 16 Replies latest jw experiences
New light for you
I , as of now, still am "pro-bible", but i think you're going to find LOTS feel the same as you.
My husband will post that he agrees with you (robert7).
After finding out I had been taught such screwy things all my life, I am wandering. But I believe in a Higher Power and angels.
1. anything jesus may have said or done, has been taken out of context his message was misinterpreted by the power hungry clergy that pushed for the spread of christianity
I agree!
2. he was about as holy as the krishna is to the hindus or muhammed to the muslims or even moses or elijah to the jews
They're all the same.
3. i believe all world religions have their place for teaching morals and values to the ones that it reaches, yet i do not subscribe to any of them,
I, personally believe that people are religious out of habit or out of need - we all need something to keep us going off the deep-end. If it's religion, that's fine.
4. i believe religions are glorified mythologies, they all hold elements of wisdom that allow an enlightenment of sorts, but essentially they are all the same simply differing by culture
Again, bang on.
5. as to the unholy babble, scrolls found in caves and stitched together with bindings after numerous men hand wrote them and filled in the missing pieces of parchment at times, picking and choosing from countless scrolls as to what was making the final 66 and what was going to be considered not worthy
I have looked into Buddism - it didn't work either.
Now the question you should ask is if aliens put the bible on earth so humans wouldn't go crazy... I'm just kidding naturally - people love they're conspiracy theories.
Personally, I don't need to follow a religion from going off the deep end. Now I could be wrong - and if I am, I am perfectly comfortable explaining my actions to some great creator and taking a dirt nap.
I beleive that anything biblically written were nothing but bedtime stories for the sheepherders and their families.
The old saying that religion is control for the masses is what I believe. People (okay this is my opinion) who flock to religion do so, because they take comfort in having someone tell them what is right and wrong in daily life and that they will be rewarded for following these rules. Government-at least western governments allow religion to control everyday matters that democracies don't legislate-it's a free country you can sleep with whoever you want, but religion provides some element of control for those wouldn't otherwise control themselves.
Growing up I often thought the world was defined as 'good' and 'bad' people. I no longer believe this, now I believe the world is broken up into categories of 'intelligent' and 'not so much' as well as people who have the courage to face truth, and those who want life to be broken down into easy to understand rules: don't kill, don't fornicate, don't lie; I find many many people want things to be easy in the sense that they do not have to use their own critical thinking skills-religion provides comfort to people like that.
By the way, I'm not criticizing anyone who is religious, I just tend to look at it legalistically.
I don't think that religious people are unintelligent either. People choose to be unintelligent unless they have some kind of developmental disability, of course.
It's who you choose to assosiate with. If your self-esteem is low, you assosiate with unintelligent people, and become like them.
Religion is they're crutch - for others, it's alcohol or drugs. Which one is preferable?
You have to accept the Jews as Gods chosen people. They did, and they wrote about it.
The JW's also accept themselves as being God's chosen people, and they also write about it.
It takes a lot of insight to see when you are chosen.
Insight: penetrating mental vision or discernment; faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth. -
After several years of searching my own heart and soul for what I want to believe, I have come to the conclusion that there is a higher power. I do not, however, feel that this power interacts and/or has any interest in our current existence.
This belief is called Deism. Here is a quick explanation of it from Wiki:
Deism is the belief that there is a God that created the physical universe but does not interfere with it. It is related to a religiousphilosophy and movement that derives the existence and nature of God from reason. (The mention of God in this article is meant more as a Creator than as the Abrahamic God.) It takes no position on what God may do outside the universe. That is in contrast to fideism which is found in many forms of Christianity. [1]Islamic and Judaic teachings hold that religion relies on revelation in sacred scriptures or the testimony of other people as well as reasoning. Deists often use the analogy of God as watchmaker.
Deists typically reject most supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and tend to assert that God does not intervene with the affairs of human life and the natural laws of the universe. What organized religions see as divine revelation and holy books, most deists see as interpretations made by other humans, rather than as authoritative sources. Deists believe that God's greatest gift to humanity is not religion, but the ability to reason.
Deism became prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries during the Age of Enlightenment, especially in the United Kingdom, France and the United States, mostly among those raised as Christians who found they could not believe in either a triune God, the divinity of Jesus, miracles, or the inerrancy of scriptures, but who did believe in one God. Initially it did not form any congregations, but in time deism led to the development of other religious groups, such as Unitarianism, which later developed into Unitarian Universalism. It continues to this day in the form of classical deism and modern deism.
I started looking into other churches when I faded out of JWs. They are all the same, christian or non-christian. I started reading more scientific information with a more open mind. I've come to the conclusion that if there is life after death, we won't find out until we get there. No one has advance information. As for the universe, it is incredibly obvious that we are NOT the center of the universe. We hardly matter except to ourselves.