looking inside

by myownsaviorthankyoumuch 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • RavenManiac

    I don't know why God would chose one group of people over another group. Nearly all religions have golden rules and a person you model your life after. I don't think our supreme being is cruel and would chose one group over another. Before the birth of monotheism, as we know it today, people worshiped many gods and/or mother nature. Were they wrong? I don't know who is right. I think we need to coexist.

  • WTWizard

    From what I have directly observed, God has neither love nor wisdom nor justice. All He has is power and pride. And ego justice, a sham form of justice where He punishes people solely so He can extort them into doing more, and to make Himself look righteous. With a God like that, there is no way I am ever going to seek guidance or salvation from Him.

  • LockedChaos

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I would have to say "Spiritual" and NOT "Religious". After 25 yrs as a "born-in" and over 25 yrs out I run away shouting and screaming from ANY organized, judgmental groups. Even a philosophy such as "Objectivism" has become much like a religion. A thing that flies in the face of the original ideas. As I've grown older I find an internal need to re-examine the tenants of Christianity. As "Homer S." says "Ah religion, that's the place where people go to learn to be judgmental. Someday I may even formally introduce myself and tell me story. Yawn!! But not today.

  • Carmel

    There are many concurant themes in all the worlds religions, regardless of the culture and time of their founding. You will hear they are simply sociological impulses to exert control over others, however, none of the originators or founders promoted such behavior, in fact, a fair analysis shows a progression of social teachings from clan to tribe to city state to nation state. As humanity evolved and progressed older forms no longer served humanity at the same time those forms became to be used as competitive mechanisms to "maintain leadership and yes, control". Each new revelation has been met most antagonistically by the established clergy to the extent that a new revelation usually involves hundreds, even thousands of martyrs. Before you reject all religions or lump them all, I suggest you take some time away from all energy expenditures that try to sort things out and allow detachment to take over your life. In a few years come back and look at things without the residue of JW experiance. You may find you can be much more objective. I wish you well. carmel

  • myownsaviorthankyoumuch

    thanks for the comments everyone,

  • myownsaviorthankyoumuch

    thanks for the comments everyone,

  • myownsaviorthankyoumuch

    k so i hit return too soon . . .

    new light, thanks for the words,

    momz, i feel your pain, i too felt too many screwy things were thrown my way at way too of an early age, perhaps believing in santa may have been easier, but then i wouldn't see things they way i do now, sometimes i pride myself in the perspectives i have and sometimes it scares me

    shamus100, how long did it take you to come up with these conclusions we both agree on? on aliens and delivery of . . . thats not a far stretch from where scientology is at . . and while'z i am at it, where IS the conspiracy theory area on this board?

    quirky1, in a sense mythology of sort, no?

    milligal, i have also heard it go 'religion is the opiate of the masses', and i agree with you, some people need a moral compass of sorts to keep them in line, but i also feel some people fall victim to religion/cults because they are at an emotional low when they fall, also keep an eye out for the darwin awards to keep track of the behaviour of the 'not so much'

    catbert, i am going to assume that i should have read your comment with a grain of sarcasm

    sweetface, thanks for the wiki link, seems i may be a deist after all

    ravenmaniac, god didn't chose one nation,

    wtwizard, any man who claims to know god is either crazy or a liar, people barely know themselves let alone have the ability to comprehend a deity that gave origin to the universe or what it is that drives this force, also any god created by man is bound to posesses human qualities,

    lockedchaos, what are the tenants of chritianity? i was amused by homer's quote mostly because its true, for an exercise in the art of being non-judgemental take on some yoga

    carmel, as a newly discovered deist that i am, i don't believe in prophecies or revelations, to me that is all man's interpretation of events, after the fact, also i was being objective when i stated my POV and conclusions, i faded out in 93 when i was 23, but inside i was out a good decade earlier, the residue went down the drain a good decade ago

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