I welcome it. I have evolved past fear, it is just another path in my journey.
How did you handle facing the reality of death?
by song19 50 Replies latest jw friends
I've thought about death since I was very young. It is the ultimate Light. There is no normal in my mind, because I know we die. Any illusion in life of permanency or normality is evaporated under the harsh Light of knowledge that this is not a permanent state. 27 years ago I didn't exist, some 50-60 years from now I'll stop existing. You can't hand-wave that, can't ignore it, it is the very biggest of big deals. Imagine how different our lives would be if we either did not die, or didn't know we would. I can hardly imagine it.
I'd like to share a line with you from the good book. Listen with me, if you will, to "The Aeroplane Flies High", line 20, and it says:
"I've always been afraid to die, but I think I'm more afraid to live"
The recognition that we are mortal and know not the "whys and wherefores" of our existance is only a tradgedy when we create a battle between reality and some notion of what "ought to be". Whatever the reason, whatever the end, it is, what it is, regardless of what you think about it. You can't fix it, you can't change it, and you can't complain because you were impossible to start with. The recognition of our mortality is very real, but in full perspective, there is no tradgedy. Suffering alive about dying doesn't make sense. Don't be afraid to live.
The key to overcoming the dread of death is to realize that you had no control over your existing in the first place and you will have no control over your ceasing to exist and no amount of thinking, wishing or hoping will change what you are, whatever that is. You can't "break" things by failing to understand. You don't carry any responsibility for the situation (despite what some bible thumpers may tell you)
I would prefer to have existed than not. My lack of knowledge why I exist or what happens when this ends is not a reason to feel that my existing is a tradgedy, I'd rather exist than not, I don't have any power to change the terms and conditions of that existing. The lack of knowlege gives a heavy "urgency of now" but I don't feel bad that I am not getting some kind of promise of everlasting existance. Truly, we die because it makes life important.
For me this is a really sad concept, I left young at 16 and felt for many years that I would die, and that this life we live offered me nothing as I was taught. Looking back, I am saddened by the years lost. The years thinking to myself that there was no point in progressing as an invidual personally or advancing intellectually or career ways.
Now today at 43, I see a future, and am not afraid of death. I no longer see death as the end, I see my life as simply a page or chapter in my existence on this earth. I was one of those good little JW girls, doing all that was right, believing in all the teachings, but am so thankful that I left and had the chance to learn about life on the other side.
I no longer believe in the teachings I grew up with. I have educated myself enough to know that there is so much more out there than most of us realize, and may never understand totally until we can see that there may be another place.. another plane of existence that we were never told about.
In my opinion, there is not one religion, nor belief out there that has God or a higher power as their main main supporter. That God, or supporter is there for all of us, no matter what religion or faith we may believe in.
I believe that all that have a good heart will end up somewhere good! Perhaps I am dissilusioned, but I do not believe I am.
For me, believing that the basic goodness of mankind is noticed by whomever may be in charge of this whole fiasco we see here on earth helps me to see a future. Perhaps it is a "faith" moment I never thought I would have, but I do believe that goodness will be noticed.
I have let the past go, the teachings I was taught, let them fly away.. and believe that goodness will be recocnized!
p.s. I had an interesting converstaion with my boss last week on this topic.. death.. where do we go ect. She, as well as I have felt lost loved ones come to us after death to let us know the lost one was okay. I know that death is not the end.. I have experienced a lost loved one come to me to let me know they were okay. Whether anyone believe this or not is quite fine with me. I though know what I experienced, and am at peace!
I should have elaborated on there being no normal. Consider the possibilities:
1. Everything is just a given, nothing to worry about <- doesn't work, we die, can't be ignored.
2. Jehovah created us, its all about apple-eating bitch, wear bad suits, act like an asshole, god loves you, no dying <- nuts
3. Universe is just a given, we evolved from primordial broth, no god, accident <- nuts
4. There is a god, some other religion got him right or all got him wrong, but there is a personal god out there with a plan for us <-nuts
5. We are god, live is a dream we are creating ourselves, whatever we are, we're the ones manifesting this experience for ourselves <- nuts
6. We are re-incarnating through existance as every kind of living thing, our incarnations based on what we did with our lives <- nuts
7. Something not exactly listed here, but just as nuts. <- nuts.
I find it extraordinary to recognize and really feel how "real" reality is, and to simultaneously recognize that no matter how rational you are there is no "normal, non crazy" explanation for why we are here. You can't wake up from this adventure, Alice. It is very real, and there is no normal. I find it intoxicating to ponder, and this is why I call myself an Agnostic rather than Athiest even though there is very little about Athiesm I disagree with. A smug Athiest understands a lot, but doesn't understand that he is tumbling down the rabbit hole just like the rest of us, and it ain't rational, whatever it is. If you think you can order a "rational" explanation in your mind for this experience, you're just as deluded as a dub.
Let me re-iterate, it is also all very real. I was obsessed with "how real" reality was when I was a teenager, even blurting out "reality is very real" trying to explain to others this recognition described above. It is my mantra. The life being a miracle isn't a metaphor.
Change your perspective from "there is an answer and I'm in pain because I can't find it, there is something wrong" to "I realize how truly miraculous this experience is".
I never really cared. Just give me creature comforts and lots of them. God bless. Amen. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that's why it's called the present. :)
It's not just those who got the truth at an early age who feel this way.
As I die, I plan to give BOTH of my middle fingers to death............................and a few who post here.
wha happened?
My Father dying gave me quite an education. Quality of life versus quantity of life. When his Dr said u have a month, he said screw it. No more treatment or food. Just pain Killers. Time for me to go.
It was hard to accept but I staunchly defended his decision to the relatives. Mom faltered at first but quickly realized why he did it. My two sisters to this day think I killed him. Alot of the other relatives realize what big balls he had to go the way he did. He died within 3 days. I know that he went on HIS terms. I hope I'm that strong.
I was with him as he continued his journey. -
wha happened?
Mom recently came very close. Fortunately I found her and hospitalized her. She's fighting for life for now. It's not her time yet. We both know it.
My diehard jw mother has been wanting to die for as long as I can remember. My father in as an elder and in his 50's wanted to die too.....he died at age 64.
At 49 I have heard more about death than life, thinking I would be dead before highschool.....Yeah, that came and went! After 1975 it was all bullshit and I realized I would probably live out my days.
I have lived life as I wanted, I have been married for 30 years to a wonderful man and we have raised two beautiful boys together.
I look forward to their weddings and my grandchildren which I plan to spoil rotten. Yep, I graduated, married, and had children now on their own.
Thank you Spirit inspired Governing Body....I'm not dead yet as you predictd over 30 years ago. Don't you feel like idiots? Perhaps you are more demon inspired than inspired by God.
What Fear??..The fear of death,the WBT$ wants everyone to have?..LOL!!......If you go on to another life..You didn`t die.....If you really are dead,you won`t know it.....Either way..Theres not much to fear..LOL!!........................