Isn't that the very definition of racism? Rewarding or punishing someone because of their (probable) ancestry. There has to be a statute of limitations on past atrocities or institutionalised racism will simply be perpetuated.
Question is, who sets that statute? You, me or government? Kind of reminds me of the WTS to be frank, sure we were wrong in the past but you are the wrong if you dwell on that or cry justice, accountability! IMHO, the extent of past atrocities has certainly by no means been rectified to the level of equality we currently see today. If so, why was Fema so bloody slow in responding to the crisis caused by hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, they were sure a hell of alot quicker in Midtown Manhattan on 9/11. Do you stop to ask yourself why? Your right, that at some point the past needs to be layed to rest, but its delusional to think that many people are not still suffering from that past, currently! It not like we are talking thousands of years here Derek. In the long term of humanity's existance, those atrocities are extremely recent and still have effect on the minds and opportunities of people currently. And therefore, yes I do think that there is still room for rectification. Until everyone is treated completely equal and has the same opportunities at birth, we are just burying our heads in the proverbal sand to say, get over it already and suck it up.
That's no more unreachable than what you proposed regarding people keeping their money instead of being forced to part with it by government, is it?