Adam and Eve, True or False

by RavenManiac 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthis

    Truth Is:

    Satan originated the tree of the knowledge of "Good and Evil". Satan orginated the "Lie" therefore is the father of the lie. Satans "Seed" or offspring are "Imperfect" human beings. In the same manner as "Job" satan caused imperfection which causes "Death" to occur to all humans upon the earth. GOD DID NOT.......

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    truthis you have truth of ignorance go back to the hall or get educated ......

  • truthis

    truthis you have truth of ignorance go back to the hall or get educated ......
    Go raise Bart Simpson, he is like you anyway......

  • Thylacine

    Adam and Eve...hmmmm....interesting, yet still only a STORY. Anyone know the name of Adam's First wife??? Her name was Lilith..."When the Almighty created the first, solitary man, He said: It is not good for man to be alone. And He fashioned for man a woman from the earth, like him (Adam), and called her Lilith. Soon, they began to quarrel with each other. She said to him: I will not lie underneath, and he said: I will not lie underneath but above, for you are meant to lie underneath and I to lie above. She said to him: We are both equal, because we are both created from the earth. But they did not listen to each other." So after this, Lilith got kicked out of the garden, god made Eve from part of Adam so she would be submissive. Just another take on the STORY....

  • truthis
    Adam and Eve...hmmmm....interesting, yet still only a STORY. Anyone know the name of Adam's First wife??? Her name was Lilith..."When the Almighty created the first, solitary man, He said: It is not good for man to be alone. And He fashioned for man a woman from the earth, like him (Adam), and called her Lilith. Soon, they began to quarrel with each other. She said to him: I will not lie underneath, and he said: I will not lie underneath but above, for you are meant to lie underneath and I to lie above. She said to him: We are both equal, because we are both created from the earth. But they did not listen to each other." So after this, Lilith got kicked out of the garden, god made Eve from part of Adam so she would be submissive. Just another take on the STORY....

    You must be Lilith. Why include the "Bible'" if you do not adhere to what is written in it? It is like drinking milk and saying that it is water.......

  • StAnn

    The story of Adam and Eve is in the genre of myth. It's considered prehistory and certainly isn't to be taken literally. Yes, it appears science has proven we all descended from a single woman. I've heard she lived100,000 years ago, I've heard it was 300,000 years ago, so I guess we have an "Eve" in history. However, y'all are reading Genesis with 21st century eyes. It was written for a different people in a different time for a different purpose than the fundamentalists are trying to make it out as today. Context, people.

  • truthis
    The story of Adam and Eve is in the genre of myth. It's considered prehistory and certainly isn't to be taken literally. Yes, it appears science has proven we all descended from a single woman. I've heard she lived100,000 years ago, I've heard it was 300,000 years ago, so I guess we have an "Eve" in history. However, y'all are reading Genesis with 21st century eyes. It was written for a different people in a different time for a different purpose than the fundamentalists are trying to make it out as today. Context, people.

    GOD wrote what would occur in the 21st century if you read closely, would you like me to prove it? The Alpha and Omega means the beginning and the End. The serpent or the "snake" is not bad is it? It is a creation.

  • truthis

    Man was formed from "Dust" out of the earth which has proven to be "CARBON". Carbon has been in existence long before man has. And Eve was created from flesh and bone, similar to ADAM. OR DNA you might say. The Second Adam, "Jesus Christ" was foretold in the first Adam. How? It says that his flesh was pierced on his side or perhaps on his "Ribs". The serpent was made to crawl on its "Belly" similar to a male when what occurs with his genitals?

  • nicolaou

    We've got a live one here!


    Well,it sure wasn`t Adam and Steve!......Maybe it was about,Adam and Stove?.....Stove???!.....You Cook on a Stove!!..Was Adam a Chef?.....Is the Bible,really a Cook book??..Cooking.............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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