I heard that the latest Watchtower mag made reference to the borganization undergoing "invisible growth". Anybody can fill me in with the details and context? Thanks.
WT undergoing "Invisible Growth"
by Gerard 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
I hope this is true, it sounds like cancer.
Also appreciate the invisible lift bra adds. I'm a sucker for big knockers.
There, first time I've used up my posting and thread quota for the day. Not sure that's a good thing.
The published statistics keep going up but the kingdumb halls keep being sold and the congregations keep getting smaller.
Wow... the Invisible Bra ad triggered a "Wii Girlfriend Woola Hoop" flashback.
Invisible growth? LOL, well why not, it fits right in with the invisible Jesus.
How do they define this invisible growth? Does anyone have scan or text? -
Allright, I found a reference to that. I copy it below http://futuretruth.wordpress.com/2008/05/15/the-july-15-2008-wt-contains-loads-of-new-light/
The July 15, 2008 WT
"First of all you must keep in mind that the Watchtower predicted many, many dates as to when Jesus would return. All those dates failed. The latest date was 1914 and when that date failed the Watchtower claimed that Jesus did return, only his return was invisible.
In this article they give a new interpretation of Jesus’ parables of dragnet, mustard seed, leaven, etc. Now remember that the Watchtower has always given a scripture and an explanation for occurrence within the organization. The Watchtower is now in a state of decline. Member numbers are falling off and so are contributions. This article is meant to shore up the brothers to stay the course. Jesus didn’t show, so he returned invisibly. The world didn’t end when they said it would, so it ended invisibly. The Society’s growth is slowing and now, growth is going to be invisible too. Yes, I am not kidding. The Watchtower claims it is showing invisible growth. Please don’t ask me to explain it. Read it for yourselves and please explain it to me.
Invisible growth? I suppose they’ll toss up a few invisible Halls to take care of a few invisible meetings for the invisible brothers for the invisible growth. You gotta read this hilarious issue." -
Witness 007
Invisible growth of lurkers on this site!
What the WT needs are invisible contributions.
I gotta see a scan of that quote.
What the WT needs are invisible contributions.
They are already getting that. That comes hand in hand with invisible growth.
I can't see that this is actually quoted anywhere, the link just takes you to a couple of blogs claiming they have said this.
I would like to see a scan and the context before I jump to any rash conclusions.