2008 Keep Yourselves In God's Love--PDF!

by Atlantis 97 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • itsmarkyboy

    My favourite section is on whether or not to accept "Christmas Bonuses". After saying that you can't go to your non-believing spouse's family Christmas dinner for fear that you may stumble someone or be seen as celebrating a pagan holiday....

    But cash? In the name of Christmas Bonus? Whoah there - that's entirely AOK. Just because your boss gives you money as a Christmas bonus, your accepting it doesn't mean you're celebrating Xmas.

    I expected to read...and if you forward it to the WTBS we'll credit you 1000 hours of field service in the next calendar year. Cheers!

  • kifoy

    Hi Atlantis!

    Great work! But do you have the "heavy" version as well? Not the stripped down text version but the scanned version?

  • WTWizard

    But cash? In the name of Christmas Bonus? Whoah there - that's entirely AOK. Just because your boss gives you money as a Christmas bonus, your accepting it doesn't mean you're celebrating Xmas.

    Of course, you will be expected to put it all in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

  • Gozz

    All links to the book hear are dead...

    Anyone kind to let me have an e-copy of this book?

    Thanks for your assistance.


  • cattails

    Does anyone have an updated link for this book?



  • Lillith26

    The books I didn't give back, i have put in the trash were they belong! I do remember this book (KYIGL)- i left just as the study of it began- I remember my husband saying- so you gunna start wearing a scarf on your head like the mormons now? LOL it was pretty stupid lol

    The only book I wish I had've kept was the "reasoning from the scripture" handbook. It's a good model for a book am currently working on.

    It's good to keep up with what crap the org is publishing- comes in handy when pointing out new fault and lies.

  • mblog

    Please repost the link for this PDF book.


  • Black Sheep

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