time to move on....

by wings 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    This is the most interesting thread in a while and I think Hillary_step hit the nail on the head. There's nothing wrong with wanting, recieving, and/or giving support, but when I see the ROUTINE EXPLOITATION of support, it makes me sick. I won't name names, no need to. However, this is all ancillary to how this thread started. Wings, do what you need to do to move on in life. I wish good things for you. -dp

  • LovesDubs

    You'll be back...we're like having only one potato chip :)

    Meanwhile we will miss you and good luck!!


  • sf

    The concept of this Board was and is a good one, and in times past the discussions, debates and information that one could find here made this Board unique. I doubt that the battalion of the 'needy' that seems to have arrived the past couple of years have ever read serious posts by AlanF, Marvin Shilmer, TMS, janH, Ginny Tosken, Norm, etc. etc., but they should. After these they may find that the INFORMATION contained in them while not immediately 'supportive' was far more valuable in dealing with the emotional negativity that emerging from a cult can envelop us in. Knowledge is freedom, and that means freedom from neediness too.

    I absolutely agree that the information, due to exhaustive footwork, both on and offline, by those mentioned above, and a host of others who are ALL OVER THE INTERNET FOR PEOPLES OWN RESEARCH PURPOSES, [ edited to finish my thought ] is vital in understand a plethra of issues and problems inside the Watchtower, not just inside the JW religion.

    Yet, how many here, from the last 2-4 years have actually done their own tedious, exhaustive reading, studying and footwork?

    Many of these same people wonder why such anger and bitterness are present from "dedicated, baptized apostates". I can say for myself that is because I HAVE done that research and reading. It's ugly, offensive, abhorrant and if you aren't prepared well, it can really mess with you.

    But in order to fully comprehend the magnitude of the corruption and deception, such footwork is mandatory. And until you do, don't expect myself, HS and many others who did our homework, to coddle you. We will help you help yourselves. Trust me, all you have to do is ask. And google!

    Happy trails.


  • wings
    However much you now try to play the sweet innocent, your UNSOLICITED private mail was patronizing, condescending and just plain rude.

    Sorry HS, didn't mean to be patronizing, condescending and rude to you. I just had a stupid moment, it was not my intention to upset you.

    I am honestly sorry.


  • JK666






    Those four words could never rightfully apply to you, from what I have experienced on this board!!!

    Never let someone through cleverly crafted words make you believe that, or beat you down so much, that you would acquiesce to their opinion just to get relief.

    I know that you have faced abuse in your past, and right now this board is becoming another source. Just let the dogs have their day, and know that you are a good person, and loved by many here.

    Remember, opinions are like rear ends: everybody has one and they all stink, even the individuals that think theirs doesn't.



  • Gopher

    Hi Wings. I just wanted to add my "best wishes" if you are truly moving on. It's been good to have you with us here a while.

    As far as the purpose of the board, I agree it is a "discussion" forum. Discussion -- can be about the mind-blowing falsehoods of the JW doctrine, or it can be about the heart-numbing and sad effects that the JW culture has had on our lives. In other words, we should be able to gain BOTH information AND support from this board. I think it wise to take advantage of either or both, according to one's needs.

    (Gopher of the 'split-it-down-the-middle' class)

  • quietlyleaving

    wings hugs to you - my 2 cents worth is that vulnerable people helping vulnerable ones can be a recipe for disaster. HS' warnings are valid and need to be made. I guess that for one to be on the receiving end isn't so nice, so you have my sympathy

  • hillary_step







    Those four words could never rightfully apply to you, from what I have experienced on this board!!!

    Are you sure you meant to direct these words to Wings? Not very supportive of you.

    Never let someone through cleverly crafted words make you believe that

    Grow up man! Get back into rehab and make something of your life. Hanging around an exJW discussion board hoping to find Nivarna shaped sobriety is not going to happen. Take responsibility for who you are, what you became, and what you want to be. Stop blaming the WTS or your family for your alchoholism. Until you do so you will never grapple with any success with the demons that haunt you. Of course, you have heard all this in AA, have you not?

    There you go 'cuddly-club'. A little support given for free by HS to JK666. Sure, it is not love-bombing, or empowering him to wallow in his excesses and issues. It is the type of support he will receive, and I suspect has received from a professional counsellor. I also suspect that it will go in one ear and out of the other, which shows just how serious a 'support' Board this is!


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    HS may make some valid points... and I certainly agree with sKally's posts... people need to do the legwork to fully understand the WTS... I read about 3000 pages of info in my 1st month as an ExJW... and yes, I've gone back and read old posts by AlanF, Farkel, Amazing, etc....

    But as DP said, this is all a side point to the point of this thread... if this should be discussed, start a new thread...

    As for me, I wish to say that wings is grieving at the moment and going through seriious life changes... I hope she is able to fly throughall this and come out on top...

    My wishes to you wings...


  • hillary_step


    Sorry HS, didn't mean to be patronizing, condescending and rude to you. I just had a stupid moment, it was not my intention to upset you.

    I am not in the slightest upset Wings, as I have tried to impress on you a number of times. I am puzzled by your behavior, but not upset. It is yourself and a number of erratic posters that seem to be living through you via emotional transference issues that are upset.

    I am honestly sorry.

    I accept your apology and wish you all the best for the future. I hope that life treats you a little more fairly in the years to come.

    Best regards - HS

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