more on those dreaded "NEW BOYS"
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch 501 Replies latest jw friends
by the way, these are the work of Mark Quakenbush, nephew of Colon Quakenbush, one-time Awake! editor, that CAB referred to. :-))
Thanks to all of you for this "eye-opener". We lived close to the world headquarters and went to the Kingdom Hall at Bethel for a while back in the early seventies. So, we got to meet many of the Governing Body members. Franz, Knorr, Kline ,Sidlik, etc. We were invited to the room for drinks and had shared some meals. We were newly baptized, me 1970, my wife 1971.
We got the love bombing back then.Then it wore off and we were assigned to a Kingdom Hall in the local territory. Left the society in 2002. Found this site through Randy Watters. Randy and I talked on the phone once back in 2002. He was very helpful to me.
The other big surprise for we was that hardly any of the people who write the publications believe what is written in them in the way they expect the average WT reader to
This is pretty much true of most of the "prominent" elders I ever met, and I met quite a few. Those with special privileges 'tho not at Bethel, such as city overseers, convention overseers, and elders who were held in high esteem in their own congo due to excellent teaching/speaking skills or were just well-connected to WTS heavies, almost all had a "rules don't apply to me" attitude.
Rank and file dubs would be shocked to overhear private conversations between elders who could read and understand what the Society wrote and said, and were able to think for themselves. But that was in private. Publicly, they protected their positions.
Watchtower leadership is often comprised of two camps: the cerebral boys, who do most of the writing and talking, and the mindless company men who do what they are told. Each group looks down on the other.
Who of you remembers Wednesday evenings and the "Get Naked with Freddy In The Sauna" parade?
Warren -
Thanks Tom.....that pretty much answered my question.
Here's a picture of Leo Greenlees when he married my dad always complained that Leo tried pinching his bum on the way back down the isle.
Tom Cabeen
Hi Mary,
Leo and I were in the same Hall when I was first a PO in the early 1970s (he was in the Greenpoint cong, I was in Greenpoint Spanish), then later were in the same congregation (Newark French). He was always pretty quiet, and pretty funny in the rather light conversations in which we shared on the long rides from Brooklyn to Newark. I was surprised to hear later that he had to leave the GB and move south (was it New Orleans?), but that was long after I was df'd. Was that in Toronto that your parents were married by Leo? He looks so young, but I recognize the face.
Tom -
Tom Cabeen
Hey Warren,
Glad to be in touch again!
Shortly after I came to Bethel, around 1968, I was invited to go down to the sauna on a Wednesday night once with Freddy and Nathir Saleeh (who seemed to always be around him), and a couple of other new boys. I remember Freddy pulling on the big chain connected to the steam valve to let in lots of steam, and saying "Ooooh, hoooh, ooooh, hoooh" over and over again. The place smelled of musty wood and dampness and the whole experience was a little too weird for an Arizona farm boy. Once was enough for me. I never joined them again.
Boy, there is something I hadn't thought about in nearly forty years!
Tom -
Tom Cabeen
Hey Warren,
Just a note about Nestor. His wife's name is Toni and their last name is spelled Kuilan. They are both living in Puerto Rico. I have been in touch with them in the past few months. Send me a PM if you want their email address.