How many people did you "bring into the truth"?

by song19 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • redredrose

    Three. One is now out of the truth, she's okay. But the other two, now that is an ironic story. I was born in the truth but when I was 14 I just refused to go anymore. So, I found a boyfriend that I just loved and we were together for a couple of years. Then my boyfriend was a joint friend of ours (we were kind of hippies so our friendships were almost incestuous, you know, we just traded partners) and we were together for a couple of years. All this time ,I, being brainwashed, still believed that the Witnesses had the truth. This was just before 1975 and I was convinced Armageddon was coming. My friends and I all discussed it. By this time I was ready to come back so I wouldn't be destroyed. Boyfriend #2 and I had broken up, but he and boyfriend #1 ended up studying with a pioneer, wouldn't you know. So I went back and they came in all together. (Boyfriend #1 had married his live in girlfriend so they could get baptized) After all this time, I am now married to boyfriend #1 and boyfriend #2 is still our best friend,... he was even best man at our wedding...and I'M LEAVING THE TRUTH AND THEY STILL BELIEVE ITS THE TRUTH! I have to shake my head and wonder...

  • song19

    that is some story redredrose... wow.

    welcome to the boards!

  • WTWizard

    Nice to see that so many had little commitment to getting calls and studies.

    This is what I did with many of my calls: I would let them sit in my book. Eventually, they would go out of date, and then I would simply deny having any calls when I had about 50 in my book (all of them more than a month, some more than 6 months, old). Sometimes I would clean out my book, and throw away all those calls right in the garbage. As I did that at home, they never caught on.

    However, I know that there is one family that wanted to host me (and still does, for all I know). If I ever get stuck there, they would check every call and make sure every single one of them is worked after a week, and anything that is more than a week without a return visit on would be put aside and I would get forced to work them. Effectively, I threw away plenty of prime opportunities to make studies. And now I am glad--that limits the number of downlines I have promoting those waste of paper distribution campaigns and attending the Grand Boasting Session.

  • TinyDancer124

    None. Nor did I want to.

  • sacolton

    Ever faked a RV to keep the car pool driving around aimlessly? I did that once to kill time.

    Driver: Is this the house?

    Me: Hmm. No. It looks kinda like it. Drive up the street.

    Driver: Is it that one?

    Me: Uhhh ... no. Wrong color - unless they repainted recently, but I don't remember that tree being there.

    Driver: Do any of these houses look familar?

    Me: I remember THAT house, but that's not the one that I need to drop off magazines. Take a left up here.

    Driver: Is this the street?

    Me: Yeah! No, wait ... make a right. I think it's on the next block.

    (This would continue for 15 minutes)

    That was a good day.

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