Wow-I didn't know.

by QuestioningEverything 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Welcome and congratulations. The fact that you can face this is a testament to your character and integrity.

  • outofthebox

    Welcome to the Real World!

    Relax, the answers are coming.


  • SPAZnik

    I KNOW, eh?!!!!

  • ldrnomo

    Your blinders have been removed keep searching that's what spirituality is all about.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I went through the same rude awakening after a gradual doubt process in March. I suggest you do as much reading as possible to get rid of the WTS ingrained mentality. I am around the same age as you, and was raised in the JWs since I was 3. It was scary to begin to think that the WTS does not teach the truth, but it is empowering to realize that that actually is the case.

    As mentioned, please read Crisis of Conscience. If you like to read, In Search of Christian Freedom (almost 800 pages, also by Ray Franz) will free up misconceptions about blood, holidays, and other prohibited practices and shows how the Bible does not prohibit them.

    There are a number of other good books to read, such as The Sign of the Last Days by C.O Jonnson and Wolfgang Herbst. If this does not take the scales of your eyes, leave them on, lol. It is well researched and the evidence is undeniable.

    Go ahead. Question Everything. You can do that anyplace on the earth except at Kingdom Halls and countries where extreme forms of Islam are practiced.

  • yknot

    alt.....Glad you have joined!

    The good news is that the blinders are off and you can begin to exam your personal beliefs.

  • dawg

    Glad to have you here

  • betterdaze

    Welcome, QuestioningEverything! You're in good company here.

    I called the shock and sadness as "having the spiritual rug pulled out from underneath me," it was so overwhelming at first.

    But this place has been a real lifesaver for me, and I hope it can be the same for you and your family.


  • independent_tre

    Answering feenx.. I think she's referring to the change in 1981- it used to be okay to be cordial to a disfellowshipped person and you could still speak to your DF'd relatives. The September 15, 1981 WT changed all of that. If this were really from the Bible, you would think it wouldn't take over 1,900 years for this 'new light' to be understood, but that's how the WTS operates.

    Questioning... Welcome! I feel like I'm in your same situation as I have always had doubts, but once I came to this board, I was blown away. I'm about a quarter of the way through "Crisis", and between that and this website, I continually am suffering from headaches and have been feeling really depressed and upset, but I can't stop researching and reading because this is very important to me.

    I agree with the poster that suggested reading Ecclisiates (sp.), one of my favorite books of the Bible. It really helps to adjust my thinking and helps me to relax. Just remember that because you're questioning what the WT taught, by no means are you rejecting the Bible or God, as they have trained so many to believe. Daily Bible reading (no longer reading the NWT) still encourages me.

    Again Welcome, and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  • Quandry

    It's overwhelming


    Yes, it is. Take your time. Take a deep breath. It is a bumpy ride......

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