Wow-I didn't know.

by QuestioningEverything 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    I'm just trying to get all of these facts and my emotions in some sort of order. It's overwhelming but yet I am not bitter and have no desire to bash or bad mouth them. Not all of my upbringing or experiences were bad .

    It is important that you get all of the facts and your emotions in some sort of order. Being that you were df'd and went through the process of being reinstated, I don't think you are as unscathed as you think are. I was out for 13 years before I started to deal with some of the nastiness I experienced at the hands of the WTB&TS. Had it not been for the Bill Bowen/Barbara Anderson interview on Dateline, I would've continued to blame myself for what happened to me.

    When it really starts to hit you, please be assured that we are all here for you. Thankfully your husband is out and supportive of you. You will also find JWD to be quite a good source for an education about the history and ongoing abuses of the WTB&TS. Welcome!

  • hotspur


    you have your doubts then it all gets confirmed in a tidal wave of information. be patient with yourself.

  • chickpea

    the tide goes from overwhelm
    to a kind of numb for a while....
    nature's way of saying
    "dont forget to breathe"

    enjoy the ride! welcome!

  • QuestioningEverything

    I never had any doubts. Until about two months ago. I am inactive and always thought I would go back one day. My husband is done. He' goes to the Memorial each year but that's it. Now, I'm not so sure.

  • sacolton

    Research their real agenda and you'll stay far away from the Memorial as well.

    God bless.

  • tinker

    Welcome QE, Like you I had a good life, growing up as a JW. My mom taught me 'love thy neighbor' and 'all things in moderation' as fundamental and was not a radical JW. As long as I kept my thoughts light and close to the surface it was all hunky dory. With age and experiece I began to use critical thinking and BAMM the scales fell from my eyes and I saw it clear as day.....the Troof is not the truth.

    Many here are bitter and with good reason. It is good to hear you are not angry or bitter but you do want reasonable answers to your questions. We all deserve the freedom to THINK and use our minds. The thought control within the WTBS is abusive and will take time to heal those wounds. This board has been very helpful in my recovery. The humor, thought provoking discussions and all the latest WTBS news will help you make it though your days.

    You are on your way, may peace be with you


  • LouBelle

    Hi and welcome to the board. You are in good company, we've been down that road. Ask all the questions you like, there are many who have done a huge amount of research.

  • willyloman


    You are now ready to read Crisis of Conscience by former governing body member Raymond Franz. The truth about "The Truth" literally drips off every page and it's written in an intelligent, respectful manner by someone who was "there" at the top where all the decisions were made. It's one of the most important books for ex-JWs to read, as it opens your eyes and helps you come to peace with your own crisis of conscience.

    The most important thing it did for me was to help me realize that the moral high ground is occupied, not by the WT Society, but by those of us foot soldiers who got smart and became conscientious objectors to the so-called "spiritual warfare" being waged by the Society. I was an elder, conducting the Watchtower Study, when I read it. Now my entire family is out of the organization and we are leading happy, productive and fulfilling lives.

    Order it at:

    It's about $16 for hardbound... or for $8 you can get a pdf download and print your own.

    p.s. Good luck on your spiritual journey. It's going to be the most rewarding thing you've done.

  • LouBelle

    Hi and welcome to the board. You are in good company, we've been down that road. Ask all the questions you like, there are many who have done a huge amount of research.

  • feenx

    What change did they make in disfellowshipping and family?? I didn't hear about that one.

    Indigo Insight

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