After you told on someone, did you feel like a snitch?
Did You Ever "Rat" Anyone Out To The Elders?
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Well I did when I was MS, I regret it.
I did.
Felt lower than a dead dog on Flatwoods Plantation Road afterwards.
I never did, and I had some chances.
Cigarettes and weed among other things.
I didn't tell the elders but I did tell the person what I had seen to find out the whole story. After all, I was only "one" witness and it takes two, right?
Nope... but was offered the chance to go "undercover" whilst a member of the Lake Worth Melaluca congregation by old bald Bro Ken S.
I asked him if I looked like James Garner.. and told him that any thing he got from me would cost "$250 a day plus expenses"
Nope - I told the elders straight "if you have a problem with someone, don't come and ask me if I know anything - go ask them in question"
However people snitched on me: weed, drinking........ **looks up at BTS**
Only my ex-husband and that was just so I could get a Biblical divorce. It wasn't any of my business to "rat" out anyone else.
I would never, ever rat out ANYONE unless I felt that someone's LIFE was in DANGER. Outside of that, I really don't care what you do in your spare time, whether that be buying PORN or sneaking CIGARETTES in the woods behind your house.
My wife is a ZEALOT, though. In her lifetime she has ratted more than one person out. She will go to them and tell them that she knows something or she saw them do something to give them the opportunity to COME CLEAN. If they don't, she is reporting them.
She has only done this I think once since I have been married but she has informed me she has done it a few times as a teenager or young adult, even with one of her FRIENDS.
They have written many articles stating it's one's Christian DUTY to reveal a known sin. Otherwise, you're just as guilty and can be threatened with punishment too.