After you told on someone, did you feel like a snitch? Well of course I was doing Jehovahs will No I felt GREAT after I snitched, because it was a brother who was sleeping with my best friend ( not a JW) he was also smoking, He took us ( me & my hubby who was not a JW) to see his home & when he came to the bedroom he said "this where Rosilie & I sleep" Well what could I do,? I went to him privately,no change, then I took two other brothers to reason with him ( no change) then it went to the congregation> D/F ....He still believed it was the "truth"? but he got cancer of the throat -stopped smoking, got married to Rosilie ,got reinstated died a JW> NOW I feel bad. But I thought it was a stumbling block to my hubby & Rosilie >She became a JW ( died as hubby wanted me to pray for him to be with me on the Paradise earth as he was dying ( as I was still a JW )>I DID! Oh God why do I remember it all !!!!!
Did You Ever "Rat" Anyone Out To The Elders?
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Only if they find out and they have to have 2 witnesses..................
jws deceive the elder body many times, including the elders themselves.
Did You Ever "Rat" Anyone Out To The Elders?
Only if they sinned....
Volitionally, no. However, I was called to the back room because a "brother" was involved in "fits of anger" that I might have known something about. I only told what I personally witnessed, even though I wanted this "brother" to get disfellowshipped (he was the same humanoid that brought me into the cancer in the first place). But I only told the truth as I knew it.
As far as I know, he did not get disfellowshipped for that offense.
Open mind
Only myself.
Told the three men in suits everything. Didn't hold anything back.
Still didn't get no Hoooly Spirit.
I ratted out my own son for smoking. After I saw how it was handled, not very professional, more of SWAT team in a prison riot. I swore I would never rat someone out again, no matter what the circumstances.
I felt like a real a$$ and I apologized to my son.
There was a code of silence surrounding the teens in the Hall. If they were in the clique, you'd never hear anything negative. They protected one another.
This is correct!
There was a code of silence surrounding the teens in the Hall. If they were in the clique, you'd never hear anything negative. They protected one another.
Bumble Bee
No, I never did. My younger brother and I knew our father was smoking, and went to our mother about it. She of course denied it. My brother went to our father about it, not a pretty scene. When talking to my mother about this recently, and how hard it was for us as kids knowing he smoked and listening to the talks at the KH about "secret sins" etc, you know what she said???
"If it bothered you that much, why didn't you go to the elders?" WTF?? She thought it was perfectly acceptable for two kids to report their father to the elders for smoking, knowing what would happen if we did. No wonder we were so f*cked up.