Witnesses on the train

by Simon 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Simon were you the one in JW ledgend that confronted the dubs on the train, snatched the Truth Book from them and flung it out the window declaring "No one will ever learn anything from THIS book...I assure you!"....and of course the book hit a homeless hobo in the head....and he came into the truff!!!......haha.....I swear I heard that............oompa

  • Satanus

    'Little did they know that sat just feet away from them was an evil Apostate'

    Heh, i guess the 'holy spirit' wasn't active at that moment, still resting, or, he preceded them to the a$$embly grounds;)



    OMG - Oompa, that was one of my favorite "experiences" at a circuit assembly from the platform. The way I heard it was that a man was about to commit suicide by lying down on the railroad tracks. He got hit in the head of course, by the blue book of lies, (he may have been better off getting hit by the train). It was also stated that while this experience was being told at another assembly, a brother stood up and yelled "That was my book!" He was then escorted to the stage to tell how how someone came to throw his book out the window.

    I call BULLS**T, I wish I could have seen through it then.

    Give them hell Simon.

  • oompa

    Awake and Watching....That is EXACTLY how I heard it too....I forgot the near suicide part and the just up testimonial...barf.......haha...that is my all time fave......oompa

  • zeroday

    I remember the international convention I think 1976 Candlestick Park San Francisco when they released the Bible Stories book. We all had our plastic YELLOW bag with the releases. Hundreds of JW's walking down Market St with our yellow bags what a sight...

  • Pubsinger
    The most eveeeel of them all!

    LOL Yeah Simon should get an MBE for Services to Apostates . . .

    Hi Crumps

  • oompa
    Simon: Guys in ill-filling suits (on a roasting hot day) and 22 year old women dressed like they are 42,

    Just FYI...down south here the you sisters dress as close to the young Britney Spears as possible!! And I liked it!.....I wanted to say that compared to those uni-brow wave haird Connan like doos, and those praire wagon dresses....JW's look frikkin mainstream Christendom............eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww................oompa

    I am thinking of trying a half day with lunch with my wife at the DO.....I like checkin out the hot chicks!

  • CoonDawg
    I remember the international convention I think 1976 Candlestick Park San Francisco when they released the Bible Stories book. We all had our plastic YELLOW bag with the releases. Hundreds of JW's walking down Market St with our yellow bags what a sight...

    Those weren't just the releases in those bags...that was your pre-packaged literature for that special day of field service, I think it was either the Thursday or the Friday. I remeber them too. I attended at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. I'll never forget it because I got seperated from my parents there....at the mature age of 7.

  • Elgiard

    If someone stood up and yelled that it was their book, I'd have stood up and yelled that no, it was my damn book, and there's no way they're stealing my study. If I made it on stage I'd be sure to ask the dub giving the part if I could "count" that on my "time". If they managed to produce the guy who got hit in the face with the book and had him on stage too, I'm pretty sure that "counts" as a return visit.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You should have told them that you loved Witnesses so much that in your spare time you had set up a website just so they could chat, and that they could find it at Jehovahs-Witness.com. They would talk it up all week at the convo.

    Might have had a flurry of new posters next week.


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