Dude, turn your hearing (sarcasm) aid up a notch.
Why do most people not think?
by llbh 53 Replies latest jw friends
I think that most people prefer freedom from choice, rather than freedom of choice. It is easier to go through life on autopilot.
That is the reality i know, the problem is, as most have found out in our personal realtionships, or religious proclivities, reality catches up with us always. Then it has a nasty habit of finding us unprepared or underprepared
Regards David
Thinking can lead to feeling and if you are thinking about a relashionship that is not going well, it can hurt. If you don't think about it, you avoid the pain.
changeling :)
They are trained not to. In school, they learn things by rote memorization instead of thinking (it takes two years to learn multiplication that way, while I took ten seconds to master it the thinking way). That leaves them wide open for leaders with propaganda designed to make them do what they want the people to do. People buy into scams involving the big drug companies, global warming, the energy crisis, that we need someone to tell us what to do, and religion.
I agree with WTWiz 100% Only to add that this so called education seems purposeful with the intent of removing thinking and creating drones.
Its almost as if the goal is to make just another brick in the wall.
1 .When we think things through we feel we will be diconcerted by the reality.
2 It is so easy not to do any thinking, we feel comfortable with the actuality.
These are also accurate statements.
Thinking can lead to feeling and if you are thinking about a relashionship that is not going well, it can hurt. If you don't think about it, you avoid the pain.
The avoidance of pain is only temporary however. Reality will make us face up to the actuality.
This can also be seen in the present rise in oil prices. It is easy to see that as market forces catch up they will fall back a bit, why? We wise up and make changes, in our consumption habits therefore demand falls and prices drop. It is about thinking things through
Much as people denigrate the 60's drug culture, it was about seeing reality, and not liking it, and attempting to do something about it. It's a funny thing about PSYCHEDELIC drugs (not the other kinds), that they tend to strip away our defenses, removing the overburden that hides our a more accurate perception of reality, ie, we already know what is reality, but we choose not to see.
S -
Reality..what a concept.
I'll give a personal example of not thinking things through. I like many here remained in the wts for far to long ignoring the facts, like many here. Now at some point when we thought about it we left. I therefore for one became happier.
I am also married at the moment to a very kind and gentle lady, have 3 great kids. Trouble is when i left the wts we lost what held us together, therefore the strains the were already in our relationship gradually came out. We chose to ignore those problems, for the children . If we had thought about thought about things we would have been happier sooner, it was easy not to. The result i am sure would be no different except that we would have more time to explore other realtionships and be ourselves. Crazy thing is now we have faced up to things we get on far better!!. We are having a relatively painless divorce now we have worked things out and the kids are happier, knowing where they are going. If only we had chosen to think.
See thinking, whilst painful short term is better less painful.
Thinking can and does cause paradigm shifts. That can and does mean change. And many people don't like change.
An interesting thread.
1 .When we think things through we feel we will be diconcerted by the reality.
A complex question, but humans do not like change and this even at a primal level. Often facing issues and dealing with them neccesitates an unwanted change in ones emotional or social life.
2 It is so easy not to do any thinking, we feel comfortable with the actuality.
Well people need time to think, and the pace of modern life is not always condusive to this. Often it takes a life-changing event, an illness, a bereavement, or in your case reevaluating the basis of your life due to emerging from a cult, to shake us from the mesmer of the nine-to-five.
On a more philosophical level, I have found to be frank, that often the happiest people are those whose lives are free of the tangle of deep 'thinking'.
As an aside, I would be interested to hear your views on why the price of oil will fall to any great degree, why not start another thread?