Why do most people not think?

by llbh 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bring_the_Light

    @HB: when I was very young I used to pray to Jehovah to be stupid. Then when I was 13 I prayed to understand the truth no matter what it is Jehovah answered my prayer by making me understand he's bullshit. It is a very hard thing.

  • PrimateDave

    Interesting post, HB. I fully understand what you are saying. That level of awareness is a rare gift, although you may not have felt so at the time.


  • Casper


    I completely understand what you are saying. I have done the same myself and
    it does take the spontaneity out of things.


  • Bring_the_Light

    Its a burden to think you're crazy. Its hell to realize everyone else is.

  • parakeet

    Why do most people not think? Because logical and critical thinking is hard work, and most people are too lazy to bother. They prefer to let the evening newscasters and radio show hams do their thinking for them.

  • llbh


    I can understand where you are coming from totally i am child of that era and remember the parties etcetra. i did have a great time,then became a JW, thinking processes then reduced sadly. I hope you are having a great time now.

    Primitive Dave

    No your initial post did not put any barriers to my thinking. I merely believe that we have alot more conttol over our actions than you seem to be suggesting. I had in mind my own cicumsatnces and how had i thought about it more i would have acted sooner

    Interseting points about meditation, i have thought i might try it, so i think i will and see what happens,I love trying diffrent things


    I love sponteneity., so much fun.


    Agree entirely with your points, not thinking is easier.

    Regards all David

  • llbh

    Hi Jaguarbass

    Ineteresting points. I can not for the life of me believe that the US excursion into Iraq was ever thought out at all. Is it really worth all those lives lost and all those dollars? I can not believe it is.

    I agree people do think because it is easier not to either in our personal lives or just in general. Like i said initially it is immensely stimulating and fun to be around people who think about things. I also enjoy just being a zombie and chilling to, just not for to long

    Regards DAvid

  • hamilcarr

    Why do most people not think?
    Maybe humans are not made to think.

  • purplesofa

    On a more philosophical level, I have found to be frank, that often the happiest people are those whose lives are free of the tangle of deep 'thinking'.

    This statement brought to mind Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth and even The Power of Now. He actuallys says we think too much.

    We need to attain to a higher consciousness. We walk around asleep, in a fog......let our egos take over.

    Our thinking is a tool to figure things out, then carry out execution.

    Some peoples thinking is nothing more than mental masturbation.


  • LouBelle

    It's easier to go along with the masses. Society has shown us that already. If you stick out from "their" so called norm you are labelled. Religion is no different - show any signs of using your brain and questioning their doctrines you are again labelled and have to be shut down so that you do not encourage others to think for themselves.

    People find it less complicated to think - have you ever tried explaining the why or because to someone who doesn't really think (I'm here refereing to my cousin who still believes JWS have the truth) I've shown him history books re: 607 .... it is extremely frustrating and it exasperates me how he cannot see it, that he cannot get his brain to think for himself. Back to people in general - they don't want to be different, they don't want to stick out. They need the comfort of the hive to be at peace, to feel wanted / accepted / loved, because anything out of that is a no no.

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