REM show last night... my critique

by dawg 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    In art, there can be no wrong opinions, we like what we like and have to offer no explanation for what we like and/or do not like.

    That said... my take on Last night's REM concert at Lakewood Amphitheater.

    OK, so I'm an Athenian, that means I'm supposed to love all things Athens, Georgia is about; But I've never been a big REM fan... in fact, when I was offered front row tickets given by the band themselves, I really didn't want to go.

    The show.... I've never heard in my life a voice more annoying than Micheal Stipe's... he's one of the worst lyricists ever. I've had a drink with him, twice... he's a nice enough man and all that, but I'm really not a fan.

    Peter Buck is the most mediocre guitar player ever to play in a famous band, he sucks so bad they hire another guitar player to cover his crap...

    Micheal Mills is the biggest talent in the band, he backs up all songs with vocals, plays piano, and plays bass... he's also a damn nice guy.

    Basically, the show was 2.5 hours of Micheal Stipe's wining voice singing songs I've never heard, with a few songs like "Losing my Religion" tossed in here and there that kept me from just wanting to leave.

    Any of you REM fans?

  • NewYork44M

    I am a REM fan, but as with most music I am not enough a fan to spend money on concert tickets. Thanks for letting me know I saved money well spent.

  • dawg

    New York, the tickets were free, thank God!

  • PrimateDave

    Yes, I like their music. I've never been one to go to concerts, however.


  • flipper

    DAWG- Although about the only song I liked from them was " Losing My Religion" I too am NOT an REM fan at all. Michael Stipe's arrogant attitude in an interview and quote about how the Beatles were " irrelevant " and " didn't do $hit for him " pretty well helped me form an attitude against Michael Stipe's musical ability

  • Seeker4

    The last big name I paid to see was Bob Dylan, and spent most of the night staring at the asses of the people in front of me, who were all standing up through most of the show. I decided right then and there that $75 was too much to pay to see just about anybody. But, as a newspaper writer, and I do a lot of A&E writing, I get free passes to concerts and festivals all the time. I love live music, but I hate paying a fortune to see it! Also, there is a huge amount of great music on the tier below folks like REM or Dylan, etc. That's where I spend most of my time. Dawg - glad you didn't pay. I just saw a video of REM in a recent concert. Not a big fan. S4

  • dawg

    Yea seeker, they are overrated.

    Flipper, you're right about his arrogance, I sat at a table with him 2 years ago and he acted like an ass, but I called him out and said I wasn't a fan of his music... He's liked me ever since and makes it a point to talk to me when he sees me. Peace.

  • jaguarbass

    I saw them about 83 in St. Pete.

    They were all right.

    They are what they are. You pretty well sumed it up.

    A band doesnt have to be great, they just need a couple of popular songs or albums and REM cracked that nut. Now they can coast.

    Michael Stype disses the beatles.

    And Peter Buck spends a lifetime playing a Rickenbacker.

    Go figure.

  • dawg

    To think about Stipe dissing the Beatles, and then writing the drivel he writes.. that's embarrassing.

  • CoonDawg

    I saw their new show the second night of this tour at the Sasquatch Music Festival at the Gorge Amphitheater in George Washington. They were pretty good and I was glad they included some of their older hits. It was getting late, so we actually left a little before the end of the show...probably about 3/4 through. We actually ended up really liking a couple of the other acts that we weren't familiar Ozomatli and M.I.A. That was the best part of the whole day.

    I didn't pay for the tickets but I know they weren't cheap. My brother paid for the tickets and also paid to fly me out to Portland, OR plus drove us and paid for hotels on our road trip. We had a great time. It's one of the best times in my adult life.

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