Is`nt that nice..You can`t sign a contract before your an adult..But..You can provide Free Forced Child Labour for a multi-billion dollar publishing company the,WBTS......The whole organization is sick from the top on down!...................OUTLAW
well, children are mature enough to take a stand in behalf of the kingdom
by aligot ripounsous 16 Replies latest jw experiences
The problem with a JW baptism more than with so many others, is that if a person is baptized in another religion and chooses not to remain a member of that relgion, then the whole community of family and friends are not ordered to bury them without a funeral service. A JW baptism is very dangerous to anyone under the age of 30, simply because a child who is baptized as a JW now swears allegiance to the GB and not to God...and they are thereby giving up their rights to exist in freedom to that organization and head. That's the danger. It should be illegal for any child to be a baptized member of any religious group or cult that practices the act of shunning. The age of baptism should be set by law as it is a major life altering event. There is very little difference between the manipulation of a child through baptism in the WTBTS and the FLDS women allegedly 'grooming' their kids for marriage via a prophet. It's all mind control and manipulation through fear and guilt.sammieswife.
*** g71 4/8 p. 23 Christian Togetherness in Brazil ***In Goiânia, a girl eleven years old was among the seventy-seven baptized
*** yb02 p. 110 Curaçao ***They started to study with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Subsequently, Renzo’s father and mother along with one of Renzo’s Bible students were baptized. Renzo, now eight years old, was baptized at a circuit assembly in Bonaire.
*** w96 10/15 p. 32 "Jehovah Answered My Prayers!" ***Consider, for example, a boy named Joel. He symbolized his dedication to Jehovah and was baptized at nine years of age
*** w90 7/1 p. 11 Jehovah’s Blessing Has Made Me Rich ***When I was nine years old, I determined to dedicate my life to Jehovah and be baptized. Because of the persecution, we were not told the location of the meeting, but we were led to a place in the forest where a large group of Witnesses were enjoying a "picnic." There my older sister Eleanor and I were among the many who were baptized in the cold waters of a nearby lake.
*** w92 10/1 p. 22 ‘Should I Get Baptized?’ ***Ayumi got baptized when she was ten years old.
*** w87 4/15 p. 13 par. 15 Gaining Peace With God Through Dedication and Baptism ***
In modern times, a Christian named Jean was baptized when she was only ten years old
I can see this changing in the near future when their numbers drop. They will allow baptising to all ages ... babies too.
This teaching sickens me the most, being as I am df'd and my son (9) will be pressured by his JW dad to get baptised. Before you know it, the old shun your mom or else issue will be raised. Why can't they leave well enough alone? Nevermind, I know the answer to that.
There was SEVERE pressure when I was a teen to get baptized, it was absurd, I started hearing it at about 13. Then they are forever held to that standard of living.
aligot ripounsous
Blondie's archives show that the WTS's stand about getting baptized at a tender age isn't that new and, true, we heard it in the past. Still, what was really chocking in that talk was the fact that no examples other than children were offered. I'll ask the speaker whether it was his own choice or if those examples were the only ones set out in the outlines, which in the latter case would make it a much more serious case of children indoctrination.
Heathen's argument is a potent one : what gives meaning to baptism is repentance from past sins. Now what serious sins is a child expected to repent from ? Reminds me of the episode where Barbara Grizzuti (who reports that she was baptized at age 9) felt that she had to repent from some serious sin and she indeed confessed one to an inquiring elder . Here is the hilarious passage which will no doubt drive those who don't know Visions of Glory into reading it.
One night shortly after my conversion, a visiting elder of the congregation, as he was avuncularly tucking me into bed, asked me if I was guilty of performing evil practices with my hands under the covers at night. I was puzzled. He was persistent. Finally, I thought I understood. And I burst into wild tears of self-recrimination. Under the covers at night, I bit my cuticles-a practice which, in fact, did afford me a kind of sensual pleasure. (I didn't learn about masturbation-which the Witnesses call "idolatry, "because "the masturbator's affection is diverted away from the Creator and is bestowed upon a coveted object" [TW, Sept. 15, 1973, p. 568], until much later.)
So, having confessed to a sin I hadn't known existed, I was advised of the necessity for keeping one's body pure from sin; cold baths were recommended. I couldn't see the connection, but one never questioned the imperatives of an elder, so I subjected my impure body to so many icy baths in midwinter that I began to look like a bleached prune. My mother thought I was demented. But I couldn't tell her that I'd been biting my cuticles, because to have incurred God's wrath-and to see the beady eye of the elder steadfastly upon me at every religious meeting I went to-was torment enough.
Alas, poor kid, but I'm sure Barbara must still be laughing about the event in her grave.