I'm so excited. I got it Friday and I've been converting all my CD's to Itunes and loading them on my ipod. This is my first ipod. I got an 8gb pink one. It play's video's and music.
Any tips or hints or advice for a new ipod owner??
by noni1974 15 Replies latest jw friends
I'm so excited. I got it Friday and I've been converting all my CD's to Itunes and loading them on my ipod. This is my first ipod. I got an 8gb pink one. It play's video's and music.
Any tips or hints or advice for a new ipod owner??
Be careful. itunes can be addicting. Just make sure you back up all your music to an external hard drive or disk. Other than that, enjoy! Oh, and make sure you get a roadster or something like it so you can listen to it in your car.
Ipods are great, I use mine daily when I go to work...sure makes the time pass.
Have fun......its rough when I forget to take it with me.
A raodster huh?? Well I was planning on getting one I just didn't know what it was called. My friend has an ipod and listens to it while driving a cab. If you park close enough to him in his cab you can tune your radio to his ipod and hear what he's listening to. I was going to ask him what the thing was called that let him do that.
I have all of the songs on my ipod already on CD. The ones I didn't have on CD I backed up with a burned CD.
I have a Sansa and Napster. Much better than JobsTunes.
I have something called limewire. My friend from work put it on my compter and was down loading songs for me.
If you have a sensitive ear, you may find a difference between ripping CDs into MP3 format versus AAC format. This is changed under Preferences/Advanced/Importing. If you bring your music into iTunes as MP3, you will both be able to access those songs with other music playing software and you may notice the audio quality is "brighter" with a little more treble.
just curious....how much for the little 8gig...and where did you get it? it holds about 2400 songs is that right?...........oompa
I agree with VoidEater. Rip your cd into mp3 format. You'll be able to play it on so many more players and devices. Otherwise you'd have to convert the AAC to mp3 and on re-encoding you're just losing even more quality.
Just do the conversion once. The windows version of itunes has that setting in itunes like VoidEater pointed out. As I understand it, if you're working with a mac, there's Max (a standalone app to rip to mp3 or other formats), as well as iTunes Lame.