Why leave the writing to inaccurate third parties who each saw things from their own perspective. If his message was so important for posterity, why did he not write an accurate account of his message?
Why didn't Jesus write his own parts of the bible?
by Aphrodite 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
God would'nt let him write with his finger in stone for he would be usurping Jehovah's headship.
I think even if he did write something down and had photos to prove this or that, how many people would still believe in him **shrug** it's not by the physical that one must be lead, but rather look to the spirit.
Because he is a mythical character amalgamated from various rabble rousers?
It would certainly explain why the contemporary romans didn't record anything about him.
I do not believe he had OSHA approved safety glasses.
Reminds me of a movie where the Catholics stumble upon a scroll that is the Book of Jesus written by Jesus. In it he condemns houses of worship (buildings of churches) which is not what the Church is all about. The "church" is the body of Christians, not buildings. So, the Catholics decide to hide it because it would destroy the very foundation of all churches if it were known.
Good film.
Sounds good to me. Church should have nothing to do with a building.
What Caedes said. Unlike other contermporary characters, there exist no contermporary records of a "historical" person named Jesus Christ. If there had been a miracle worker turning Judea upside down, certainly they would have unearthed such records.
All the records about the Jesus character came later, giving credence to the notion that there was a great mythology built up around someone (or ones) who claimed to be the Messiah. So naturally those accounts (which came to be included in "The Bible") had to be written later.
Mythological creatures seldom toot their own horn. It would be like Paris Hilton taking a picture of herself and sending it to the tabloids. Its just bad form. Bring_the_Light
Zues and mithras never wrote, either.