Draw pictures if you are inclined. Within the endless talks are metaphors, similes, hyperbole, exaggeration, etc... that are stimulating to intuitive right-brain functions and seem easily expressed through drawing pictures/symbols. I find some apt or appealing examples speakers use to illustrate "the way things ought or ought not be". I especially like the warfare comparisons; being a guy. I finally found some time to practice and expand my drawing skills. Later, I analyze my drawings which sprang forth from my perceptions at the time and I'll look up certain Bible verses I wrote in the margins. On this forum I see colorful, playful, and amusing names given to this cartoon of a religious organization. I'm sure everyone can sketch funny, happy, angry, meaningful, mysterious.... images associated with something triggered during Brother Bob Loblaw's next talk on xy&z. It came to my attention that my drawings may have been "a distraction" to some young kids sitting near by and I was asked to reconsider my style of note taking. Next time... Larger paper, and maybe some colored markers?