I have that same problem. So once a month I go in with a garbage bag and throw out her little toys with the garbage. Well.....my wife does....then I have to justify it to my little sweety.
How do you feel at this exact moment?
by Hortensia 110 Replies latest jw friends
Done that too. Just the real trash in her room fills up a yard trash bag! I think I'll take her ipod away this time.
I'm always the heavy around here too.
Octarine Prince
Slightly anxious
well I feel better than I did yesterday when a long drive off a short pier was an attractive proposition. Today I'm in more of a que sera, sera sort of mood.
I'm excited, happy yet tired...going to work in aprox 20 minutes.....give or take a few
Got my new Steve Hassan book today...its pretty awesome already...and If I
stay off the bored longer than 15 minutes at a time I might complete it in a few days...
Just about ready to blow a fuse!!!
Gee summer,
Sounds like a rough day, I hope this evening will bring a little relaxation for you.
Barbie Doll
I'm Happy Happy I'm going to Kentucky to see my son get Married. By By everybody.
Have fun and be safe!