How do you feel at this exact moment?
by Hortensia 110 Replies latest jw friends
It is tequila
Never tried the stuff....maybe I should get some.
Although doubt if I need any...
Although doubt if I need any...
No one ever needs any. It's a treat with benefits!
Bumble Bee
Really BB??? Do tell!
Mmmmm Tequila! Love the stuff.
Mr. Majestic
It's a treat with benefits!
Is the treat that little maggot in the bottom of the bottle.
If so I have personally got a big treat for somebody……..!!
What about a menage a trois? And can I watch?
sure. Can join in and be a ménage-à-quatre ..I don't mind.
Yeah seawolf, white dove is feeling horny today too.
I'm hornier. Just trust me on this one regardless I feel her pain.
LOL snork ooops pardon me! Anyway, it sounds as though everyone is a little more cheerful. and now I get to blow this popsicle stand, flush this toilet, burn this barn, I'm getting ready to leave work and go roaming around some ante-Q shops (you know, Junque) I'm humming a new song, don't know the words yet but at least it's no longer "me and you against the world" a more lugubrious song than which I have never heard.
P*ssed off!
I get white dove~~!!!
says who????
If so I have personally got a big treat for somebody……..!!
Liquor soaked like the tequila worm? That's where you get the biggest buzz!