I was a chaperone for my daughter's out-of-town volleyball tournament last weekend - got to meet another mom that had grown up in the same area I grew up in. She proceeded to ask about my childhood, etc. and I had to spill the beans on my JW background (I usually keep this to myself!) Anyway, she mentioned it was funny I should talk about this, she had just been to a J.W. funeral for a casual acquaintance of her hers that had passed away. She noticed at the funeral that SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE CRYING! She couldn't believe that nobody else even so much as shed a single tear for the dearly departed - she was truly astounded!
No Emotion at Funerals
by DiscoSandy 23 Replies latest jw experiences
... it is ALWAYS such a fine witness!!! Glad their JW info-mercials do so much good. grrrrrrrr.
Hello and welcome, by the way.
(oops... edited to say I see you've been here several years! Well, hello, anyway!) -
Sad but true out of all the funerals i have attended, have never seen anyone except for one or two family members ever cry, the supposed "brothers and sisters" who are supposed to have been sooooo loving and caring don't shed a tear.
New light for you
i dont know if we should even get started on this....
ALWAYS i have HATED witness funurals. They're NOT about the person who died AT ALL. Its ALL about sucking in new members and it pisses me off so much.
a few months back (when i was still in) i had to go to 3 in one week... wanted to shoot myself by the end... but would not have wanted to attend my own funural.
I always thought if my mother died, i would want to be able to go up there myself and talk. talk about funny things, imporatant things. things that mattered. things i was reflecting on at this time. Things that make you get thru this difficult time and work thru it instead of supressing all feeling for the sake of the watchtower getting in new recruits.
There. i'm done.
Pandoras cat
I agree with everyone on this. The last funeral I attended at the hall was very insensitive. The sister died from some agressive form of cancer. She was dead in six months and she was only 50. She was a very sweet person and a great mother. The talk that was given was ten minutes of her personal life that included the date of her baptism and another 20 minutes of the "Adam to Armageddon talk". At the back of the hall there was a table with the latest publications on it. This was for any "worldy" people that showed. What is really sad is that is wasn't always like that. When my grandpa died many years ago the talk was very personal and touching. Of course they talked about the paradise earth---but it was encouraging. There were no other subjects of doctrine discussed. Don't you feel the love?
Babylon the Great Employee
Well, yeah! You're supposed to be *happy* at a JW funeral! They've escaped the rest of this horrible system of things, and they'll wake up in paradise like nothing ever happened. See you again soon! Like the person's on vacation or something. JW funerals aren't to mourn, they're for further indoctrination. Disgusting.
Of course, I once attended the funeral for someone who was "anointed." There weren't many tears there either, even without the "see you again soon" attitude about the death. It shocked me and I found it to be immensely sad. I didn't even believe anymore, but it broke my heart to think about his poor widow. They'd been married for 65 years when he died, and her beliefs dictated that she would never see him again, and they would spend all of eternity apart. She was my mom's neighbor so I saw a lot of her, and her finals years were so miserable. Imagine, it's bad enough being an elderly widow with no surviving children, but imagine believing so firmly you'll never see your family again (her deceased son, her only child, was also "anointed.")
When I was 15, my parent's bible's study's son died in a train/auto accident. (I witnessed it).
Him and I were very close. Kinda like a first crush. Parents used to joke that we'd get married.
I cried for a week after the funeral. I stayed in trouble because of this. Got yelled at alot.
Was told "he'll be resurrected" blah blah blah. A 15 yr old doesn't care about that!!
I’ve been to a few JW “memorials” where close friends and family members cried, but not out loud. Other times, I see people fight back tears. No one else cried except me even at the unexpected deaths. I went to funerals where a young left young children behind didn’t have anyone console them at the funeral – her husband was now twice a widower in his early 30s; a mother who lost her son very suddenly; a young family man who was killed in a robbery attempt and so on. No emotion, no tears, no sadness. Sad.
several years ago I traveled over three hours each way to attend the funeral of a good friend. The CO gave the talk, and I was just astounded at the way that the whole talk was an info-commercial for the JW's. The person who died was just an after thought.
White Dove
Fine witness my a$$. My mom never let us wear black to funerals because "we don't mourn like the world who has no hope." When I quit, I found out that the world does indeed have hope, and lots of it. Some are going to heaven and some are being reborn into different lives. Paradise earth is but one hope out of many.