gay-parship adverts

by The Nothing Man 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    I consider them inappropiate, won't do anything for current Witnesses curious about the truth about the truth if they see gay dating adverts on this site; it will just strengnthen their resolve that Apostates are bad.

    I don't visit here much, and I know this point will be contested, what with so many 'open minded' people on here, but I think it dents our operation in helping people see the truth.

  • Hope4Others

    it pays the bills....I don't think you have say over google ads what ever discussion is running, words discussed signal the ad.

    Has never been a problem so far if people are searching they shall find regardless of ads.

    Just my 2 cents. Just don't click on them if it is offensive....


  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    I dont consider them offensive, far from it, I just think they are inappropiate. On my escape, I would never have considered anything on a site if it had gay dating on it.

  • scotsman

    and the Scientology adverts wont be off-putting, never mind the blatant apostasy? lol These adverts only appear on the threads that are on a gay topic and most people are savvy enough to understand how internet advertising works.

  • funkyderek

    The Nothing Man:

    I consider them inappropiate, won't do anything for current Witnesses curious about the truth about the truth if they see gay dating adverts on this site; it will just strengnthen their resolve that Apostates are bad.

    What if they're gay? They may be delighted to see that we're not at all like the irrational bigots in the Watchtower.

    I don't visit here much, and I know this point will be contested, what with so many 'open minded' people on here, but I think it dents our operation in helping people see the truth.
    Then for your part in the operation, you can choose not to host such advertising. A wise old apostate once told me that his methods were vilified by other apostates for being too hostile. They preferred the softly-softly approach which undoubtedly worked for some people and were concerned that his hate-filled invective would scare people off, which it probably did. But at least some JWs became so apoplectic with rage about hearing their beloved religion ridiculed so abusively that they resolved to prove him wrong, but after expending considerable time and effort to do so, found that everything he had written was in fact correct, and as a result they left the religion. The fact is we don't know exactly what will attract curious JWs and what will turn them off, and I for one refuse to compromise myself or my views on the basis that somebody might become offended. This is what the world outside the Watchtower walls is like, and it serves no purpose to pretend otherwise.
  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up

    Dude the fact this thread has the word 'gay' in it means it is inevitable that there will be gay advertising. So, by that logic, if they don't want to see the gay adverts, they need to avoid the gay threads. If that is what would put them off JWD then they shouldn't have been reading those threads to start with...

    Makes sense, right?


    As has been said, the adverts automatically pop up whenever GAY appears on this site. There have been so many GAY threads lately that I was wondering if it would be an idea to change this board to - GAY Jehovah's-witness Discussion forum.

    Usually I never click on such threads simply because I am neither interested or even curious about the subject.

    Am I the only man on this board who has no interest a GAY lifestyle?

    I there something wrong with me?

    Should I get help?

  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    Actually the gay adverts were on the main index with before any mention of the word gay. But I can see where this thread is going, and to be honest, the self-styled open mindedness and moral pureness of some posters is putting me off discussing it any further.

  • funkyderek

    The Nothing Man:

    But I can see where this thread is going, and to be honest, the self-styled open mindedness and moral pureness of some posters is putting me off discussing it any further.

    A perfect example of what I was talking about. For me, it would be closed-mindedness and moral indignation that would be more likely to put me off. If people want to be homophobic and judgemental, they may as well remain JWs. I'm not really sure how to help people who are closed-minded but I cannot and will not pretend to be as closed-minded as they are in order to gain their trust under false pretences.

  • scotsman
    Actually the gay adverts were on the main index with before any mention of the word gay. But I can see where this thread is going, and to be honest, the self-styled open mindedness and moral pureness of some posters is putting me off discussing it any further.


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