gay-parship adverts

by The Nothing Man 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • milligal

    Maybe all heterosexual ads should also be taken off.

    I mean the gay people have no interest in them- so shouldn't we respect their rights too? Wouldn't any god fearing individual be offended by the word sex alltogether? I'll answer my own question:

    Who cares what person sleeps with who....not relevant. If any ex-JW wannabes see the word 'gay' on this sight and shrivel up into a ball then maybe they aren't ready for the real world anyway.

    Hold on to your socks fella's gay rights are the next big civil rights movement in the U.S. (and I am pro-civil rights)

  • beksbks

    I particularly enjoyed the ad with the big red devil with horns that asked "Are you going to Hell?"

  • kwintestal

    You know what? While we're at it we should kick all the gay posters off too. They might offend some. Then there's those who are having sex outside of marriage. Let's kick them off too, those deviants. And why stop there? Anyone who goes to a church, or worse ... doesn't believe in god at all ... kick them off too.

    I guess that's me. Later.


    Hold on to your socks fella's gay rights are the next big civil rights movement in the U.S. (and I am pro-civil rights)

    It's my underpants that I'm holding on to!

  • kwintestal
    Actually the gay adverts were on the main index with before any mention of the word gay. But I can see where this thread is going, and to be honest, the self-styled open mindedness and moral pureness of some posters is putting me off discussing it any further.

    AKA ... I'm a bigot, and know I'm going to get flamed for this and therefore am taking the (IMO) "moral high-road" by refusing to discuss this further with you heathens.

    Please ... you knew where this thread was headed before you hit the enter button.



    Christ - you guys have got an enter button!

  • wifekeepsmeinit

    I always get a kick out of those Gay Chubby Dating ads. I think their hilarious.

    I guess some people are just predipositioned to whine and complain. Sad really, their entire lives will be miserable.

  • Finally-Free

    I don't think most JWs would come here if they weren't already having some doubts about the "truth".

    Anyone who is on the internet with any regularity knows advertisements are a part of most web sites. The ads are pretty tame compared to the subject lines in a lot of the spam email most people get.

    They should learn to suck it up or get off the interweb.


  • VoidEater

    Gladiator caught my attention:

    Am I the only man on this board who has no interest a GAY lifestyle?

    What is this "gay lifestyle" I hear so much about?

    It's my underpants that I'm holding on to!

    Hmm...are you really all that? What makes you so irresistable...or so preening? By this logic, we must avoid the subject and company of women, since they are in mortal danger of molestation by the impulse control-challenged male of the species!

  • MsMcDucket

    What the hell!? I know they won't like this!

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