Nope, never made it to the Myrtle Beach event.....the 2 in Daytona always kept me busy.
Need new friends? Buy a simple!
by oompa 100 Replies latest jw friends
Quirky1: I'm very surprised Oompa hasn't gotten this thread shut down yet????
Now this i just dont get quirky....we are bikers here....mating up harleys with dirt bikes and metric cruisers.....mating up new light and robert7 with makeup sex.....mating up a fridge in a could anybody or anyone shut this down....just why already?.........did I miss sumpin?.............oompa
OK, have fun guys!
"I do love my bike....but in my heart I know I am getting a Road King soon................oompa" This is my third season on my Road King (1998, Classic, Stage II) and I love it. I also have my 94 Gold Wing GL1500. And my wife has a Honda 450 Rebel and a Yamaha 750 Virago. Yeah, we got a bit carried away. :) We've had the Gold Wing since 2000 and put 76k miles on it. I've put about 14k on the Road King in 2.5 seasons. When you get your Road King, be sure to get with your local Harley Owner's Group (HOG) chapter. Our's is out of Seacoast Harley in North Hampton NH. Membership is about 500 people and about 150 show up for the monthly "business" meeting at the Red Hook Brewery. HOG offers a lot of good rides, great training and good friends. My wife rides her Yamaha to HOG and Ladies of Harley meetings and no one give her any grief about it.
Quirky1: I'm very surprised Oompa hasn't gotten this thread shut down yet????
Now this i just dont get quirky....we are bikers here....mating up harleys with dirt bikes and metric cruisers.....mating up new light and robert7 with makeup sex.....mating up a fridge in a could anybody or anyone shut this down....just why already?.........did I miss sumpin?.............oompa I'm just still realin' over the licker' thread! Ha, ha!
darth frosty
Do you really want to live?
Do you really want to feel alive?
Than twist the throttle on one of these:
That's cute. Do they make one for men?
Is that a stripper pole next to it?? Outside no less.
hahaha....momz scopes out the brass stripper pole!!!...lmao
that bike looks so fast sitting that a hyabussa or whatever...not sure how to speel it....the guy I bought my vulcan from got one.....he said it was going to kill him....can they really go 160mph????
and Doc Bob....ya gotta let the old toys go sometimes when you add the new!
LOL momz i believe it is, well you never know when the need to swirl may arise rght.