What Global Warming?
by metatron 51 Replies latest jw friends
Obviously mother earth is going through menopause and this means the end is closer than ever.
This Global Warming, ____ ___:
btw, the following is from your first link, I can only imagine how this came into your purview :eyeroll:
The website DailyTech has an article citing this blog entry as a reference, and their story got picked up by the Drudge report, resulting in a wide distribution. In the DailyTech article there is a paragraph:
“Anthony Watts compiled the results of all the sources. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C — a value large enough to erase nearly all the global warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year time. For all sources, it’s the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.”
I wish to state for the record, that this statement is not mine: “–a value large enough to erase nearly all the global warming recorded over the past 100 years”
There has been no “erasure”. This is an anomaly with a large magnitude, and it coincides with other anecdotal weather evidence. It is curious, it is unusual, it is large, it is unexpected, but it does not “erase” anything. I suggested a correction to DailyTech and they have graciously complied."
And then in another update, again linked from that same link, this :
“Here is my perspective on this issue: Twelve months of data does not make a trend, especially in a system as complex and slow moving as global climate, and even more so when the cause for that short-term cooling is as reasonably well understood and well documented as a switch from a minor El Nino Pacific Ocean warming in January 2007 to the La Nina cooling event now taking place."
"Note from Anthony: When the DailyTech first posted this story and referenced my blog as the source of th compilation, without ever interviewing me or asking me a single question, I notified them immediately of my concerns. Shortly after that I published this ”Update and Caveat” (below) on the original post. Dailytech graciously made a changes to the wording at my request, but by then the genie was out of the bottle."
I'm more concerned about the plight of Bees. They seem to be disappearing from the earth.
Possible. We do have to remember, we are still coming out of the Little Ice Age that started during the Renaissance. The world was warmer during the First Dark Ages--warm enough that Greenland was open for the Vikings to settle.
Quote: "this anomaly". As of last year, there is no global warming. That might change or it could come back , but there is no global warming as of last year.
Witness 007
Excellent post, well done! I agree that there is no Global Warming! Tempature change....huge highs...and terrible lows, have been happening for thousands of years, it is the earths cycle. 1812 was a mini ice age where crops failed and some froze to death, called "the year without Summer."
Pollution is still a problem though.... but not a global warming problem. We may need to warm the globe to save ourselves.....it's interesting that 2008 shows a steeply colder climate....put that in your film AL GORE!!!!!
This issue has seemingly divided the civilized world into two camps -
One side wants there to be global warming.
The other side does not want there to be global warming.
I am of the other side, (and believe in the care and well keeping of our environment within practical reason) - and incidentally - I do not want there to be another Ice Age, nor for there to be an Armageddon, nor for there to be a Nuclear War during what time I have left on this planet. My reason is simple - I pretty much like my life as it is without some get-even event of mass destruction.
I wonder what the actual motivations are for people who enthuse over the possibilities of Global Warming, environmental collapse, the end of civilization as we know it, or for the ultimate firestorm of Armageddon?
Big Tex
I'm trying to keep an open mind on this subject. I think at some point pumping billions of tons of pollutants into the air, ground and water has got to start an effect. And while I find some evidence interesting and persuasive I don't think there's enough yet to say with 100% certainty global warming is caused by fossil fuels.
Having said that, I do think the earth is getting warmer. But 30-40 years isn't that long, on the earth weather scale. I will say it feels warmer than I remember it being when I was a kid. Surely the most objective evidence there is.
Yes - but Tex - what about the fact that the winter now feels colder than when I was a kid? Also for some reason, my feet hurt when I get arthritis...