"She dosen`t have the energy to debate you."......Translation:.."I don`t know what I`m talking about..I have no answers to your questions..Your breaking my brain!"..LOL!!..........Dawg..My man..Conversation with a JW is a one way street..They`re not there to listen to you..They`re there to preach!........................OUTLAW
So, I have this conversation with my crazy JW cousin/Jw's wrong again
by dawg 24 Replies latest jw friends
I believe that one of the biggest problems with mankind is that the people that really want to wield power are least qualified to do so. Sadly that results in asshats running the worlds businesses, governments and religions.
Perfect example is GWB, his calling in life should be shoveling manure in a barn until he learns some humility...not trying to govern a country.
Things would change dramatically, and for the better if everyday folks sucked it up and did some of these jobs...just to be good citizens.
I agree with you Dawg. My mom will defend the stupid rules of the society by saying "There must be order" and I reply..."that's just what the Nazi's said". For many decades the JW's had segregated congregations because "their" leaders left things wrongly as they were until the civil rights movement forced them to make a change. A change that was had for the south to take. I can't for the life of me understand their not taking a stand on this...except the borg has historically been a white mans domain.
I have thought about running for my local city counsel because I would like to see some improvements in our community and include the people living here. We are in a great transition and influx of immigrants and it should be a time of inclusion and communication.
Dawg, the more I read your postings the more I respect you and think you are a very fine man.
Have a great vacation!!!!!
I've served on mayoral advisory comittees before. My JW wife was proud of me for doing so, knowing that at least I give a rip about what happens to ourselves and our neighbors in the community. This is a great discussion because I've been battling it out with JW's over on Slate.com's forum about JW's and not voting. Some of you gave me some really good stuff to use there about past political ties that saved the asses of god's people.
cognizant dissident
Dawg, Jehovah has so kindly given us his faithful slave and governing body to run things until his Kingdom gets here. They take care of everything for us, anything that needs to get done, they will tell you how to do it, so there's no need for you to be running ahead of them and messing with worldly politics.
Sheesh, judging by all these posts you would think most of you never read your "literature".