Did you enjoy being a JW meetings,field service ect??

by karter 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    It is appropriate now to mention the Grand Boasting Sessions as well. The first one I enjoyed because it was new to me. After that, they were nothing more than a waste of my time, a letdown, and an opportunity for all the "sisters" to pass me by for no reason. And they continued talking about how much of a joy the damn things are.

    Eventually, I found them such a waste of my time (besides, if I am going to drive all the "sisters" away, I might as well just skip them altogether) that I quit going. Besides, I don't need my headaches and snoozefests. And, from what I have been seeing on this forum about the wastefests, they have gotten even dryer than in the past.

    I think I would rather have a root canal than go to one of those wastefests--at least the root canal would be a nuisance that would last a couple of days before the pain goes totally away.

  • TinyDancer124

    I enjoyed the DC and that's probably about it. When I got older, it was almost fun. My dad and I would skip the Saturday session and do touristy things, while we left my mom in the hot civic center listening to the brothers drone on and on (hey, it was her choice). Needless to say, my dad and I have since left "the truth" and my mom is still going strong.

  • chickpea

    it kinda reminds me of other phases in my life
    ( substance abuse in particular) where i believed
    i was having a great time, but then came the
    crushing realization that i was just fooling myself.....

    my TMS parts were always great, my answers
    at BS and WT studies were great, except for the fact
    i was simply regurgitating the fallacies spawned by the b0rg.....

    certain elements of field service were less objectionable
    than others... it always depended on who was in the group.....
    that alone made time fly or stand stock still.......

    i know i was fun to hang with..... guess it couldnt have been all bad.....

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    Remember when you were a teenager and the conventions were all about seeing who was hot? Thats ALL it was about, walking around before, after and at lunch... everyone was on the hunt.

    As an adult, I HATED conventions.. trying to get myself much less the kids to sit there is a total joke.

    I was a freak, i loved service... sorry. I loved the company so much, but i really liked talking to people and really wanted to get my calls going into studies. Last time i went out was 3 months ago now. Of course, since then i've lost everything and everyone.

  • james_woods

    TinyDancer makes an interesting point - one that was practically a JW urban legend. I have heard it repeated by many elders, circuit overseers, and such:

    The JW women actually enjoy the social and religious aspects of this religion much more than the men. They are and have always been the glue that holds witness-ism together, in spite of the fact that the all-male leadership has a practical fetish of constantly putting them into their place.

  • Casper

    I too only enjoyed the "Social" aspect of it. That, and working like crazy at the Conventions...

    Everything else numbed my mind.

    edited to add:

    I totally thought field service was "Pointless" and a major waste of time. There was no way it was fair for some one's life, to be based on my "nervous and jumbled up" presentation. I would walk away from the door, feeling like I had just doomed another person.

    Awwwwwwwwwww, the guilt.


  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    I remember way back to my first visit to a Kingdom hall. I didn't enjoy it. I found the people reserved and somewhat odd. There was no provision for the children and the singing was bad. I noticed that their smiles didn't reach their eyes.

    Yet somehow I was brainwashed into thinking this was a spiritual paradise.

    I thought after baptism that I loved pioneering...but it was meeting people in the community that I loved.

    I alway felt the brothers put too much pressure on pioneers to make their hours. My sister had cancer and I still felt this immense pressure to still make my hours at the same time as visiting her.

    I made some friends. I became close to whole families and watched their children grow up, even if they never came to a meeting or more.

    I enjoyed the sisterhood of the preaching work. I had, I thought real sisters in my fellow pioneers, but they have all stopped calling)

    I can see now that I was brainwashed ...because, to the awake me, the whole things is one big drag.

    xxx SC

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    As a kid I quite liked it.

    I never did FS, my parents didn’t do everything to the book (used to take me and my brothers out on motorcycles and things like that). Gave us a lot of space…

    I was not on the school for long, although the small time that I was I hated it. Talking of which, first talk I ever gave: Song of Solomon Chapter 2. I can recall it to this day. I was 8 or so when I gave it. Didn’t understand a word. Might be the reason why I hated it from then on.

    It was a good congregation that did social functions all the time, great when you’re a kid.

    And meetings were a joy because when the congregation split ( I was about 9 or 10 ), the most gorgeous girl moved into our hall. Spent most of the meeting ogling at her. She was stunning. I did end up going out with her. Really crap kisser and as dull as a grey sky. Lesson learned: looks mean fu*k all….What a let down…..Bikes were much more fun……..

    I was also quite an endearing child and used to go around looking all innocent, trying to get as many sweets from the old folk as possible. It really worked well. Rotted away my first set of teeth. They loved me………

    Then, when I went back after we had fallen away for many years, what a change had happened. Someone said about the 80’s. Such a difference between the end of the 70’s and the beginning of the 90’s. Never fitted in with the congregation and was so aware of all of the hypocrisy and hurt that people were suffering, and could see the no one really gave a shit…….

    Hate the ministry, despite all of my efforts. Never was on the TMS. Learned a lesson from my youth. There was no real social function. Back biting. Lack of love. Don’t know how I lasted so long…..

    So two different sides to being a JW. Never should have gone back but I missed the good times from when I was a kid, and the security of it all. Found out the hard way that there is no security there at all….and never really was….

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I guess the reasons that I absolutely loved the assemblies were:

    They broke up the monotony of the meetings.

    They were the only vacation I ever got out of town and the only times I could spend the night in a motel with a swimming pool and go out to eat.

    I was having problems making the truth my own so welcomed the chance to take copious notes in an attempt to refresh my lagging faith.

    It worked through the two weeks after the assembly then I felt down faith-wise.

    I really worked hard to make the truth my own but that "joy" they talked about always elluded me.

    I just couldn't stay in. I vascillated from really strong spurts of kingdom activity and study to really low meeting attendance for a month or 2 at a time.

    I really needed to be a success at something.

    I did the JW thing in those on again/off again waves.

    I just couldn't stay motivated.

    What we had to study was just soooo boring. I couldn't take it for long at a time.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Really, it broke my heart that no one wanted a study or if they did, they didn't stick it out for the three times it takes before you are allowed to record them as a study.

    I felt like such a failure when door after door was not interested.

    I began seeing that I must be wasting my time.

    For a while, I said to myself that the angels see me out and that is what counts.

    I thought it counts for what? What was the use? I really began hating fs after it hit me that it was such a waste of my time and emotions.

    I mean, I can only take so much door slamming before coming down with a nice bit of depression and damaged ego. Women have egos, you know.

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