Did you enjoy being a JW meetings,field service ect??

by karter 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • blondie

    When I was younger, the meetings were more lively, people weren't tied to regurgitating the paragraphs. People prepared for the field circus and were genuinely interested in "saving" people. But then 1975 came and went and so many were disappointed and stopped trying, just doing the bare minimum. Then meetings were a chore and field circus a drag, just going through the motions. Towards the end, I had no desire to bring people to the KH to be treated badly and lied to. I actually unwitnessed to 2 people I had been studying with. We would just get together and go shopping instead.

    Blondie, a true believer too long

  • Thechickennest

    I enjoyed meeting new people be it witnesses or folks in the door to door work. Meetings and assemblies were brutal. My caboose is still sore from all the sitting!

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