You're avoiding the issue. You said you are sorry for sparring with me "again." I'm sorry too. For years I've tried to be friends with you, and now and then you make it plain that something's bugging you about me. I wish you'd get over it, whatever it is. I've been out of JWs for many years, yet you continue to make the assertion that I still think and act like a JW, to quote you: "Because you was one of them (bethelites)." I consider that ignorant, insulting and abusive, and yet you've done it on and off for the past 14 years! Perhaps I should campaign to make everybody think that you still think and act like a JW! Would you like that? Again I say, Get over it, lady!
And what are you sparring with me about? I claim that there have been very few suicides at Bethel over a period of several decades. Because the number has been so low, I say persons are picking the wrong fight if they think such a small number is big evidence that, to use your words, the Society is "VERY WICKED, VERY WICKED, VERY WICKED." I say there are a lot worse and more important things about the Society that condemn it. Fewer suicides have occurred at Bethel than in many communities much less in size.
But you want to "spar" with me about that! You wrote: "I love Barbara Anderson & believe what she said." Well, why don't you believe what I tell you about Bethel instead of pretending that you know better? Why do you doubt my word and accept Barbara's when she says exactly what I've said?
Once more I say, "GET OVER IT GRACE!" Stop trying to make issues with me where there are no issues. Either I'm right about suicides at Bethel or I'm wrong. If I'm wrong, so is Barbara. Yet, you say "I love Barbara Anderson & believe what she said." Something about your judgment just doesn't make sense!
Suicides at Bethel
by CunningMan 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals
everybody think that you still think and act like a JW! Would you like that? Again I say, Get over it, lady!
Well I guess I owe you an apology...So I will say I am sorry...But I guess you dont have to start the rumor that I have the WT mind -because I still do in part, I trust women more than men Which is differant from when I was a JW,I trusted men more ,So please except my apology-But thanks for calling me a lady. -
I accept your apology. But I think you need to work on your admitted attitude if you want to stop causing tension in your relationships with some people. It's sexist to have one attitude toward women and another toward men. There are good and bad women as well as good and bad men. Joy comes from seeing people for what they are as persons, not for the gender they were born with.
I wouldn't have come on so strong if I wasn't getting tired of uncalled-for little swipes I get after all these years from someone I thought I could trust as a friend.
Thank you Frank But remember Micah 7:5 .I try to remember that.
If Christians can't trust one another, how is the world going to know we're different?
Micah 7:5 applied to special circumstances when, according to the prophet, "every" person was a thief and murderer. It doesn't apply to life in every age and in every circumstance.
Jesus said something similar: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves."
On the other hand, if Christians can't trust one another, Philippians 2:3 becomes meaningless: "with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves." So do all the commands that Christians love one another from the heart. I sure hope you didn't pick up your interpretation from some preacher's sermon. If so, the guy gave real bad advice.
Guess I cant be classified as a Christian Frank ...I dont trust ANYONE!!!
Burger Time
OK just my two cents. If your going to claim something as tragic as the Thai girl happened, you need to give names and dates. If you don't it's just an anecdote. I personally do not believe anecdotes. Obviously if train and boat was still being used this was around the time when JW's were still under heavy scrutiny. So how would it be likely that a JW would jump off of a boat, and it not make some type of headline? Not saying it didn't happen it just seems like one of those typical sensationalized stories that is probably only half truth.
As for the WTS being able to claim your body, again I ask for proof. I for one will defend the WTS when ever I feel like it needs defending, and in this case I think that probably stories of suicide at Bethel are over blown into mythological proportion for haters fodder. That being said, to get back on topic I do see the hypocrisy in what the WTS says.