I was looking at the post of,another member here and he stated how he hates when the elders come to harass his wife for not coming to the meetings,but what if they never come? my wife has been missing from the meetings for almost a year now due to illness,and i have been missing the meetings dueto my relocating after the 9/11 attacks we get a phone call once every 2 months from one elder,and thats about it.we got a shepherding call only out of fear of what the circuit overseer might say to them for not seeing us.what to do?
What if the elders dont come see you at all?
by knight 15 Replies latest jw friends
what is your desire?
Do you want them to come or not?
If they never come then you know you are either doing real good or you are so far gone that they have no feelings for you except to carry out their congregational duty... which is to keep the CO off their backs.
Sorry your wife is ill.
My wife passed away and we never received a sheperding call for over a year while we were undergoing some tramactic experiences.
Matter of fact we found out the elders had to vote wether we were worthy of a congregational meal after my wife's hip replacement ..
Go figure.
I have noticed that elders tend to visit when:
1. The CO visit is near
2. They know you are still in contact with members of the cong.
3. They suspect you are apostate
Its not usual for them to visit purely out of love if you have stopped attending. Their view is that you should be at the hall.
Not very loving.Sirona
Good comments Sirona.
I think also people have to make up their minds if they want visits or not, because people seem to complain if they get them and if they don't.
Personally, I'm not sure why anyone desires such visits because they are of limited value. What really can they do besides share scriptures that you already know and tend to be a bit useless most of the time.
If u really want the visits though, why not request a weekly visit? Most elders would be glad to cut out some time out of Saturday field service to visit you.
So not visiting is bad; visiting is equally bad; visiting is also bad since nothing of interest is shared; visiting and sharing something of interest is equally bad because it is either spying or brainwashing you back; discussing whether to visit you or not is bad; not discussing whether to visit you or not is equally bad; reminds me of a brother who was angry when I greeted him on the street because he said I only greeted because I was trying to spy on him and find out what false feelings he had and then report them to others, and who was equally angry when I did not greet him on the street because then I was being haughty. It ain't easy when you are hated because you do something and hated because you do nothing.
I think if people have decided 'to leave' then they visit with a view to getting rid of you so that you can't convnice any others to leave.
If you are not a threat to them, such as being ill, then unfortunately, they do not seem to have the same sense of urgency.
After all, if you are not a threat that they have to deal with and can't go-a-preachin' and selling magazines, of what interest are you to them?
Cruel, but true.
Smoetimes there will be nice local people who do genuinely care and try to help but I don't think this is the norm.
I’m sorry to hear about your wife being ill.
Re visits : I guess we are of the fortunate few - we got a visit after the C.O. dragged one of the elders to our place during his week. I guess he was frustrated that we didn't attend his week, because in his Fri. talk to the cong. he mentioned his visit and quoted us, then he went on about some, who no longer attend, believing they are alive but are, in reality, quite dead (we had said that we felt alive when he visited). I’m sure he felt good about doing his duty and letting the cong. know he'd done it. We were classified...dead. He must have felt satisfied to fill it in on the society’s cong. report. After the C.O.'s visit some of the pubs. asked if we’d been visited, what had been said, and then let us know we’d been discussed on the platform (without naming names of course) !
I think they better understand physical sickness
I was in the same congregation for 27 years and never got so much as a phone call when I left. My husband had quit being a ministerial servant some months prior to our leaving. I could never understand why they didn't call or come by. I have since run into several elders who have turned on their heel and walked the other way.
I'm not complaining mind you, it's just an odd thing. We fully expected to get the whole shepherding visit but were left alone. Even now, we obviously celebrate all the holidays and they stay away.
The elders have never visited us,or made any attempt that I am aware of. And that's just fine with me. My disatisfaction and disillusionment with the 'trooth' was very evident before I abruptly stopped attending mtgs. They also avoid my house when in the area(marked,I guess).They think I'm dangerous to the JW spirituality. :>
Screen your calls w/ an answering service. There's no need to interact with them at all if you're not interested. Elders are nothing but people. Nothing magical or powerful about them. Like telemarketers,there's no reason in the world you have to discourse with anyone you don't want too. Just my dos centavos.TinaJehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!