These guys never seem to stop building strange - and often ugly - buildings, but this is something else:
New building Dubai.
by Peppermint 20 Replies latest jw friends
no wonder gas is $4.22............oompa
i am sooo going to dubai sometime soon
gas is $4.22
oooh lucky you petrol (tho not sure how that applies to moscow)
Thank god that I do not live there!
The slender building would be energy self-sufficient as the turbines would produce enough electricity to power the entire building and even feed extra power back into the grid, said the Italian architect at the unveiling of the project in New York.
I think you missed the best part of the buildings.
I'm fairly certain it's Dubai that has started to build the worlds first self sufficient city. They are hiring the best Architects and Engineers available. More important than this one city will be the spin-off of the technology and ideas that will result from this pool of minds focused on the design and construction. Nice to see something positive come of that oil money.
Witness 007
It's 2008 why shouldn't we have some weird buildings? Like Sydneys Opera house these designs are iconic. Dubai is ahead of it's time.
Imagine the time-lapse photography potential.
My son would love this! This takes it to a whole new level. Imagine the look on Frank Loyd Wright's face if he saw this. Takes Organic Architecture a whole new step forward also. If it powers itself that is a knockout. I know in Santa Fe they are building with Wee Houses style. And the focus is on green. It is a prefab revolution all over again. It makes me wonder why anyone in a trailer did not do this prior. (joke)
Think what they will charge for these apartments. Damn. But the concept may be catchy. Seeing the houses are not out of range individually depending on what kind of prefab they are using. I know when looking up green living online there are some really neat concepts being put to use. The enormity of this is breathtaking really!
"It's 2008 why shouldn't we have some weird buildings?"
Witness 007 - I agree with you. I think Dubai is building some excellent and iconic buildings. But weird buildings go out of fashion pretty fast. I think they will regret some of what they build.
It just warms my heart thinking that every time I buy a gallon of gas I contribute to the bank account of some Arab nut who wants to build outlandish ugly buildings and donate money to terrorist training camps.