Can Anyone Help Me With This Problem?

by Englishman 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I have a problem looming over me, so I thought that I would throw it open for discussion on this forum in the hope of finding a solution. Any help would be much appreciated. Here goes:

    Every Easter, her Ladyship and I take a weeks activity break on the Isle of Madeira. We do lots of walking and climbing – you ain’t got much choice in Madeira, the only flat bit of ground houses the soccer stadium – and we thoroughly enjoy it.

    Last year, 2 couples from my local pub elected to join us, so we went along with it, determined to do our own thing and maybe meet up in the evening. It was not to be so.

    On day 1, both couples said that they would like to accompany us on a levada walk. I knew it was going to be gruelling, a good 6 hours stiff walking with a hired guide, none of it on flat ground. However they were not to be dissuaded and duly came with us. After an hour they were moaning and groaning, after 4 hours I thought that one of them was about to pass out, they were so exhausted. It was a nightmare.

    The following day we went off on another trip, and to my surprise they came with us again. Same the next day and the next. Each time they all moaned like hell, but still wanted to be with us. It slowed us right down, I kept suggesting that we meet up in the evening, but no, they insisted on coming with us everywhere. I couldn’t understand why they kept coming, 2 of them could not even walk half a mile by the end of the week, they were so unfit.

    When we returned, Her Ladyship and myself agreed that this Easter we would go again, but this time on our own. No way would the other 2 couples want to do that again!

    Bugger me, if the other 2 couples haven’t just been and asked us if we intend to go to Madeira again this year! Now, no way am I doing this sort of thing with them ever again! But, we are just about to book the holiday, so how do I say yes, we are going to Madeira this Easter but we don’t want you to come with us?

    Any ideas on how to get out of this one without falling out with our friends would be much appreciated.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Fredhall


    Let us first talk about your drinking problem.

  • funkyderek

    Discreetly tell them you're having marriage problems and want to use the time away to sort them out.

    Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire

  • patio34

    Hi Eman,

    Can you subtly evade the question, such as 'no, we have different plans this year'? It's different in that you're going alone.


  • Tina

    Well,I would let the friends know that as much as you enjoyed their company,this is the one time of year that you and her Ladyship look forward to as a get-away alone together.A special time just for each other. The chance to spend quality uninterrupted time as a couple. Isn't that what it honestly is anyway? truth should work here.But why not plan one day during the year(with less grueling activity) that all can be together? Just something I would do.luv,tina

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • Kent

    Hi E-Man;

    I would say the best you can do is to tell them you're going - but you need to spend some time relaxing - just you and Her ladyship. You need time on your own to talk and relax, and you relly need to be allone this time.

    And then add some "maybe next time" and that kind of stuff. I see your problem.

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

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  • betweenworlds

    Hey eman,

    Derek's got a decent solution there. I agree. Tell them you are indeed going, but you both need that time to sort out personal things. If they can't understand that, well then that's their problem Good Luck!


    "Rewards and punishments are the lowest form of education." - Chuang-tzu, Chinese writer (c.369 B.C.-c.286 B.C.).

  • Seven

    Hi EM, I think the only option is to tell them the truth-you and your wife need a holiday alone. Tell them you enjoy their company but group activities arent't what you have in mind for this particular holiday. They will understand once they've had a chance to think about it. Unless a few of them are as thick as a brick they'll get over it. Good luck.

  • Sirona


    If it was me, I would explain the truth to them, but kindly.


  • SixofNine

    Tell 'em "you can come, but no walking and no talking."

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