Can Anyone Help Me With This Problem?

by Englishman 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman


    Ta, but we see these couple twice a week socially so they would know it's a ruse. Besides that HL is my best pal and I couldn't stand it pretending that we weren't happy.

    Patio 34, same thing, they know us too well.

    Tina, that looks a possibility, both couples never do anything alone with their partners so it might be incomprehensible to them though.

    Same to Kent and Betweenworlds.

    7o9 and Sirona, I will probably do as you suggest, but I think that I will be lucky if they are not upset.

    Keep 'em coming!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • funkyderek

    OK E-man,

    In that case tell them your wife doesn't want them joining you. Then you'll keep your friendship with them and you can genuinely use the holiday time to work on your ensuing marital problems

    Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire

  • Englishman


    Bloody Oirish solution that is!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Tina

    Hi derek,
    I tried mailing you but it came back????? Tina

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • Latte

    Englishman……….I have the solution!

    We should cancel Centre parcs Apostofest, and WE should all go with you and your Ladyship!

    Then, you can tell them that it will be all ex-JW’s, and they really wouldn’t have that much fun atall

    What do you think? Good solution isn’t it??

    No, seriously I have been in a similar situation where a large party (12+ ) were arranging to go on holiday together, and thinking that we could just slip away and do our own thing amongst such a large party, we agreed to go. THEN everyone, except the couple who were arranging the holiday and ourselves, dropped out of the planned holiday. It was no longer the type of holiday we envisioned……….so we did the deed….and dropped out also. It really didn’t go down too well, as the focus seemed to be on us!

    Is there no chance of the hotel being booked up? (school term time) Could you not stay in some remote farm accommodation that only sleeps TWO?

    I wish you well on this one.


  • anglise

    Could you go on your own for this one but mention the possibility of a weekend together sometime in the future as a group in the UK doing some walking, drinking etc


    Hey Englishman,tell them this is the time the two of you wish to be alone.Nothing personel but this is your private time as a couple.And don`t take "no" for an answer,be polite but assertive...OUTLAW

  • ISP

    Tell them that this year you are going unassisted to the South Pole.

    BTW congrats on Pompeys dumping of Man City!

  • Simon

    Yeah, I hate those 'group organised' things that everyone 'has' to go to as well.

    It's better to let people get together if they want but give people some space to do their own thing. If people want to join up and do things together at CenterParcs or do nothing more than meet for a quick drink and say "hi" it's up to them.

    BTW: ISP - any more posts like that and you'll be barred !

  • ISP

    Haha! Simon.....

    How true the scripture....

    *** Rbi8 2 Chronicles 16:9 ***
    9 For, as regards Simon, his eyes are roving about through all the posts in all the forums..... .”


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