I don't remember if I signed any papers stating that I would be a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses when I was baptized 30 years ago. Do Elders,Ministerial Servants,Pioneers,or Bethel workers ever sign a contract stating what position they will hold? If no contracts are ever signed,how can the WTS enforce disfellowshipping of any of its members?
Are there any contracts signed between the WTS and its members?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No idea.
I've been curious about how people make references to the Governing Body "being afraid" of lawsuits when dealing with Judicial Committees and ideas like demanding to "bring a lawyer" to a JC. That all sounds strange to me, what worldly court would actually entertain a lawsuit over whether you're guilty of committing crimes in fantasy-land?
(serious question, can anyone explain?)
It seems to me its a deceive freely/get duped freely relationship.
Is answering "yes" the two questions in the baptismal talk considered as an oral contract?
[although I can't really see how they can prove that you as an individual did answer "yes" among the whole crowd]
I've been curious about how people make references to the Governing Body "being afraid" of lawsuits when dealing with Judicial Committees and ideas like demanding to "bring a lawyer" to a JC. That all sounds strange to me, what worldly court would actually entertain a lawsuit over whether you're guilty of committing crimes in fantasy-land?
Because the WTB&TS claims that most are df'd for immorality, when in fact, many are df'd for simply not believing or speaking out against child molestation or domestic violence. It is slander.
I would be shocked of the GB did not all sign confidentiality agreements after Rays book. Other than that, no signature required!
I think just the NO BLOOD cards.
There's also the "vow of poverty" document signed when someone becomes a bethelite or CO. But that is more for tax purposes.
But I have been thinking that at some point in the not-too-distant future, some sort of signed "loyalty oath" might be a prerequisite for being appointed, or even continuing, as an elder. They have to be concerned about the virtual immediate posting to the internet of any and every "confidential" piece of correspondence they send out.
Such a signed document would give them legal teeth in the case that elders "leak" sensitive information to the internet. I.e., if they can trace a certain leaked document on the internet back to a particular individual, they could then sue him based on whatever the signed document says.
Alligator Wisdom
But I have been thinking that at some point in the not-too-distant future, some sort of signed "loyalty oath" might be a prerequisite for being appointed, or even continuing, as an elder.
sir82, for some reason I see that as a very very good possibility.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
I wonder if getting baptized itself is a "contract". They have to have the paperwork at the time a person is qualified for baptism, and it takes effect the day the person is baptized. I suppose that, down the road, they will start enforcing it legally. That will give them the grounds to sue someone that is baptized and they feel they are not doing all they can, or worse, doing things to expose them. And it could give them the legal right to recapture anyone that attempts to fade.
Regular and auxiliary pioneer, bethel applications and acceptance letters, Gilead diploma.