That's what my Dad has said at various times over many years. I think it helps encourage him that the end must be very near and the paradise will be here soon. My thought has always been "Oh yes it can get a lot worse. Haven't you ever seen 'Blade Runner'? 'Escape from New York/ LA'? Ever read the Frank Miller 'Dark Knight' graphic novel?" My point is that there are a lot of apocalyptic visions of the future out there that make today's world seem tame.
"This system just cannot get any worse"
by JimmyPage 51 Replies latest forum tech-support
Oh yeah. Don't forget "Mad Max". And the Middle East. Okay, the Middle East is part of this system. But imagine if the whole world were like that, with constant car bombs etc.
Well Jimmy looks like you're talking to yourself. That's okay, you're a lovely conversationalist.
Sorry Jimmy. Just trying to figure out why this is in Tech Support.
Don't forget "I am Legend".
It can get alot worse. Look at the Dark Ages.
Oh. Don't mind me. I just came in for the free coffee and donuts. Please continue talking to yourself.
Jimmy, did you hear something???
Guess not.
Hey what are u guys doing in here? Turn the lights off and close the door.
"This system just cannot get any worse"
They've been saying that since the day I first walked into a Kingdom Hall, I even used to say it.
Maybe it does help your Dad to deal with the pressures of life to think that way.
But, looking at things from an outside view, I really don't see that much difference in the last 10 years. Other than prices being higher, the rest seems relatively the same. As for the future, who knows...
Sorry, didn't mean to intrude on your "Alone" time...
Hi Chris
I like to read threads on the forum and generally stay away from ones that look like they will contain bad language. This one did not until I read your post. Please keep to the forum guidlines.....
It could get heaps worse. It could go back to how it was in the dark ages.