Background: Back in 1978, I worked in radio. I was young and naive... and a bit stupid, too. I was a JW, although... what one might consider a 'fringe' JW - or 'weak' JW.
I moved to a small city called Burnet, TX and worked at the local radio station therefor a few months. I met some wonderful people while working there... who were not JWs. One was a co-worker named Rex.
After a few months of working there, Rex - who hailed from the Dallas, TX area - had to leave the radio station and go back home to Dallas. For years, I've often wondered what happened to him. I did several searches for him through the years, using the tools available to me - but never located him. Until recently.
It appears that he is still in radio - in a small town in Texas. I looked at the website for the radio station, and there happened to be a photo of him... much older, but if I squint... yes... it's Rex. The web site has streaming audio. Yesterday morning, I listened for a bit to the radio broadcast. Mostly talk radio... and mostly another radio personality was talking, but occassionally he would ask Rex a question... and he would speak. Sounds like Rex.
So... I sent off an e-mail to his account at the radio station. Hoping he wouldn't think it was some crazed stalker-fan.
He read the e-mail late last night and replied! WooHoo!
Now for the punch line. Guess what he remembers about me?
Rex - "I remember getting in trouble for wishing you Happy Birthday on the air (as I recall, you were a Jehovah's Witness)"
So - basically... after 30 years... he remembers getting in trouble for wishing me - a JW (at that time) Happy Birthday.
Folks... going through life, we touch other lives. What they remember about us is... a lasting footprint in the sands of time.
Well, I'm gonna reply to him... and remind him of some of the other stunts that he did while there. He was a very comical person... and I would wager... still is.
Jim TX
What do people remember about you?
by Jim_TX 14 Replies latest jw experiences
compound complex
Good morning Jim,
I enjoyed your story ... and after all these years!
I met up with a schoolmate from 50 years ago. She said she recalls that I was the class clown.
I thought I was born serious and well-behaved.
Another delusion blown outta the water!
A couple years ago, I got a message from a guy I had went to school with in the 5th grade.
He just wrote to me to say, he always thought of me as a friend. I thought that was pretty nice. I remembered him as the fat pimply boy that everyone made fun of, ...... I was nice to him 'cause I felt bad for him. Kids can be so cruel.
Among the witlesses, all they remember is a time when I used to be consistently at the boasting sessions and out in field circus. Those days are long gone.
My laugh and that I was always happy.
"Among the witlesses, all they remember is a time when I used to be consistently at the boasting sessions and out in field circus."
That's because the JWs have no social life - outside of the KH and F.S. So, of course that's all they would remember of you. It's the same with any ex-JW.
Jim TX
I'm afraid to find out what people remember about me.
I work at a radio station. What did you do there? I have been here 14 years and was Traffic Mgr for a few years and now I'm Sales Co-ordinator.
What I would be remembered for? People say I am even tempered and if I swear, I must be really really mad. Maybe I'll have that put on my tombstone!!!
tak - "I work at a radio station. What did you do there? I have been here 14 years and was Traffic Mgr for a few years and now I'm Sales Co-ordinator."
Hmmm... I used to work in radio. A long time ago - in a different life. I started in 1975 - and worked at a local radio station at the transmitter site. I read the power readings and logged them for the stations - as required by the FCC (Federal Communications Comission).
Later, I sorta got into doing on-air work locally for a station that played 'elevator music'. I worked there from midnight to 6am on the weekends.
My last stint in radio took me to small towns (Burnet, TX & Fredericksburg, TX) in 1978. In Burnet, I was an on-air personality, wrote/cut commercials, did sales, assistant-engineer, janitor, etc.
That was where I met Rex - who was the news-dude. He went out and got local news and went live with the news whenever. We were/are about the same age, and hung out together - as there was not much else to do in that podunk town (they roll up the sidewalks around 5pm everyday).
We would go to another small town about 15 miles away to the local pizza restaurant (Mr. Gatti's) and would get pizza and rootbeer. A couple of wild and crazy guys.
I was at that radio station for about... let's see... 6 months - when the manager/part-owner called me into his office and fired me - giving me two weeks notice.
I got the last laugh though... I found a new job in Fredericksburg, TX - and didn't go into work on my last day of work - a Saturday. The manager whut fired me was furious! He didn't notice the station wasn't on the air until around 8 or 9 when he got up (I usually opened up and got it on the air around 6am). No one else to go turn it on, and run it - except him.
Anyway... that was a long time ago.
It's like this. A close friend once asked me... "Jim, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
I replied, "When I grow up, I want to be a DJ!"
She said, "No Jim. You can either grow up - or become a DJ." I grew up.
Jim TX
a small digression...
it's BURN IT
durn it....
can't ya learn it?!( i grew up in the hill counrty area )