10 kilograms and still going strong!

by Princess Daisy Boo 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    For those of you who followed my weight watchers thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/157445/1.ashx) ... I am so excited to announce that this week I hit the 10 kg mark (22lbs)

    This is going so well and I am feeling very proud of myself, and also looking a lot better.

  • free2think

    WELL DONE PDB thats awesome.

  • llbh


    Well done you Princess i bet you feel so much better. Any before amd after pics?


  • Hope4Others

    That is truly a remarkable accomplishment, take a bow you deserve it.

    bunny you rock


  • FadingAway

    Great Job PDB!!!!!! Well done!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I lost afew kilo's....lets agve a bender at Pizza Hut to celibrate!!!!.........Oh, see thats where I always go wrong.

  • LouBelle

    Princes Daisy Boo - WHOOP WHOOP !!!

    that is a whole sack of potatoes or cat sand - and I lift those - So proud of you. I know it isn't easy.

    You keep going!! And no! no pizza - do not deter this girl!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That's great! Keep it up and no pizza! Can't eat just one slice, ya know. That's the problem with me.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    But I miss my Pizza sooooo muchand then.....it's my Kriptonite! Today I was tempted but had Vege's and 97% fat free chips instead.

    "Man does not live on bread alone"......add some toppings!

  • LouBelle

    okay I have to admit - I had a piece today - so 20 min on the treadmill is going to work that off. Plus I make killler pizza - the bestest you've ever tried!

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