Society to start laminating paper backed publications

by Lady Zombie 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    It is still crap. Why bother even putting out material when the advice in it does not work?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I saw this coming when they did away with hardcovers.

    As a pioneer, I saw many hardcovers that were dog eared.

    I thought, "How can paperback last a month in the hands of a pioneer?"

    I, too, believe they will go back to hardbound out of necessity.

    The paperbacks must look terrible by now.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I believe what this means is that the low cost paperback books the WTS has been making are getting worn out very quickly. So while a hardcover book used to last a long time and could withstand multiple studies, the paperback books don't hold up. Thus the Watchtower has to print more books it than it really has to, simply because the ones they are printing do not last and are frequently reordered.

    So it seems that by laminating their books they hope their members will get a bit more use out of them. I'm guessing that the cost to laminate is better than going back to hardback books.

    This is what I figure it means, also.

    This is good news for us. Let me break it down.

    Hardcover, decent quality books cost money to produce.
    They lower the quality with paperback books to reduce costs.
    They discover that the dubs go through the books faster and
    they have to improve the quality ever so slightly to actually save money.
    The dubs will continue to destroy these books from reading, carrying them.

    I really expected a whole series of C.O. visits and Circuit Assembly parts and
    Kingdom Ministry articles on how to care for your cheap books, and how many
    dubs have taken them to professionals on their own or learned how to laminate or
    otherwise strengthen books at their own expense. WTS isn't even bothering with
    that step because the vast majority will just say "Oh, why do all that when I can just
    get another book when I need it?"

    This means the members are driving costs up, no matter what. It's only a matter of
    time before the publishing company stops publishing. How much time? Still quite a
    while> :-(

  • slimboyfat

    Laminated publications how exciting. I'm so excited! Next thing they will be printing the calendars full size again.

  • hillbilly

    Cheap books was one of the topics that caused my wife to feel spiritually endangered.

    I had not been to meeting for a long time... She left a book with a spiral binding out and I was looking at it once.

    Me, "Hey, when did they start the spiral binding? That's sorta neat for these "manual-type books".

    She, " Ahhh... I had that done at Office Max."

    Me, " What a much did you donate for a book you had to fix to use?"

    She... mumbles and leaves room........

    That was at least 6 years ago.

    What does it cost to have one of those throwaway books overhauled anyway?


  • blondie

    I think I mentioned above that it costs $5 to $7 per book to have it spiral bound.

  • ohiocowboy

    Imagine how much they would save if they just stopped printing the bullsh*t books altogether!

  • 1914BS

    Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?
    It took me years to write, will you take a look?
    Based on a novel by a man named Lear
    and I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer,
    paperback writer.

    It's the dirty story of a dirty man
    and his clinging wife doesn't understand.
    His son is working for the Daily Mail,
    it's a steady job but he wants to be a paperback writer,
    paperback writer.

    Paperback writer

    It's a thousand pages, give or take a few,
    I'll be writing more in a week or two.
    I can make it longer if you like the style,
    I can change it round and I want to be a paperback writer,
    paperback writer.

    If you really like it you can have the rights,
    it could make a million for you overnight.
    If you must return it, you can send it here
    but I need a break and I want to be a paperback writer,
    paperback writer.

    Paperback writer

    Paperback writer - paperback writer
    paperback writer - paperback writer (fade)

  • logic

    My wife wanted to spiral bound hers because she said it would be easier to use. I told her to take a razor knife and just cut out the pages for the study each time, then throw away the pages that are done, then when you are done you can get another one for the hundreth time. That way you always have new pages.

    I wanted a large print bible many years ago, but I hated the large print hardbound copy of the nwt. So I priced the cost of having it rebound , the price is ridiculous and you still end up with a cheap bible. So I just bought myself a very large print bright print kings james bible in leather, cost me 35.00 bucks , it is a really nice bible and way much easier to read than the nwt.

    The society always bragged on the quality of their literature, but the quality is actually crap. I have some that have never been used that just start to fall apart. I think the society knew there was no need for endurance. The book shouldn't have to last any longer than the old light.

  • hillbilly

    Thanks Blondie....

    So... a .35 cent book that costs $5-7 a copy to make "usable" under normal service.

    Can anyone say "negative amorization"?

    Maybe that why the ex alway though I was pissed?


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