Fort Worth TX DC report (Friday June 27)

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Family just got back. A couple of interesting things.

    They have Teddy there. Jaracz is the visiting GB member. Maybe some enterprising JWD'er can get some good MP3 snippets from his ramblings. Anyway, the interesting part:

    He was LATE TO THE STAGE FOR HIS TALK. Program was running on time, and of course they usually have a brother escort the next speaker out to the seating behind the stage 20 minutes before his part starts, from the Chairman's office. Well, they got up there, thanked Brother XYZ for his part, and announced Brother Teddy J for his part... and he turned, and there was nobody there. He came back to the microphone and said something to the effect of "well, he'll be here SHORTLY!"

    Some brother then came walking out from behind the bleachers towards the stage, and everyone started CLAPPING. ?!?!!? (Turns out it wasn't Teddy, and the mystery brother was embarrassed) I asked the family about that... "they started clapping? Because he stepped into the arena?! Are you serious? WHY??" They said "They were Clap Happy. Probably didn't want him to feel embarrassed about being late to the stage." Ok...

    Oh, and the other item: I have a copy of the YPA V2 book and will scan it tomorrow... keep your eyes peeled for it mid-day.

    They also reported that paramedics were called after a young (little little) girl took a tumble down the stairs. Now that they're scaling back the conventions in Fort Worth to 3000 folks or so spread out over 5-6 weekends, makes you wonder why they just don't utilize the Assembly Hall in Denton and save the expense of renting.

  • carla

    The 'drama' is on Sat, right? Will you let us know if it is like the one floating around on the internet? thanks.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Well, I wouldn't know for two reasons, Carla... 1) I won't be there -- THEY went, not me! ; and 2) I haven't seen the YouTube version and can't fathom to put myself through it. Maybe some other JWD'er that does go to a convention this weekend can comment on the drama?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    makes you wonder why they just don't utilize the Assembly Hall in Denton and save the expense of renting.

    Nina's father had personal knowledge of the building of that monstrosity. He told me that the committee that selected the location, out in the middle of nowhere in Denton County, all lived relatively close to the site. He also told me that the final cost of the facility, which was mostly (all? can't remember now) with Witnesses (read: free) labor was somewhere between $12 million and $14 million. It includes a truck depot and a kitchen that, now, no one uses. Real smart.

    So TJ, do they still keep TCCC as hot as they used to? I used to die from lack of air movement. And darkness, up in the cheap seats it's so dark you can't bloody well read anything.


  • crazyblondeb

    Nina's father had personal knowledge of the building of that monstrosity. He told me that the committee that selected the location, out in the middle of nowhere in Denton County, all lived relatively close to the site. He also told me that the final cost of the facility, which was mostly (all? can't remember now) with Witnesses (read: free) labor was somewhere between $12 million and $14 million. It includes a truck depot and a kitchen that, now, no one uses. Real smart.

    I sorta remember something about that place getting egged and tp'd not long after it was built?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Really? I never heard that.

    But then by then I was on my out and so no one was talking to me.

    It's built out in the middle of farm land. You've got to drive, what, 10 minutes before you just find a Denny's (or some such).

    The one in Arlington was better. Even with the mold on the walls, it was better.


  • crazyblondeb

    *still laughing uncontollably*


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Seriously though, isn't that stupidest place for a convention hall? I mean really it just looks dumb out there in all that farm land off of a 2 lane blacktop.

    And what is with sisters? They won't make a left out of that parking lot unless there is 5 miles of clear road!!!


  • donny

    Ft. Worth is where most of the DC's were when I was attending back in the 1980's and early 1990's. Because Jared Hardie pretty much ran the conventions and was a former Bethelite, he always seemed to get a governing body member to speak at the convention. By the way, is Jared Hardie still running the Ft. Worth conventions? He is the slim black guy who speaks quite well and was one of the few I believed lived the life of a real JW. God, I am so glad that part of my life is behind me!!!!

  • crazyblondeb

    Seriously though, isn't that stupidest place for a convention hall? I mean really it just looks dumb out there in all that farm land off of a 2 lane blacktop.

    And what is with sisters? They won't make a left out of that parking lot unless there is 5 miles of clear road!!!

    That's what I thought when i first saw it, quit accidently. As we were "road-tripping" at the time. I laughed soooooooo freaking hard, my friends thought i had lost it.

    It's not just the sisters.........I saw some brothers having the same prob!! And I was only cruising the parking lot, laughing my ass off!

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