Fort Worth TX DC report (Friday June 27)

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    I always like it when things go wrong at those things. I would like just once to have the entire Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger standing under the scoreboard and have the scoreboard come crashing down on them, killing every single one of them while sparing those innocent people that were coerced to be there.

    Just one more reason I will never attend one of those wastefests.

  • donny

    makes you wonder why they just don't utilize the Assembly Hall in Denton and save the expense of renting.

    I never got to see the inside of the finished Denton Assembly Hall. I worked on that thing for the better part of two years, but I came to my senses before the AH came to its completion.

  • cruzanheart

    Yes, Donny, as far as I know Jared Hardie is still the King of All Things Assembly Related. I've been out 6 years, though, so I'm pretty out of touch.

    The inside of the Denton AH did not justify $12 million. There are some puffy wall hanging type pictures on the walls and hand-painted tile of "paradise" around the baptismal pool; chairs are okay -- I've sat in worse. HUGE kitchen that's going to waste and a picnic area outside. And Chris is right -- it's in the middle of nothing but farmland and is a real pain in the butt to get to from most places in the DFW area.

    I don't miss that or anything else about the Witnesses one little bit. Real life is great!


  • HankSrFan

    Wow, did this post bring back memories!! I have been lurking about on this board for years and just couldn't take it anymore! I had to sign up!! :) The worst thing ever was being DFed during DC at TCCC! You eat your sandwich in 3 minutes and then get to watch fake smiles down below for an hour and 1/2! After the first time I tried eating lunch there while DFed (I wanted to follow God's rules about not going to lunch during DC, because that's in the bible somewhere), it was all Razzoo's and pubs during lunch for me!! :) Great to be a member here, finally!! Enjoy the last bit of your weekend!! :)

  • HankSrFan

    P.S. in reply to the comments about the Denton assembly hall, I must agree. I don't know what the WTBTS has against building something really pretty and praise worthy! It has to be all boring, all the time!! The puffy "tapestries" are an abomination (and were admittedly created free of charge by "sisters").

  • cruzanheart

    Hey, HankSrFan, welcome to the board! Might know you, might not. I'm the former Christina Bibbee (now known as Nina Scott, married to Big Tex on this board), and I've been in the Dallas area since 1973. Been out of the JWs for 6 glorious years now after being in for 46 years.

    Oh, and I like Hank Jr.


  • SnakesInTheTower


    I would like just once to have the entire Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger standing under the scoreboard and have the scoreboard come crashing down on them, killing every single one of them while sparing those innocent people that were coerced to be there.

    Normally, WTW, I laugh my a$$ off when I read your posts... In this case, it caught me off guard. I sure hope that was tongue in cheek. Otherwise....

    If not, as much as I despise the GB and all they stand for.... I would not wish for anyone to see a human being (even the GB) squashed by a multi-ton hunk of steel and plastic..... that only looks funny in Road Runner and Daffy Duck cartoons.... can you imagine the actual horror of seeing that happen and blood and guts come oozing out? Especially little kids that would witness such an event.....but really anyone with an ounce of humanity would be horrified by that reality. If you have ever witnessed a real car accident where a real person died you would understand why such a wish bothers me....

    However, I make exception to pedophiles... I have ideas for them...

    If you were just kidding about the above.....then please accept my apologies for getting all serious...

    Snakes ()

  • HankSrFan

    Hey Nina!! Not sure if I've met you or not. I've been out for about 5 years myself. Bibbee? Are you related to John Bibbee? I seem to remember a guy named that from back around maybe 15 years ago. What congo did you attend? We'll have to go do some RVs together soon! :) Good to hear from you!!!

  • cruzanheart

    My dad was Bill Bibbee (William C. Bibbee). He was in the DeSoto congregation. When we moved to Texas in 1973, we were in the Garland congregation for about a month, then moved to Richardson and stayed there three years, then moved to Corsicana (stupid idea, but it wasn't mine) for a long, grueling year. From there we moved to Lancaster, where I stayed until I married Big Tex in 1983. My parents stayed there until 2000, when we had to put Mom in a nursing home (she had Alzheimer's) and I insisted that they move closer to us.

    When Chris and I married, we moved to Arlington for about three years, then back to his old congregation of White Rock in Dallas (gag), then to Plano in 1994. We've been around Plano ever since. We live in Murphy now and the Witnesses (it's the Oak Park congregation's territory) show up every few years. Territory is worked VERY sporadically, if at all, around here. Which is how the neighbors and I like it!

    Next 'fest or lunch, you gotta come!


  • crazyblondeb

    This thread is really making me homesick!!

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