Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-29-08 WT Study (April 15, 2008, pages 21-25)(LIFE WORTHWHILE)Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
w = Watchtower
g = Awake
jv = Proclaimers book
Bible translations
WT publications
WT child abuse
Blood issue
United Nations
WHAT MAKES LIFE WORTHWHILE? "Fear the true God and keep his commandments." -ECCL. 12:13.
Once again the WTS uses an OT example, Solomon, and an OT book to make its point. Are there no NT examples that they can use or manipulate. The last few dramas at the district convention have had invented Bible characters placed as NT examples, Scolios. Why doesn't the WTS use these examples in its printed material? Has the WTS ever put the drama scripts or accounts in print? Why not, trying to hide something.
Here is a video of the 2008 DC drama.
Q 1, 2. How can we benefit from considering the book of Ecclesiastes?
IMAGINE a man who seems to have everything. He is a renowned statesman, one of the richest men on earth, and the greatest intellectual of his generation. Despite all his accomplishments, however, in effect he still asks himself, 'What makes life worthwhile?'
Notice that the WT once again is using an OT example and OT scriptures.
2. Such a man really existed -some three thousand years ago. His name was Solomon, and in the book of Ecclesiastes, we find his description of his search for satisfaction. (Eccl. 1:13) There is much we can learn from Solomon's experience. Indeed, the wisdom found in the book of Ecclesiastes can help us to establish goals that will give true meaning to our lives.
How many of us remember the final outcome of Solomon, worshipping other Gods, married to 1,000 women, most non-jews, and finally dying an "apostate." The WTS says that Solomon will be resurrected, what about "apostates" who die today?
Notice how the WTS blames his wives, wives that he chose; where was his wisdom then?
*** it-1 p. 947 Divided Kingdom ***
Because of the apostasy of King Solomon. Desiring to please his foreign wives, Solomon allowed rank idolatry to infiltrate the nation, building ‘high places’ to false gods.
*** w87 7/15 p. 19 par. 15 Prayers Require Works ***
But when Solomon went contrary to its instructions, as by multiplying wives and horses, his works were no longer in harmony with his prayers. As a result, Solomon became an apostate and died as such a “senseless one.”
Why are the writings of an apostate in the Bible?
"Striving After Wind"
Q 3. What sobering fact about human life must all of us face?
3. Solomon explains that God created an abundance of beautiful things on the earth--an inexhaustible and amazing source of interest and wonderment that we never cease to enjoy. However, we can hardly even begin to explore God's creation because our lives are too short. (Eccl. 3:11; 8:17) As the Bible says, our days are few and they pass quickly. (Job 14:1, 2; Eccl. 6:12) This sobering fact should move us to use our lives wisely. That is no easy task, since Satan's world may well point us in the wrong direction.
"wonderment"--when was the last time you used that word?
"our lives are too short...few and they pass quickly"--I wonder how many older jws that have been waiting for the "end" for 40, 50, 60 years and facing death, who are wondering what the WTS means by "soon"?
Satan's world--how is it possible for a jw to think that Satan is the "god of this system of things" yet it doesn't mean that all non-jws are worshipping Satan?
*** w05 10/15 p. 23 par. 12 Beware of Developing a Haughty Heart ***
Satan seduced Eve into eating the fruit of the only tree that God had ruled out. Then, Satan used her to get Adam to eat of the forbidden fruit. (Genesis 3:1-6) Thus the first human pair rejected God’s right to rule over them and, in effect, became worshippers of Satan
*** w90 12/1 p. 6 Which God Should You Worship? ***
Satan has enormous influence. The apostle John said that “the whole world” is lying in his power, and Paul called him “the god of this system of things.” (1 John 5:19; 2 Corinthians 4:4) Hence, worship of any god apart from Jehovah is really worship of Satan
Q 4. (a) What does the word "vanity" imply? (b) What pursuits in life ,"will we consider?
4. To highlight the danger of wasting our lives, Solomon uses the word "vanity" some 30 times in Ecclesiastes. The Hebrew word translated "vanity" refers to something empty, futile, meaningless, of no substance, or of no lasting value. (Eccl. 1:2, 3) Sometimes Solomon uses the word "vanity" as a parallel of "striving after wind." (Eccl. 1:14; 2:11) Obviously, any attempt to catch the wind is futile. Anyone trying to do so ends up grasping at nothing. Pursuing unwise goals will prove to be just as frustrating. Life in this present system is too short to waste on endeavors that leave us empty-handed. Hence, to help us avoid making that mistake, let us look at some examples that Solomon gives of common pursuits in life. First, we will consider the pursuit of pleasure and possessions. After that. we will discuss the value of work.
Remember the WT study article on valueless things? And there is yet another article coming up later in the year on materialism.
What is a "wise goal"? What are "endeavors that leave us empty-handed"? Higher education, a well-paying job, saving for retirement.
How was Solomon able to have so much materially in his pre-apostate days and be held up as a good example?
Will the Pursuit of Pleasure Make Us Happy?
Q 5. Where did Solomon search for satisfaction?
Like many people today, Solomon tried to find satisfaction by pursuing a life of pleasure. He reports: "I did not hold back my heart from any sort of rejoicing (Eccl. 2:10) Where did he search for pleasure? According to Ecclesiastes chapter 2, he 'cheered his flesh with wine' -at the same time maintaining self-control-and pursued such activities as landscaping, designing palaces, listening to music, and enjoying good food.
Yet Solomon retained his "good standing" and "privileges" as he pursued "pleasure."
Considering Solomon was given special wisdom, why did he have to experiment and search for pleasure? Wouldn't he be wise enough to know the "vanity" of it?
So he was a "master gardener," an architect, all requiring higher education. Solomon not only listened to music but he had musical groups and singers on the payroll. He wasn't popping a CD or an MP3. And enjoying good food, he had chefs on staff and had access to food from all over the world of his time. I wonder how much he was spending?
Q 6. (a) Why is it not wrong to enjoy some of the good things in life? (b) In the matter of recreation, what balance is needed?
6. Does the Bible condemn having a good time with friends? Not at all. Solomon notes, for instance, that enjoying a meal in a relaxed atmosphere after a hard day's work is a gift of God. (Read Ecclesiastes 2:24; 3:12, /3.) Moreover, Jehovah himself invites young ones to 'rejoice and let their heart do them good' in a responsible way. (Eccl. 11:9) We need relaxation and wholesome entertainment. (Compare Mark 6:31.) However, recreation should not become the primary purpose of our life. Rather, relaxation should be like the dessert at the end of a meal, not the main course. You will agree that no matter how much you enjoy sweet desserts, you would soon tire of them if you ate nothing else, and they would not provide much sustenance. Similarly, Solomon discovered that a life centered on pleasure was" a striving after wind." -Eccl. 2: 10,11.
While the Bible may not condemn having a good time with friends the WTS/FDS/GB does.
*** g93 6/22 p. 12 What About Hanging Out? ***
The Bible does not condemn having a good time with friends. Nevertheless, it warns: “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.” (Proverbs 13:20) Now, how many of the youths idly standing on street corners can be said to be wise persons—those having a real respect for Bible principles? They may not necessarily be troublemakers, but a large group of bored, unsupervised youths plus a lot of idle time can easily add up to trouble.
*** w99 9/1 p. 15 par. 9 Youths—Train Your Perceptive Powers! ***
Nevertheless, badly organized gatherings may spell trouble. At 1 Corinthians 10:8, we read of how unwise associations led to fornication and the execution of “twenty-three thousand [unfaithful Israelites] in one day.” Another sobering warning is found at Romans 13:13: “As in the daytime let us walk decently, not in revelries and drunken bouts, not in illicit intercourse and loose conduct, not in strife and jealousy.” (Compare 1 Peter 4:3.) True, no fixed number can be set for how many can attend a gathering. But experience shows that the larger a gathering is, the harder it is to supervise it. Smaller, well-managed gatherings are less likely to turn into “wild parties.”—Galatians 5:21, Byington.
Consider the schedule the WTS considers appropriate for the rank and file. What time is free for "recreation"? Saturday afternoon and evening, Sunday evening, and perhaps one evening each week. So how much time is there to over recreate?
Q 7. Why should we choose our recreation carefully?
7. Furthermore, not all kinds of recreation are wholesome. Many are downright harmful-both spiritually and morally. How many millions have plunged their lives into despair just because they 'wanted to have a good time: abusing drugs, overindulging in alcohol, or gambling? Jehovah kindly warns us that if we allow our heart or our eyes to lead us toward what is harmful, we must expect to suffer the consequences.-Gal. 6:7.
Notice that the WTS chooses extreme forms of "recreation." But what do they leave out: movies, television, video games, extreme sports, raves, certain music groups, certain dances, paint ball, laser tag.
Q 8. Why is it wise to reflect on our life course?
8. Moreover, an unbalanced pursuit of pleasure will hinder us from paying proper attention to weightier matters. Remember, life passes by quickly, and there is no guarantee that our short life will always be marked by good health and freedom from problems. That is why, as Solomon further noted, we may derive greater benefit from attending a funeral-especially that of a loyal Christian brother or sister-than from going to a "house of rejoicing." (Read Ecclesiastes 7: 2,4.) Why is that so? As we listen to the funeral discourse and reflect on the life course of the faithful servant of Jehovah who has died, we might be moved to examine our own life course. As a result, we may conclude that we need to adjust our goals in order to use the remainder of our lives wisely.-Eccl. 12:1.
unbalanced--considering the "free" time the rank and file have each week, how could it be unbalanced?
Since when does the jw speaker talk about the life course of the deceased jw beyond 5 minutes and the rest a sermon about WTS teachings?
Note: Instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth. (Funeral talk outline: )
Will Material Possessions Give Us Satisfaction?
Q 9. What did Solomon discover regarding the possessing of wealth?
9. Solomon was one of the richest men on earth when he wrote Ecclesiastes. (2 Chron. 9:22) He had the means to acquire anything he wanted. "Anything that my eyes asked for I did not keep away from them:' he wrote. (Eccl. 2:10) Nevertheless, he discovered that possessions do not in themselves bring satisfaction. "A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income," he concluded.-Eccl. 5:10.
So why hadn't Solomon donated his money to the poor, sick and elderly especially since he had "discovered that possessions do not in themselves bring satisfaction"?
Q 10. What leads to true satisfaction and true riches?
10. Despite the fleeting value of possessions, wealth can still exert a powerful attraction. In a recent survey in the United States, 75 percent of all first-year university students described their principal goal in life as being "financially very well off." Even if they reached their goal, would they be truly happy? Not necessarily. Researchers have noted that an emphasis on materialism is, in fact, a hindrance to happiness and satisfaction. A long time ago, Solomon had already reached that same conclusion. He wrote: "I accumulated also silver and gold for myself, and property peculiar to kings...And, look! Everything was vanity and a striving after wind."* (Eccl. 2:8,11) In contrast, if we use our life to serve Jehovah wholeheartedly and thus receive his blessing, we will obtain true riches.–Read Proverbs 10:22
* Solomon had a basic yearly revenue of 666 talents (over 22,000 kilograms) of gold.-2 Chron. 9:13 .
"recent survey" - by whom, what was the name of the survey, when was it done and where?
That might help explain a shift in what college freshmen described as their primary personal objectives. In 1970, 79 percent said their goal was developing a meaningful philosophy of life. By 2005, 75 percent said their primary objective was to be financially very well off.
This eclectic portrait of the American people is drawn from the 1,376 tables in the Census Bureau’s 2007 Statistical Abstract of the United States, the annual feast for number crunchers that is being served up by the federal government today.
"researchers" - and who are those researchers, and where is their research?
And this all builds up to "materialism" which translates to meaning that the rank and file are not giving enough to the WTS.
How much is 666 talents?
Per the Insight Book:
*** it-2 p. 990 Solomon ***
666 talents (c. $256,643,000) - annually
So why was Solomon allowed to keep this large sum and retain be considered such a stellar example?
What Kind of Work Brings Genuine Satisfaction?
Q 11. What do the Scriptures indicate about the value of work?
11. Jesus said: "My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working." (John 5:17) There is no doubt that Jehovah and Jesus derive satisfaction from work. The Bible indicates Jehovah's satisfaction with his creative work when it says: "God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good." (Gen. 1 :31) The angels "began shouting in applause" when they saw all that God had done. (Job 38:4-7) Solomon likewise appreciated the value of meaningful work.-Eccl. 3:13.
So what does the WTS consider "meaningful work"?
*** w06 5/15 p. 28 par. 12 The Joys of Walking in Integrity ***
What about involvement in work? We have the most meaningful work to get involved in—the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work
*** g 6/07 p. 9 Determined to Be Rich Spiritually ***
On what will you focus? What will you pursue? Chief among the fine works Paul referred to is the preaching and disciple-making activity that Jesus gave his disciples to do. (Matthew 28:19, 20) When Christians voluntarily simplify their lives, not merely to slow down and enjoy life but to have a greater share in this meaningful work, they are “treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future” in God’s promised new world.
Q 12, 13. (a) How do two individuals express the satisfaction they gain from honest work? (b) Why can secular work sometimes be frustrating?
12. Many humans understand the value of honest work. For instance, Jose, a successful artist, says, "When you are able to paint on the canvas the picture you have in mind, you feel as if you had conquered a high mountain." Miguel,* a businessman, notes: "Work gives satisfaction because it enables you to provide for your family. It can also give you a sense of achievement."
What is "honest work"? Evidently not art or business.
13. On the other hand, many jobs are monotonous and offer few opportunities to be creative. Sometimes the workplace itself is a source of frustration and even the scene of injustice. As Solomon points out, the lazy one-perhaps because he uses his connections with people in power-may reap the reward of the diligent worker. (Eccl. 2:21) Other factors may also lead to disappointment. What starts out as a so-called wonderful business opportunity may end up in failure because of an economic downturn or unforeseen occurrences. (Read Ecclesiastes 9: 11.) Many times, the person who struggles hard to succeed ends up bitter and frustrated, realizing that he has kept "working hard for the wind."-Eccl.5:16.
"Many jobs are monotonous and offer few opportunities to be creative" - a perfect description of 99.5 percent of the jobs at Bethel - as well as "a source of frustration and even the scene of injustice."
And of course no jw has used "his connections with people in power."
The message here is too that jws shouldn't try to succeed on their job because they might fail. But without a decent job, how will the rank and file have anything to donate to the WTS?
* name has been changed (why do they change their names in this article but not at the conventions?)
Q 14. What work always brings genuine satisfaction?
14. Is there any kind of work that never disappoints? Jose, the artist mentioned earlier, observes: "Over the years, paintings may get lost or destroyed. That is not the case with the spiritual things we produce. By obeying Jehovah in preaching the good news, I have helped to build something permanent-fine God-fearing Christians. That is priceless." (1 Cor. 3:9-11) Miguel likewise says that preaching the Kingdom message brings him far more satisfaction than his secular work. "Nothing can replace the joy you feel when you share a Scriptural truth with someone and you sense that it has touched that person's heart," he says.
Christians--only jws
I wonder how much time they spend in the field circus work compared to their secular jobs, eh? What happens if that person they "helped to build" leaves the WTS? Wouldn't that be disappointing?
"Send Out Your Bread"
Q 15. What makes life really worthwhile?
15. In conclusion, what really makes life worthwhile? We feel true satisfaction If we use our brief time in this system of things to do good and to please Jehovah. We can build up a close relationship with God, we can pass on spiritual values to our children, we can help others to know Jehovah, and we can forge lasting friendships with our brothers and sisters. (Gal. 6:10) All these endeavors have permanent value and bring blessings to those who achieve them. Solomon used a very interesting comparison to describe the value of doing good. He said: "Send out your bread upon the surface of the waters, for in the course of many days you will find it again." (Eccl. 11 :1) Jesus urged his disciples: "Practice giving, and people wil1 give to you." (Luke 6:38) Furthermore, Jehovah himself promises to reward those who do good toward others.-Prov. 19:17; read Hebrews 6: 10.
Notice again they emphasize the "brief time" jws have "in this system of things." How long have WTS members been waiting--94 years since 1914. Where is Jesus in this paragraph?
Have you ever noticed how few jws stay in touch when you change congregations? How "lasting" was that friendship?
Did you know that congregations only give to jws that have been members a long time and are in "good standing"?
Q 16. When is the ideal time to plan our life's course?
16. The Bible urges us to make wise decisions while we are still young regarding how we will use our life. In that way, we will be able to avoid frustration in later years. (Ecc!. 12:1) How sad it would be if we were to waste the best years of our life chasing the attractions of the world, only to find that they are no more substantial than the wind!
Translation: young jws should regular pioneer and live at home, letting mommy and daddy support them.
Translation: attractions of the world: go to college, get married young.
Q 17. What will help you to choose the best way of life?
17. Like any loving father, Jehovah wants you to enjoy life, to do good, and to avoid unnecessary heartache. (Eccl. ] ] :9,10) What will help you to do that? Establish spiritual goals and then work hard to reach them. Nearly 20 years ago, Javier had to choose between a promising medical career and the full-time ministry. "Although a doctor's work can be satisfying, nothing could compare with the joy I felt when I helped several people to come to know the truth," he says. "Full-time service has enabled me to enjoy life to the full. My only regret is that I did not begin earlier."
So I wonder if the doctors who became jws had to ditch their careers and pioneer? I wonder how the WTS found doctors to come to Bethel?
How many elders do you know that gave up their jobs and pioneered?
Q 18. Why did Jesus' life on earth prove so worthwhile?
18. What, then, is the most valuable thing we should strive to possess? The book of Ecclesiastes says: "A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one's being born." (Eccl. 7:1) Nothing illustrates this better than the life of Jesus. He surely made an outstanding name with Jehovah. When Jesus died faithful, he vindicated his Father's sovereignty and provided the ransom sacrifice, which opened the way for our salvation. (Matt. 20:28) During his brief time on earth, Jesus provided the perfect example-one that we strive to imitate-of a truly worthwhile life.-1 Cor. 11:1; ] Pet. 2:21.
So are jws trying to make a name with God or with the elders, the CO, the DO, the visiting Bethel brothers, the GB?
Notice that the WTS works in "his brief time on earth."
Q 19. "What wise counsel did Solomon give?
19 We too can establish a good name with God. Having a good reputation in Jehovah's eyes is for us far more valuable than having riches. (Read Matthew 6:19-21.) Every day, we can find ways to do things that are good in Jehovah's eyes and that will enrich our lives. For example, we can share the good news with others, strengthen our marriage and our family, and deepen our spirituality by personal study and meeting attendance. (Eccl.11:6; Heb. 13:16) So, then, do you want to enjoy a truly worthwhile life? If so, keep on following Solomon's counsel: "Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man." -Eccl. 12:13.
Do jws share the "good news" or WTS dogma? Did early Christians need to study publications or were the scriptures sufficient? Where in the
Bible does it say Christians must attend five weekly meetings?
How Would You Answer?
What should move us to think seriously about our goals in life?
How should we view the pursuit of pleasure and possessions?
What kind of work will bring lasting satisfaction?
What valuable thing should we strive to possess?
This is such a boring article. But the basic message is that materialism is making deeper inroads into their membership. I have noticed that the people at my old congregation are buying cars, houses, working full-time, going on expensive trips, advancing in their jobs but not pioneering..
Love, Blondie